Politics and Religion

When I start supporting Huckabee you can start grilling me about what he said
GaGambler 239 reads

If anything I detest the man more than you do, so why should I have to condemn or support any one thing that he has said? Are you asked to defend Bernie Sanders' socialist stance? When you start supporting Sanders, I might "demand" that you discuss what he says, until then no one has put you on the spot for anything ridiculous he might have said.  

Truth be told, I didn't even read your link, as whatever Huckabee says is just so much blah blah blah to me. and unlike Trumps outrageous statements, Trump is a frontrunner (at least at the moment) Huckabee is so far back in the pack his statements don't really interest me. Get back to me if and when Huckabee has even a snowballs chance of being relevant and we can talk about whatever the fuck he said.

hyperbole, and a major case of hypocrisy! His goose is cooked; stick a fork in him! Perhaps he's trying to get attention by out trumping Trump!  ;)

-- Modified on 7/27/2015 10:49:21 AM

The fork was already in Huckster by the time he announced his candidacy.  

But where do you see hypocrisy here?

GaGambler238 reads

When Bernie Sanders has a fork stuck in him as well.

Huckabee was NEVER a serious candidate for POTUS, wasn't it the lefties who were accusing him (rightly) that he just wanted to keep his name in the headlines to keep his ratings up?

I think 15 people on the R side would have to fall for the Huckster to be the front runner. LOL

GaGambler268 reads

but I doubt that he would be the front runner for any longer than that, and then we would have the Democratic clown car full of every left wing whacko thinking he/she had a chance of becoming POTUS.

I think it would be great entertainment. After all if we were able to survive 8 years of Bush followed by 8 more years of Obama, just how much worse can any of the new clowns possibly be?

His boy Biden would jump right in.

I can only pray that happens. :D

Seriously, I don't think any Dem would beat any of the top 4 R's (Bush, Walker, Rubio, and I put Kasich 4th, although the polls don't show him there now) if Hills bails.

It is a VERY weak Dem bench.

GaGambler215 reads

and none of the current crop of Dems will inspire anyone to turn out for them, with the exception of Warren. Who while I feel would make quite possibly an even worse POTUS than Obama does get the far left very excited. Just ask Willy what he thinks about her if you doubt me. lol

thisbud4u249 reads

He has a chance to be hired as the janitor in the White House.

GaGambler353 reads

but that's about like saying that Nugay is smarter than FatVern. It's not much of a compliment.

bigguy30204 reads

Posted By: mattradd
hyperbole, and a major case of hypocrisy! His goose is cooked; stick a fork in him! Perhaps he's trying to get attention by out trumping Trump!  ;)

-- Modified on 7/27/2015 11:44:52 AM

now I"m against it', though in reality they hope people forget the first part. Notice how Jack and GaG avoid discussing what Huck said!   ;)

I challenged your and the writers assertion of Huck being "hypocritical" and you came back with NOTHING to make your case.

Wanna start over and not avoid my question this time? LOL


-- Modified on 7/27/2015 4:01:41 PM

...which didn't take place because you dodged my question.

If you find your backbone and want to debate it, fine, or if you want to be like bigguy instead, that's fine too. ;

Sorry Jack, after your posts on my OP regarding McConnell's hypocrisy over fetal tissue and organs, and the hatchet job by the CWP against Planned Parenthood, it's become obvious, to me, that there can be no reasonable discussion with you. So, it's not an issue of backbone, but rather than a waste of my time.   ;)

I disagreed with your point about hypocrisy and you didn't even try to defend it but you feel the need to respond with another link that has NOTHING to do with hypocrisy! LOL!  

And people can look at the PP link and come to their own conclusion as you ran away from that debate as well, taking the bizarre stance that PP didn't even take i.e re: the tapes!  

VERY VERY lame Matt. I expected more than a Daffy Duck response and deflection from you.

GaGambler240 reads

If anything I detest the man more than you do, so why should I have to condemn or support any one thing that he has said? Are you asked to defend Bernie Sanders' socialist stance? When you start supporting Sanders, I might "demand" that you discuss what he says, until then no one has put you on the spot for anything ridiculous he might have said.  

Truth be told, I didn't even read your link, as whatever Huckabee says is just so much blah blah blah to me. and unlike Trumps outrageous statements, Trump is a frontrunner (at least at the moment) Huckabee is so far back in the pack his statements don't really interest me. Get back to me if and when Huckabee has even a snowballs chance of being relevant and we can talk about whatever the fuck he said.

GaGambler244 reads

Every time I think about writing you off completely you surprise me and act all reasonable. lol

OK, in the interest of being "reasonable" I just read your linked article and it confirmed why I don't like Huckabee even a little bit more than I like Obama. Huckabee is a two faced, Bible thumping opportunist who will lie like the best of them, even while swearing on a stack of Bibles.

Is this the answer you were hoping for?

and for the record, I would vote for Hillary in a heart beat over Huckabee. Sanders? well if it came down to Sanders vs Huckabee, I'd probably just write in "Moderate Matt" as my pick for POTUS. lol

And, thanks for the vote, but I'm not running. I'm quite happy with what I'm doing. lol  And, I've never sought power and fame. I guess my post was more out of incredulousness about how he could be so thoughtful in his arguments for an Iran nuclear deal, in the past, and be so bellicose against it now.  How does one juggle that, in their mind, with any honesty and integrity? Probably the same mindset as the old snake-oil salesman.  lol

thisbud4u216 reads

Even Jewish leaders have called him out for using the word.    HuckaBS says he has been to that place, stood at the door and knows how it feels like.

Well HuckaBS, when you were there at the door, if I were to be behind you, I would have pushed you in and closed the door behind you.    That is where you really belong.

-- Modified on 7/27/2015 8:54:59 PM

I'm not certain if I just missed it, but I read that he had seen the door, but not that he knows what if feels like. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I suppose there are some Israelis who are thankful for one more voice who, if they are against the deal, supports them, but they'll have to hold their noses thanks to his comments.

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