Politics and Religion

What the Tea Party really is.
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 2066 reads

Neither political party is representative anymore. They're simpled bribed. This results in policies that no average American, regardless of their political viewpoint, are happy with. This results in radicalization in order to instill a faux "purity", which fails since the majority of the American people are not radicals.

The Tea Party would not exist if we didn't have a very effective propaganda system in this country, particularly among right wing media. Tea Partiers have good reason to be upset with the status quo, because just like everyone else, they're losing their homes, their savings, and their jobs.

What neither side is addressing is a cure for this problem. And our broken political system is now so dysfunctional, that to expect it to respond and address this problem is wishful thinking. In fact, the political system has just become even more dysfunctional.

We are in the throws of total societial collapse. This is what happens when empires die, and the clock is ticking on the ole U.S.A.

-- Modified on 8/1/2011 7:10:20 AM

I honestly can't wait for a revolution. Did anyone else catch V for vendetta on cable today? I like that movie. When do you think we will reach a tipping point for that type of violent shift? I say 6 years, cause by then a republican will have been the potus for the last 4yrs and it will get fubar :D

The reality is that the torches and pitchforks crowd will not get off their asses until their privileged lives becomes a lot less privileged. When people have nothing left to lose, then they will be willing to take more risks, and do something about it. Until then, things will only get worse.

Well said and history certainly supports this.  I sense that more and more, the folks paying the bills are becoming sick and tired of seeing their tax money wasted by a handful of politicians who make deals with little interest in what their electorial base elected them to do.  We got a glimpse of the frustration in the last election and thus the emergence of the so-called TP.  We also just now got a glimpse that despite the criticisms toward them, they did in fact take exactly the position that they campaigned on without fear.  The next election will in deed be the test to see just how fed up Americans have become.  It shall be interesting to see if the landslide continues.  I also think that it was also enlightening to see that although most view the TP as republicans, they actually have demonstrated that they are not traditional repubs and don't have any loyalties to anyone except their own voters... Bravo for that.

Neither political party is representative anymore. They're simpled bribed. This results in policies that no average American, regardless of their political viewpoint, are happy with. This results in radicalization in order to instill a faux "purity", which fails since the majority of the American people are not radicals.

The Tea Party would not exist if we didn't have a very effective propaganda system in this country, particularly among right wing media. Tea Partiers have good reason to be upset with the status quo, because just like everyone else, they're losing their homes, their savings, and their jobs.

What neither side is addressing is a cure for this problem. And our broken political system is now so dysfunctional, that to expect it to respond and address this problem is wishful thinking. In fact, the political system has just become even more dysfunctional.

We are in the throws of total societial collapse. This is what happens when empires die, and the clock is ticking on the ole U.S.A.

-- Modified on 8/1/2011 7:10:20 AM

Priapus53977 reads

The U.S. has been in an inexorable downward spiral for nearly 50 years & ( at the risk of sounding like "mrnobrains" ), I don't know of any way to reverse this long "trend".

Empires die,just like Ancient Rome after nearly 1,000 years. Regrettably, I guess its our turn now--------:(

-- Modified on 8/1/2011 9:08:32 AM

I love this sad, tired, and now quite pathetic little country. I still think the long trend could be reversed, but none of our institutions are equipped to handle the mess we're in. So, it probably won't be. At least I have the Canadian national anthem memorized too.

I certainly won't argue with your predictions, in fact, given history and the past few weeks of debate, it looks like we are heading for the demise of the US.  The only real question seems to be how it will end...quietly set into the sunset, or violently into something brand new.

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