Politics and Religion

what "larger point" is there than black kids
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 771 reads
1 / 29

Who's more responsible for the racial divide in this country? People like Donald Trump or people like Jesse Jackson? People like David Duke or people like Al Sharpton?  

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this: we do NOT have a serious problem with race in this country anymore. There is no system-wide discrimination against any particular race. If the USA was such a racist nation, then why are Asians out performing whites?  

The real problem we have is with welfare. Welfare has destroyed that nuclear family in black communities. When you're married to the state, then you get an epidemic of single motherhood. And such people end up raising tomorrow's criminals.  

Take a look at Chicago. It's 2016 for fuck's sake. There is no single damn reason in the world why 14 year old kids should be killing each other in a world where we have smart phones and tumblr. This is what happens when you don't have a father around to teach children how to become men.

LasVegan 120 reads
3 / 29

problems that are extremely complex.  That is why they continue to go unsolved.  If there were any simple solutions to this and other major issues, they would have been solved already.

Al Sharpton is no better than David Duke, but Donald Trump is in a class all his own.  Without the leverage he has gained from his father's money he would be a nobody.  His lack of fairness and consideration for others is unparalleled.  He even has Dick Cheney beat and that says quite a lot.

You may not remember the high number of sole source federal contracts Halliburton won due to Cheney's influence.  As a previous officer in Halliburton and a major stock holder, he made a ton of $$$$ on our attack on Iraq.  Look at where our nation is today because of that one self-serving decision.

bigguy30 176 reads
4 / 29

So let's look at your own hypocrisy.

You want to point to Chicago, but let's look at more young people.

How about those white kids in Charleston church shooting, Columbine High School massacre, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, Virginia Tech shooting with the asian kid?  
They got a hold of guns and kills people including innocent children  in some cases.

It was not a breakdown with these kids and their family unit?

Also let's look at who is mainly on welfare in this country.

Well white people gets welfare the most in this country.
You want to focus in on just some black families.
I say some black families, because not every black family lives the way you describe in this thread.

So I will let someone, who is not in denial respond to you.

The problems are bigger than trying  highlight just black people.  
So every race of people in this country has it issues.
You should try opening your own mind first!


Posted By: willywonka4u
Who's more responsible for the racial divide in this country? People like Donald Trump or people like Jesse Jackson? People like David Duke or people like Al Sharpton?  
 I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this: we do NOT have a serious problem with race in this country anymore. There is no system-wide discrimination against any particular race. If the USA was such a racist nation, then why are Asians out performing whites?  
 The real problem we have is with welfare. Welfare has destroyed that nuclear family in black communities. When you're married to the state, then you get an epidemic of single motherhood. And such people end up raising tomorrow's criminals.  
 Take a look at Chicago. It's 2016 for fuck's sake. There is no single damn reason in the world why 14 year old kids should be killing each other in a world where we have smart phones and tumblr. This is what happens when you don't have a father around to teach children how to become men.

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 3:17:05 PM

mattradd 40 Reviews 130 reads
5 / 29

To post such a question just makes you look like a defensive racist. And, you didn't even answer your own question!  ;)

P.S. Welfare is not the problem you make it out to be. The problem is that we, as a nation, have more people than we have decent paying jobs. Welfare is just a poor band-aid temporary fix for this problem. It's just a way to minimalism the riots, looting and vandalism.

P.S.S Why would you look at Chicago, and not look at Southeast Ohio, West Virginia, East Kentucky and Tennessee when discussing welfare. You know, all those families who have lost multiple members due to heroin overdoses! ;)

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 113 reads
7 / 29

But it terms of responsibility for finding a solution is everybody's issue. Meaning whatever any individual feels is the problem with how to relate to people because of racial differences, that person has to find a way to resolve how he or she is going t deal with it.

As far as different communities, there are lots of factors. The biggest are safety, crime, employment, education, and infrastructure.

These are all hard problems to solve. Political and philosophical views compete as to how to improve schools, minimize crime, etc. And there's only so much taxpayers money to spend on any approach without certainty that it will do any good.

The one area where people have a chance of agreeing, where there are foreseeable outcomes, and where true cost estimates are possible is infrastructure. Getting clean water into the community and garbage and toxicity out. It might cost a lot, but it goes a long ways toward making all the other issues easier to deal with and toward leveling the playing field.

But in most cities, infrastructure is the LAST thing that gets much attention. Few groups champion such causes, voters can't see why one community should get an improved sewage system when the pothole down the street still ain't been fixed. And the people who actually know how to build and repair whole neighborhoods aren't politically motivated to get involved.

What we need are economically minded engineers who can also think like bleeding-heart liberals. But how often do you see a chimera like that

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 115 reads
8 / 29

Five years ago, I never would have dreamed that I would be saying that to you.  lol

We don't get many like this anymore on this board -- a question that actually leads to an adult discussion.  

Yes, welfare and its abuse are a huge problem.  Deadbeat dads and single teens who don't think about what they are doing before finding themselves pregnant have combined to create some massive problems.

Who's more responsible?  I can't say but I put most of the blame not on the leaders but the people themselves.  Adults are causing the problems because they refuse to act like adults. It's too easy to blame the government and the entertainment world.

And this goes far beyond teen pregnancy.  It is an issue that has no real solution but can be reasonably dealt with if adults would just use some common sense

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 144 reads
9 / 29

...No sex education, no birth control, no abortions.  That'll work, right?

FatVern 118 reads
10 / 29

You know what all those white kids, and that Asian had in common?

They were not organized.
Posted By: bigguy30
So let's look at your own hypocrisy.  
 You want to point to Chicago, but let's look at more young people.  
 How about those white kids in Charleston church shooting, Columbine High School massacre, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, Virginia Tech shooting with the asian kid?  
 They got a hold of guns and kills people including innocent children  in some cases.  
 It was not a breakdown with these kids and their family unit?  
 Also let's look at who is mainly on welfare in this country.  
 Well white people gets welfare the most in this country.  
 You want to focus in on just some black families.  
 I say some black families, because not every black family lives the way you describe in this thread.  
 So I will let someone, who is not in denial respond to you.  
 The problems are bigger than trying  highlight just black people.  
 So every race of people in this country has it issues.  
 You should try opening your own mind first!  
Posted By: willywonka4u
Who's more responsible for the racial divide in this country? People like Donald Trump or people like Jesse Jackson? People like David Duke or people like Al Sharpton?    
  I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this: we do NOT have a serious problem with race in this country anymore. There is no system-wide discrimination against any particular race. If the USA was such a racist nation, then why are Asians out performing whites?    
  The real problem we have is with welfare. Welfare has destroyed that nuclear family in black communities. When you're married to the state, then you get an epidemic of single motherhood. And such people end up raising tomorrow's criminals.    
  Take a look at Chicago. It's 2016 for fuck's sake. There is no single damn reason in the world why 14 year old kids should be killing each other in a world where we have smart phones and tumblr. This is what happens when you don't have a father around to teach children how to become men.

-- Modified on 9/26/2016 3:17:05 PM

stucaboy 162 reads
11 / 29

these 14 year olds kill themselves in Chicago...just one. Start with the POTUS and work your way down the list for me.  At what age of the kids do mothers stop getting child support?  If the 12 year old daughter has a baby do we get to double the welfare check for her?

bigguy30 157 reads
12 / 29

You are still swinging and missing with each comment.

Posted By: FatVern
You know what all those white kids, and that Asian had in common?  
 They were not organized.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So let's look at your own hypocrisy.  
  You want to point to Chicago, but let's look at more young people.  
  How about those white kids in Charleston church shooting, Columbine High School massacre, Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, Virginia Tech shooting with the asian kid?    
  They got a hold of guns and kills people including innocent children  in some cases.  
  It was not a breakdown with these kids and their family unit?  
  Also let's look at who is mainly on welfare in this country.  
  Well white people gets welfare the most in this country.  
  You want to focus in on just some black families.  
  I say some black families, because not every black family lives the way you describe in this thread.  
  So I will let someone, who is not in denial respond to you.  
  The problems are bigger than trying  highlight just black people.    
  So every race of people in this country has it issues.  
  You should try opening your own mind first!  
Posted By: willywonka4u
Who's more responsible for the racial divide in this country? People like Donald Trump or people like Jesse Jackson? People like David Duke or people like Al Sharpton?    
   I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this: we do NOT have a serious problem with race in this country anymore. There is no system-wide discrimination against any particular race. If the USA was such a racist nation, then why are Asians out performing whites?    
   The real problem we have is with welfare. Welfare has destroyed that nuclear family in black communities. When you're married to the state, then you get an epidemic of single motherhood. And such people end up raising tomorrow's criminals.    
   Take a look at Chicago. It's 2016 for fuck's sake. There is no single damn reason in the world why 14 year old kids should be killing each other in a world where we have smart phones and tumblr. This is what happens when you don't have a father around to teach children how to become men.
 -- Modified on 9/26/2016 3:17:05 PM

bigguy30 125 reads
13 / 29

Posted By: stucaboy
these 14 year olds kill themselves in Chicago...just one. Start with the POTUS and work your way down the list for me.  At what age of the kids do mothers stop getting child support?  If the 12 year old daughter has a baby do we get to double the welfare check for her?

FatVern 164 reads
14 / 29

and they will tell you

It's the people who promote the negativity that America's children absorb through media. That is who you blame.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 130 reads
15 / 29

...is a problem in the way welfare affects black families instead of trying to be cute with words and treating everything like a boxing match: who's "lost" who's "swinging and missing" and other similar crap.  

The main problem is that those that believe like willywonka4u does usually fail to recognize that it's proliferation of guns that is the main cause for all the problems with shootings in America, whether in the shopping mall or on the South Side of Chicago where every 10th gun you find did NOT come from nearby Kentucky, Iowa, etc with lax gun laws.  
It's called market economy. There is a vacuum in the market. The gangbangers on a south side can't buy guns in Chicago so Kentucky and Iowa and other nearby states help those gangbangers out in that regard.  

The other problem is that those like bigguy30 are refusing to recognize that one of the main problems in African-American community comes from too many black poor being on welfare, and don't give me that crap about Medicare, you know exactly what kind of welfare I'm talking about.  

So they have those two sides, instead of recognizing that the other one has a point and getting together and trying to work out reasonable solution to both problems are going into their respective corners from where they scream at each other: "No, you're so lost!" "You're swinging and missing!" "It's your side's fault!",  "I've got my rights and I'm not giving up my little armory even if 100 more malls gets shot up or 100 more schools get into a shoot out!" or "I need more free money because of what your great-great-pa did to my great-great-pa 200 years ago!"  

Until both of those sides throw their such stupidity out of the window and except common sense as gospel, the darkness shall rule the land - there'd be more mall shootings and school shootings, and close to 40% of African-Americans shall remain poor and angry.  

On my end I'd like to add that if we had draft and everybody felt like their child could go and "die for freedom", there would've never been Iraq, Libya, Syria or whatever else.

bigguy30 180 reads
16 / 29

So I mention facts and you want to run with your usual garbage.
Just more signs, that you only understand your own bullshit!

I will enjoy Trump getting his ass kicked in the debate tonight.
It's no wonder, you are a Trump supporter Nnoway.
The facts don't mean anything to you.
Posted By: Nnoway
...is a problem in the way welfare affects black families instead of trying to be cute with words and treating everything like a boxing match: who's "lost" who's "swinging and missing" and other similar crap.  
 The main problem is that those that believe like willywonka4u does usually fail to recognize that it's proliferation of guns that is the main cause for all the problems with shootings in America, whether in the shopping mall or on the South Side of Chicago where every 10th gun you find did NOT come from nearby Kentucky, Iowa, etc with lax gun laws.  
 It's called market economy. There is a vacuum in the market. The gangbangers on a south side can't buy guns in Chicago so Kentucky and Iowa and other nearby states help those gangbangers out in that regard.  
 The other problem is that those like bigguy30 are refusing to recognize that one of the main problems in African-American community comes from too many black poor being on welfare, and don't give me that crap about Medicare, you know exactly what kind of welfare I'm talking about.  
 So they have those two sides, instead of recognizing that the other one has a point and getting together and trying to work out reasonable solution to both problems are going into their respective corners from where they scream at each other: "No, you're so lost!" "You're swinging and missing!" "It's your side's fault!",  "I've got my rights and I'm not giving up my little armory even if 100 more malls gets shot up or 100 more schools get into a shoot out!" or "I need more free money because of what your great-great-pa did to my great-great-pa 200 years ago!"  
 Until both of those sides throw their such stupidity out of the window and except common sense as gospel, the darkness shall rule the land - there'd be more mall shootings and school shootings, and close to 40% of African-Americans shall remain poor and angry.  
 On my end I'd like to add that if we had draft and everybody felt like their child could go and "die for freedom", there would've never been Iraq, Libya, Syria or whatever else.
-- Modified on 9/26/2016 7:21:59 PM

Nnoway 13 Reviews 106 reads
17 / 29

...your next president! You can support whoever you want but your words scream: "people go vote for Donald!"  

People like you are the greatest thing that ever happened to Donald Trump! If you don't realize that, to use your own words "you're lost clueless!"

brooks5 96 reads
18 / 29

doesn't give a shit either

he won't answer your question

bigguy30 110 reads
19 / 29

It was very enjoyable to watch and your comment as a Trump supporter is a example of living in denial.
You like your leader Trump look to blame and lie your way out of a argument.

The problem for guys like you is very simple.
When you make things up and lie, it will always be exposed in the long run.
Just remember that fraud and Trump showed tonight why he will not be President!
Posted By: Nnoway
...your next president! You can support whoever you want but your words scream: "people go vote for Donald!"  
 People like you are the greatest thing that ever happened to Donald Trump! If you don't realize that, to use your own words "you're lost clueless!"
-- Modified on 9/27/2016 12:29:27 AM

bigguy30 134 reads
20 / 29

You really are not smart enough, to understand the larger points.

Posted By: brooks5
doesn't give a shit either  
 he won't answer your question

brooks5 165 reads
21 / 29

murdering each other?  Please fucking enlighten us

4000 shot dead in Chicago since Obama became POTUS!..4000!  Virtually all young black males with an occasional young child thrown in to add to the horror but what the fuck do you care?  You're out looking for a larger point that you can't even explain.

that ain't whitey's fault

it's folks like you who don't gives shit and blame EVERYONE but the trigger puller - or their parent (cuz they pay daddy to stay away) that allow this nonsense.

EVERYONE knows that you won't answer, cuz you are incapable.

bigguy30 110 reads
22 / 29

Posted By: brooks5
murdering each other?  Please fucking enlighten us  
 4000 shot dead in Chicago since Obama became POTUS!..4000!  Virtually all young black males with an occasional young child thrown in to add to the horror but what the fuck do you care?  You're out looking for a larger point that you can't even explain.  
 that ain't whitey's fault  
 it's folks like you who don't gives shit and blame EVERYONE but the trigger puller - or their parent (cuz they pay daddy to stay away) that allow this nonsense.  
 EVERYONE knows that you won't answer, cuz you are incapable.

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 120 reads
23 / 29

You're dead wrong. But you only need someone (other than yourself) to "blame," because you are becoming aware of what we all learn that there is very little anyone can do to change things, and what change can happen happens slowly.

Nnoway 13 Reviews 111 reads
24 / 29

It's people like who sold their brains to their president that still make it possible for Trump to win! It's people like me who stand in their way!  

Go get your brains back from your president, believe it or not but you were originally meant to think on your own. Nowadays I bet you'd even change your sexual orientation if he'd ask you to (which is fine by me - to each his own).  

When you unlink your brains from your "brain command central" on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and go back to thinking on your own, that's when you'll get a right to talk about my brains

bigguy30 118 reads
25 / 29

So you like the Clintons, but agree with some things Trump is addressing.
You also like Trump new campaign manager.

Then you talk just like Trump, when writing about different racial groups in this country.
It's not about being a blind supporter of this President, but calling out your bullshit.
I been very clear in my support for Hillary and cannot stand Trump or his campaign!

You blaming President Obama for Trump, is another weak attempt to hide it too.
I will say it again no one is buying your bullshit on here.
Posted By: Nnoway
It's people like who sold their brains to their president that still make it possible for Trump to win! It's people like me who stand in their way!  
 Go get your brains back from your president, believe it or not but you were originally meant to think on your own. Nowadays I bet you'd even change your sexual orientation if he'd ask you to (which is fine by me - to each his own).  
 When you unlink your brains from your "brain command central" on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and go back to thinking on your own, that's when you'll get a right to talk about my brains.  

-- Modified on 9/28/2016 2:29:29 AM

FatVern 131 reads
26 / 29

I'm talking about negative influences.

Not reporting negative events.
Posted By: WickedBrut
You're dead wrong. But you only need someone (other than yourself) to "blame," because you are becoming aware of what we all learn that there is very little anyone can do to change things, and what change can happen happens slowly.

brooks5 106 reads
27 / 29

and YOU don't give a shit

white man didn't do it

many more will die before you and the Black Thugs Racist Lives Matter crowd understand that

in the meantime, go burn something

brooks5 90 reads
28 / 29

YOU don't even know what "points" YOU are making

now that's down to the bone stupid!

-- Modified on 9/28/2016 9:45:50 AM

bigguy30 91 reads
29 / 29

So I am letting you, prove your own stupidity with each comments.
This picture link sums you up on here.

Posted By: brooks5
YOU don't even know what "points" YOU are making  
 now that's down to the bone stupid!

-- Modified on 9/28/2016 9:45:50 AM

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