Politics and Religion

What I found comical
EuroModelsShown 12 reads

Was the day Trump's lawyer made his first appearance addressing the press following one of the hearings  

I just imagined every presser being addressed by the President's personal lawyer, and no one else from here on out.

Of course the lawyer would never be able to answer any of the questions, yet there would continue to be daily  WH PC.

Liar in Chief:  "I am under investigation for firing the FBI Director by the man who asked me to fire the FBI Director, witch hunt"

Attorney #1:  "President is under investigation"
Attorney #2:  "President is under investigation"
Attorney #3:  "President is not under investigation, he was only answering his twitter followers"
Gingrich:  "A President cannot be under investigation"
Attorney #1: "I have  hired an attorney to represent myself in my ethics investigation"
Attorney #2: "I just retained an attorney to represent me in this Russia investigation"
Attorney #3: "I just cannot positively and definitely say the President is not under investigation"
Liar in Chief:  "I am being investigated for a phony Russian connection"
Liar in Chief: "I just told my advisers to make sure that Russian Sanctions Bill is toned down, I mean watered down do nothing that can hurt Putin.   Mr. Putin is also not happy with that Sanctions Bill"

Stay tuned.

America will never get the TRUTH while this administration is in power.

Was the day Trump's lawyer made his first appearance addressing the press following one of the hearings  

I just imagined every presser being addressed by the President's personal lawyer, and no one else from here on out.

Of course the lawyer would never be able to answer any of the questions, yet there would continue to be daily  WH PC.

Kelly Ann Conway: " From his tweets it appears he is under investigation".    There you go blondie.

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