Politics and Religion

What are your thoughts on this quote
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1542 reads

"Your world is an illusion. From the day you were born, you have been conditioned. Your schools taught you to be quiet, neutral and numb. Your media desensitized you to the suffering of your fellow human beings and the system slowly isolated you until it somehow felt normal to feel alone on a planet with 8 billion other people on it.

You worked hard for the future with your reward always just around the next corner or just up the next step. Everything was tomorrow but tomorrow never came. And you realized too late that you had never lived at all. Something was missing and no matter how much you worked, partied or paid you could not disguise it.

You accepted it as natural for one to be wealthy whilst another is poor, or the absurd notion that we must pay back the debt of our own existence. We traded community culture for corporate comfort and our most precious resource, our time, as a commodity.

We need to move beyond revolution and into the next stage of human evolution. A time marked by unparalleled compassion and peaceful co-existence. The shape of which we can not foresee as it must be created together.

We will take no power back as we shall empower ourselves and we shall say:

We are the humans. We are awake now. We reclaim our destiny."

what comes to mind for me is that the native indians and even our pagan ancestors seemed to have a better understanding that everything in life is energy.  And we are all part of that energy.  I like the indians thought, how when they needed to eat.  They only took what they needed, and prayed for the animal spirit.  Will science one day, prove that we are all one?  Maybe protons, neutrons, atoms, or carbon spinning, and part of a whole source energy?

The only line in this quote that clashes with my beliefs.  I was taught, that if you wanted anything that worked hard for it.  My favorite motivational speaker Louise Hay, says that you could take all the wealth of the world and divide it equally.  And a month later, the poor would be poor again and the rich would be rich again.  That it has to do with deservability.

And to touch on the media desensitizing us to suffering.  Why has our world became so stressful for most, that anti-depressants are used long term?  What the hell are we so afraid of?

To say people have been conditioned ignores the fact that some people learn to reason and think and many learn that in schools.  Indeed, if the author disputes that, she was not conditioned.

The other statements are truisms.  

Many people are not desentizied but have real empathy for others.

Many people work hard and the reward is not around the corner.  They actually get what they want by working.  And many people enjoy life and don't feel they missed it.

The following post is equally silly.  It is a romantic view of the Indians, and the romantization is often false.  One quick example: She says "the Iindians thought, how when they needed to eat.  They only took what they needed."  

In fact, the Indians did not only take what they needed.  They developed "buffalo drives" where herds of bison were chased off cliffs in huge numbers, to their deaths.  The Indians would take what they could carry, leaving tons of rotting meat.  

As with many "native" cultures, they could be horrifically cruel.  The Toltec motifs in Aztec ruins are because the Aztec conqured the Toltecs and took them for slaves.  If you like having your heart cut out of your chest, the natives were real nice.

They did not live in peace and harmony, which is wny the Navahos hated the Hopis.  

War amoung tribes was common.  The only thing that kept the death rate down was a lack of technology.

life is not black and white.  maybe there is some truth in everything, and falsehoods.  maybe the christians are right, there will never be peace on earth because of the balance of good and evil.  IDK.  But I do hope to live my life to the fullest and use my talents.   And I have to be a free-spirt.


-- Modified on 3/2/2013 6:56:41 AM

..it sounds like a philosophy class but probably wouldn't have noticed this if not pointed out in this venue.  Bottom line...I have always controlled my destiny and the time on this earth is but a blink of an eye.  I was taught the teachings of the Bible (don't take it as literal as most but definitely is my blueprint to follow).  How well I live here will determine my destiny.  

right now my choices are boarding on a 50% success rate.  My choices; my decisions are the reason I find myself where I am.  I strive to do better.  Hell, it's the process of happiness...

what would you want to be put on your tombstone about you?  Mine would read (and thought about it many times) "here lies someone who definitely smelled the roses"  lol

a party, not a traditional christian burial.  I would like one of my high-tech friends to make a video of all my vacation and adventure pictures, with music from Buddy Guy, John Mayer, Eric Clapton, BB King, T-Bone Walker... I would like those of my friends that can take a shot, to have some spiced rum.  And Calilifornia orange weed to be smoked.  I wish my ashes to be scattered with my daughter sky-diving.  And may everyone know with certaintly, that the light in my heart will guide me home.  And that I was a seeker, that accepted my own darkness, but had the adventure of my lifetime here.

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