Politics and Religion

OT from board partisan bickering : P&R's 2 most worthless postersteeth_smile
Priapus53 5625 reads

Instead of engaging in divise bickering  ( libs ini & WW fighting ?!---leaves me morose----:( ) libs & conservatives should unite against 2 posters that bring NOTHING to the "P & R table" : the gender confused copy & paste queen "tranny boy" & the simply confused, troubled & illiterate Robertini. You can see them pictured below : "TB" is forefront, while Tini is blonde guy over TB's shoulder. Get your rotten tomatoes out, folks !-------;)

-- Modified on 5/8/2011 7:22:10 AM

Friend_of_PP1524 reads

I don't know where you are.

On second thought I don't think I could follow through, risking a further reduction of your already fragile self esteem.

Priapus531350 reads

& behind a chickenshit alias, no less. Talk about "fragile self-esteem".

Sorry if you find me so intimidating----:)

-- Modified on 5/8/2011 10:35:42 AM

platypussy531176 reads

Is there something you need to get off of your manboobs?

and -- instead of trying to legitimately and intelligently offer topics for discussion -- he chooses to act like a spoiled 13-year-old brat and throw mud at the posters he doesn't like.

And some people ask me why I stopped reading and posting on the board for several months??????

Priapus531729 reads

such as below. Or, perhaps the pic is accurate depiction of your childish outburst ?! In any event, your "priggish old maid" whining grows tiresome very fast. Talk about "board police"--------LOL !

Lastly, PW, stop engaging in delusions of grandeur------NO ONE asked about you during your
"hiatus" & they won't inquire again when you take your 2nd "inevitable sabbatical"----;)

anywhere.  There are some new and insightful posters on the board since I left -- welcome inicky and others -- who will be interesting to engage in conversation with.

I left last time because I was tired of the same old shit every day that came from some posters.  Well, my battery is recharged and I am back and am ready to exchange some ideas.  Some fresh ideas.  Not the same crap that you throw out there.  I mean, how many times must we hear how you rate President Reagan as one of the worst Presidents of all time? Or hear how much you like to berate other posters about their jobs or their educational levels?

And I think it is fair to say that the majority of the posters on the board grew tired of your ridiculous and lame pictures eons ago.

And, GaG, thanks for your welcome back note from a day or two ago.  Been too busy to catch up with all the postings.  I trust you have kept Willy in line during my absence!!  LOL!

Priapus531506 reads

who you & others continually moronically idolize on this board & is thought by some to be 20th century's most overrated POTUS. Talk about the "same old shit". PW,the real reason you left is because you could dish it out, but not take it. Your continual squabbles with WW proved that. This is an unmoderated, bareknuckled board & if you can't stand it, bub, as Truman said,"get outta the kitchen"----

As for berating moronic board trolls, they are an irritant to me & I will call them on their stupidity, despite GaG lamenting my "wack a troll strategy"-----LOL !

As for you getting tired of my pics, tough shit---however, here's a pic even YOU could enjoy----

just like President Ronald Reagan.  "Go ahead, Pri, make my day!"

Pri, here's my "rational" case re Ronnie Reagan.  And, yes, it's a little of "on the one hand/on the other hand," but I think it's right.
On the negative side, Reagan had a naive belief in supply-side economics, a theory that's been proven bankrupt and helped start our huge debt pile growing.  He also let a bunch of cowboys, led by the un-indicted criminal Ollie North, run roughshod over the Constitution in Iran/Contra.  Perhaps he could claim ignorance but, hey, he was the CEO.  I'm sure there are other minuses but I can't recall them at the moment.
On the positive side, he was not the dunce some people thought.  His hand-written political writings were found after his death and show he seriously studied, and understood, political philosophy.  It's unfair to compare him to a dim-bulb like Palin, whose simplistic slogans are based on, well, nothing.  His main acheivement was engaging Gorbachev on disarmament.  He put everything on the table at the Rejkavik summit.  It didn't work then and there but set the stage for disarmament agreements that have made us safer for decades.  I think it was perhaps one of the guttiest and creative efforts in recent global politics.
On balance, do I think he was a great President?  Nope!  One of our worst?  Far from it.  We are probably too close to his Presidency to have a balanced view.

these include his support of brutally fascist Latin American dictators and capitulation to Hezbollah after the bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon. Don't forget his disastrous "war on drugs".

Overall, though, I do believe he was a very good president and probably in the top 10 of our history. Then again, there haven't been a lot of stand-out presidents so far to give him competition.

You are no doubt right, but the US has a long history of supporting brutal dictators so long as they pretended to be anti-communist.  That goes for Democrat Presidents, too.  OTOH, I would not put Reagan in my "Top Ten."  In fact, I don't have a "Top Ten" because I don't think we've had ten great Presidents.  I do have a "Top Seven" though"
T. Roosevelt
F. Roosevelt
That's it!

Have you forgotten that FDR trampled the Constitution in numerous ways?

1. He was responsible for rounding up Californians who happened to be of Japanese descent, interning them and stealing their property, even if they were born in the US, being full-fledged US citizens.

2. He put forward so many blatantly unconstitutional programs that he threatened to modify the SC to put a majority of his own people on it to ensure they wouldn't be overturned.

3. He declared all privately held gold to now be property of the US gov't.

He also...

1. Allocated New Deals funds on the basis of which senators voted in favor of the programs, and to key battleground states. NOT on the basis of economic need.

2. Created the only directly regressive income tax ever implemented at the federal level (FICA). No program has ever done more harm to the working poor.

3. Handed over eastern Europe to the Soviets at Yalta conference, dooming millions.

I'll add another:  FDR's misconceived budget cutting and tax increases in 1936 that threw the country back into a Depression the next year.

maddogpriapus1570 reads

our country couldn't had been in a worse predicament. Of course Mr. Liberal Jimmy Carter was worst president ever who Ronnie took over. Obama has decided not to go on that route, he has decided to join the winning team, so he has changed his tune something you can never do Mr. Board police. You don't remember all our reunions when we were talking about politics at dinner time but of course you were slow one, lol.   I was always better at you at everything just like the TV show,  the odd  couple, I was Oscar and you were Felix.

-- Modified on 5/8/2011 1:07:08 PM

Priapus531456 reads

As for old tv shows, you got the wrong one. This is the character from TV show that you strongly resemble :

Reagan over Washington? That's a non-starter. There are several others who should also be rated above RR. He was overall a good prez, but lots of baggage as well. Best ever? Not even close.

Similarly, Carter was awful. But Harding belongs below him even in 20th C. And there were others prior even worse than both of them if you go back far enough.

Carter worst ever and Reagan best ever is silly. The history of the US did not begin in 1976.

Yes, Jimmy was bad, and he's still annoying as hell. But how about:
James Buchanan, who slept through 4 years when he might have tried to stop the Civil War from happening? A real contender for the worst President ever.
The feckless Andrew Johnson was nearly as bad.
And what about Millard Fillmore?
Finally, are the The Three Stooges who helped waltz us into The Great Depression:  Harding, Coolidge and Hoover.
Oh, yeah!  How 'bout Dubya? Probably did more damage to this country than all the others combined.

but you are off on Coolidge and Hoover. Coolidge was able to restore confidence back in the office of the presidency after the rampant corruption of Harding. The country truly was at a tipping point and Coolidge restored the ship.

And as I've detailed elsewhere, Hoover has been unfairly blamed for his reaction to the Depression, the depths of which occurred later on. In fact, FDR initially did little more than expand Hoover's programs until several years later. In the last 20 years or so, economic historians have come to lay much of the blame on the then relatively new FED, and have studiously undermined much of the initial credit given to FDR.

Coolidge exemplifies the flip side of the old saying, "Still waters run deep."  It goes,  "Sometimes still waters are just still."
OTOH, there's a wonderful story about "Silent Cal" that may indicate an actual sense of humor.  At a dinner party, a female dining companion told him: "I have taken a bet, Mr. President, that I can get you to say more than two words."
"You lose," replied Cal.
Sorry, zisk, I'm just not in a serious mood tonight.

GaGambler1627 reads

but as far as sheer stupidity is concerned, I'd find it hard to argue with your assessment. I really can't think of two posters that make less sense, and do it in such garbled English as your two candidates for P&R's most "worthless" posters.

Now back to our regularly scheduled bickering. lol

GaGambler1230 reads

that I expect here.

I will employ software which is readily available to make sure my posts are intelligible in whatever language I choose to post in, simple respect is universal.

or Google Translate.  They both fracture Italian so badly my relatives there laugh their asses off whenever I send them something translated on either site.  I'm sure they're just as bad in Spanish.

...many American-born posters on TER.

-- Modified on 5/9/2011 5:58:19 PM

Calling out specific posters and encouraging others to pile on?  tisk, tisk

You attached the same link three times to the same post!  Could this be a personal record?

Israel using Sexual blackmail on closet gay republican conservative politicians?

so after John David R. Atchison tried to have sex with a five year old on the heels of story of Senator Larry Craig trying to elicit homosexual sex in a men's airport bathroom, which followed the sicko Mark Foley sending sexually explicit e-mails to a 16 year old page boy, describing how the 16 year old cums, and of course let's not forget Governor McGreevey sleeping with an Israeli national, I decided that it is time people take a look at the perverted sexual nature of Bush Administration Syndicate in general for they are one messed up sexually dysfunctional family. Please see this for a better break down of the Evangelists, the flight schools used in 911, the Bushs and Abramoff who arranged trips for congressmen to islands known from sex slavery.

Update add Spitzer to this list

When one understands how deep the Mossad was in 911 and the flight schools and how Atta was spotted on Abramoff casino ships things start to break down with the religious right and how easily blackmailed these men can be with Israel almost literally holding them by the short hairs.

Let's start with Ted Haggard. he was the Holy Roller caught using crystalmeth and sleeping with a male prostitute was George Bush's spiritual adviser and according to a documentary by Richard Dawkins, claimed on tape that he talked to the president about once a week on the phone. Now let's add Karl Rove Karl (mc) Rove was Bush's former Key adviser hired Jeff Gannon a male prostitute through a fake media front they created, Talon News.

Gannon referenced referenced internal government memos regarding the Plame affair before they were public. Remember that one of the leakers in the Plame Affair aside from Libby was Karl Rove. So Two Bush advisers are or cavort with male hookers and his brother Neil was caught with prostitutes in Asia and his brother Jeb flies with drug smugglers and is the brother-in-law to family convicted of rape and the bizzar case of sexual molestation of a baby. What is wrong with these people? Speaking of the other Plame-gate leaker, Lewis Libby, he wrote a book about underage Japanese girls not only being raped by men but also a bear. These private mercenary groups like Blackwater (which Feilding is a lawyer for and Joseph Schmitz is an executive) and Dyncorp have been busted in the targeting of civilians and yes human trafficking. Congress and the Senate continue to grant them money anyway but then again our congressmen and Senators are caught up in plenty of their own pervert sex scandals. Just what do these men DO down at the Grove? Reminds me of the Franklin Credit Union affair.

Remember Mary Kay Letourneau you know the woman who got pregnant after raping her 13 year old student? She is the sister of Joseph E. Schmitz who is a conservative lawyer, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense and executive with Blackwater USA. Her other brother is John P. Schmitz who was George Bush's White House counsel before being replaced by Fred Feilding (now Bush's personal lawyer) who was on the 911 commission and is also a lawyer for Blackwater. Feilding is helping blackewater cover up why 4 of their men were burned and hung on a bridge in Fallujah. The families want to why it happened but Blackwater is not talking. John P. Schmitz was also involved with Iran Contra back when he was an aid for Bush the first, and he refused to testify to the Walsh Commission. What a messed up family.

So we have a rapist, a inspector general who is the executive of a secretive mercenary group and a the former White House counsel who was replaced by a Blackwater lawyer who just so happened to also be on the 911 commission and is George Bush's personal lawyer as well. The Schmitz's father John G. Schmitz was a Senator and congressman from California. He was famous for his right-wing views and occasional racist and homophobic remarks. His public career was ended when it was revealed that he had an affair and fathered two illegitimate children. He got in trouble after his 13 month old son (of his mistress) was found with hair wrapped around his penis. I think that explains why his other legitimate children are so messed up. Just to get in this guys head, he bought the house of his hero Joseph McCarthy (Who I call a modern version of witch trial like fear mentality for the insanely religious).

Jeb Bush married a Mexican woman named Columba. Columba Bush’s sister is married to John P. Schmitz Jeb Bush and John P. Schmitz are brother in laws. John and Joseph were both law clerks. Joseph was a clerk for the Neocon James Buckley the brother of the famous neocon William F. Buckley founder of the Neocon magazine the National Review.

So it is not really shocking given the sexually dysfunctional/criminal background of this hollyroller family that they would be involved with Abramoff and Jeb and Hoffman who are people involved in drug trade, bizzar sex affairs and top Christian evangelist. No one they run a private army that shoot civilians enjoys torture especially sexual torture and make a game out of running cars off the road in Iraq.


In light of prominent anti-gay activist Pastor Eddie Long recently being caught having sexual relations with men, and proving once again that conservative voters have little to no Gaydar, here's a list of 14 (hence, the update) conservative anti-gay activists who turned out to be gay themselves. NOTE: This list is now 14 items long and will continue to grow as new anti-gay activists come out of the closet, albeit against their will (most of the time.) Keep your eyes peeled for more!


-- Modified on 5/8/2011 7:54:35 PM

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