Politics and Religion

Well to the Military Industrial complex Graham is the gift that keeps on giving...confused_smile
HONDA 153 Reviews 490 reads

......Graham would like us to fight and equip militarily every armed conflict all around the world. He along with McCain pushed the Obama administration to spend $500 million to train and equip so called Syrian moderates to fight ISIS. So far out of the 35 trained, only 5 are still fighting, the rest have quit and joined El Nasura an arm of ISIS. Talk about a clusterfuck.

GaGambler1891 reads

With the exception of Pataki I am very thankful that NONE of these guys have a snowballs chance in hell of ever being POTUS, and I am particularly relieved that Rick Santorum won't be around much longer.

Ok, time is almost upon us for the main act. I think this should be quite entertaining tonight. Fuck pop corn, this calls for some good whisky instead.

bigguy30625 reads

I think in the long run Carly will be the GOP general election candidate.
She had the most guts going after Trump tonight with the best punch lines.
So I don't think she will win the general election but it was a good night for her.


Posted By: hpygolky

She had that look, that look of a girl, when you're ready to breakup with her. She knows what you're about to say...she had that "Look"...So prepare to hide the knifes, keep the car running then get the fuck out of there. She had that pissy look....ya know what I mean?..Or in layman's term...You CIM when she told you not too......lol

Timbow527 reads

Posted By: hpygolky
She had that look, that look of a girl, when you're ready to breakup with her. She knows what you're about to say...she had that "Look"...So prepare to hide the knifes, keep the car running then get the fuck out of there. She had that pissy look....ya know what I mean?..Or in layman's term...You CIM when she told you not too......lol

bigguy30567 reads

Posted By: hpygolky
She had that look, that look of a girl, when you're ready to breakup with her. She knows what you're about to say...she had that "Look"...So prepare to hide the knifes, keep the car running then get the fuck out of there. She had that pissy look....ya know what I mean?..Or in layman's term...You CIM when she told you not too......lol

But, a very probable VP candidate.

Too bad Pataki got cut off. And, I wish the girls parent's whom Santorum was referring to would confront him face to face. I bet the worm would crawl under a rock.

GaGambler482 reads

Followed quickly by Jindal and Paul.  

I think Graham will be around for quite a while even though he doubtful to ever crack the 1% threshold. He is not trying to become POTUS, he just wants to push his hawkish agenda, not that I disagree completely with what he is saying about the ME, just that as a candidate he is irrelevant but unlikely to go away.  

Right now it looks like Bush is the only career politician with even a snow balls chance of winning the GOP nomination, and he just looks plain weak standing next to Donald Trump. He tried "manning up" against Trump last night and failed miserably. I think he is toast, despite the money and political connections behind him. No one wants another pussy, or another Bush in the White House. Carly has bigger balls than Jeb.

t keep any firearms away.
You might end up shooting the TV or yourself.

Bunch of clowns. I hope the biggest clown of them all wins.  

i'm actually voting for him... or don'

By a huge margin. I think Jeb was better than expected as was Christie. Rubio was on message and did well, Kasich just ok.

But...I don't think Trump was very good at all. I don't think he will crash but I would be surprised if things didn't tighten a bit in about a week or so but its Trump so he may rise another 10 points, LOL.

Carly, though, is phenomenal and she is firmly sitting in the VP seat if she wants it but she will, and should, aim higher.  

Her debate skills, her ability to answer the questions directly and memorably, and her overall intelligence level and knowledge of all the issues is quite stunning.  

I expect her to rise once again in the polls, and with her money, she may be around till the very end. Amazing story, really.

-- Modified on 9/17/2015 12:19:58 AM

She had blood coming out of every where.....This was her chance to make a statement, she was passionate. I think in time, once the fields narrows down, her time while CEO at HP will do her in. It'll be her "Benghazi".

...Since she doesn't have any political accomplishments, she could focus on the issues and answer the questions directly.  But she was too serious and came off looking like a shrew.

68firebird568 reads

I really liked her too.  However, check out the "fact checkers" who evaluate what the candidates said, and you can see that much of what she said was just plain wrong, overrating her own accomplishments and even repeating lies.  Her comment about the aborted fetus with its heart still beating?   No video of that exists, especially not on Planned Parenthood videos that purported to "sell dead baby organs" that were released.  Not to mention that those were a scam, a set up with actors and heavily edited to make PP look bad.   I Can't believe how many of the candidates have made defunding PP an agenda.  

In short, not one of those candidates has my vote as of yet.  And Clinton just seems too untrustworthy.   The good news is, there is no way in hell Trump will make it to White House, IMH

Timbow680 reads

Posted By: JackDunphy
By a huge margin. I think Jeb was better than expected as was Christie. Rubio was on message and did well, Kasich just ok.  
 But...I don't think Trump was very good at all. I don't think he will crash but I would be surprised if things didn't tighten a bit in about a week or so but its Trump so he may rise another 10 points, LOL.  
 Carly, though, is phenomenal and she is firmly sitting in the VP seat if she wants it but she will, and should, aim higher.  
 Her debate skills, her ability to answer the questions directly and memorably, and her overall intelligence level and knowledge of all the issues is quite stunning.  
 I expect her to rise once again in the polls, and with her money, she may be around till the very end. Amazing story, really.

-- Modified on 9/17/2015 12:19:58 AM

-- Modified on 9/17/2015 12:12:26 AM

nuguy46566 reads

nice to see a group that answers questions ---not with how they will establish a program to GIVE something to the crowd -- rather the need to restore confidence, desire to succeed and personal responsibility. Easily distance themselves from the Dems who fall all over themselves in trying to "outgive" each other.  

Graham hit Obama hard all night...rightly and deservedly so!

......Graham would like us to fight and equip militarily every armed conflict all around the world. He along with McCain pushed the Obama administration to spend $500 million to train and equip so called Syrian moderates to fight ISIS. So far out of the 35 trained, only 5 are still fighting, the rest have quit and joined El Nasura an arm of ISIS. Talk about a clusterfuck.

followme654 reads

It was a bad idea obama is a bigger fuck up for doing it.

More likely it was a good idea and obama totally fucked up the implementation of it and is responsible for 30 trained fighters going to the other side...Yeah talk about the clusterfuck-in-chief.

So either way it shows obama to be a total fuck-up. AGAIN

You're Welcome
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and House

followme545 reads

I think Fiorina and Rubio did the best. Most of the others had some good points here and there.

IMO CNN did a piss poor job overall. The moderator(s) did a bad job of controlling things and the amount of time each candidate had was very lopsided. I wanted to hear more from Kasich, I think he has a lot to offer.      Fatso didn't do that bad either.  

Also looks to me that teddy boy is sucking donnie boy's dick.  

Thank you
2015 = 28

GaGambler506 reads

I think it was too little too late for him, and I think all he did last night was keep himself relevant to the process, but I don't think he has a prayer.  

Rubio did ok, as did Fiorina, but I disagree that either of them hit it out of the park. I think Walker and Paul did the worst and it wouldn't surprise me if they weren't in the next group to drop out after Santorum and Jindal. Paul wasn't even a real punching bag for Trump, he used him more like a speed bag to get warmed up for the real candidates.

I also have to agree that Kasich did poorly last night. He didn't come across as "strong" he looked rather conciliatory towards the Dems and looked like he would be full of compromises and not able to stand his ground against them if elected.

During the debate, something came up, I don't recall exactly what it was but it would have been the perfect timing for some one to mentione the "Bridge gate" controversy.I mean it was teed up for anyone to take him deep on. Just the sheer mentioned of that probably would have set him off...But no one bit so I guess no one wanted to mess with him.

GaGambler576 reads

but Christie was fighting just to stay on the first page of the leader board, so there was no real benefit into taking on a pit bull like him for no real gain. Taking on a former prosecutor who's campaign is already on life support is not much of a risk/reward winning strategy.

Pataki Jindal Santorum Paul Christie Graham Huckabee Walker

For the good of the voting public and their own party, best they call it a wrap and get behind their preferred candidate.
Doesn't really matter who at this juncture, but if the next debate is as "schoolyard" as this one was, we won't get much substance. I watched 3 hours of people talking over each other, interrupting the moderator who made EVERY effort, it seemed, to pit one against another with everyone being given a shot at Trump.

Funny thing - Was it my imagination, or did it look like Jeb! was standing on his toes during the initial photo-op with all the participants? He sure didn't seem to stand so tall during the many direct confrontations with Trump over the course of the debate. But his "Energizer" Potus alias was a funny moment.

Funny thing #2 - Rand Paul trying to appear relevant while coming across as a pouting also-ran having a bad hair day.

Funny thing #3 - Scott Walkers Chief of Staff claiming "Scott's ideas were in full view of the audience the entire debate even if he wasn't the one doing the talking". Scott Walker can sit dfown and go home now; the Kochs will have to find a new poster child.

Too bad Kasich was given such short shrift last night... I believe his stock went down and he did look somewhat disheveled by the end of the evening.

Fiorina's stock definitely went up, Rubio did well but still has a long way to go, Ben Carson's stock dropped... he simply does not come across forceful enough, and Cruz had the worst lighting of them all, and should fire his makeup artist.  

I'm surprised the host didn't ask them the Tree question...  

I think Rosa Parks would be an excellent choice, but I think removing Andrew Jackson would be a better one.

Christie would make a fine cabinet member in a GOP administration, but he will never be POTUS. Hard core right will never forgive him hugging Obama, New Yorkers will never forgive him messing with the GWB.

Carly won, Trump stayed in the spotlight, Ben Carson lost ground, and Scott Walker is on life support.

Posted By: GaGambler
With the exception of Pataki I am very thankful that NONE of these guys have a snowballs chance in hell of ever being POTUS, and I am particularly relieved that Rick Santorum won't be around much longer.  
 Ok, time is almost upon us for the main act. I think this should be quite entertaining tonight. Fuck pop corn, this calls for some good whisky instead.

GaGambler572 reads

I completely agree the "also rans" should pack it in, and the sooner the better.

Jeb definitely tried (and failed) to "man up" against Trump and portray himself as being once more the front runner.  

Paul was pathetic, Walker was worse if possible.

Kasich only has himself to blame, he came across as wishy washy and with no strength of conviction. Compromise is sometimes necessary once you have won office, campaigning on it is the kiss of death.

Christie did great, but too little too late, his fate was sealed about 2 years ago for all the reasons you mentioned.

Where I disagree is with Carly, I think she did decently, but she is still second fiddle at best. She can't "OutTrump" Trump, and she can't compete on her accomplishments, the best thing she has going for her is that she comes across as a strong woman, but being a woman is hardly enough with no political experience and some questionable corporate "successes" in her past. She "appeared" to know what she was talking about, but fact check proved her wrong on many of her statements.  

Carson is improving as a speaker, but I think it's too much to ask for for him to get to Presidential level as a speaker in the short time he has to learn.

All in all, I have to say Trump held serve, right now he is most definitely the one to beat.

I don't think Kasich or Christie will have much staying power for too much longer, but both will be prominently mentioned for cabinet or vpotus, depending on the eventual nominee.

Ergo, I believe the Finalists will be Carly Ted Marco Donald and Jeb!

I would expect all of them to have prepared position papers on the major issues by the end of the year.
Even Trump will need to offer some substance by then.    

Now once you get these 5 on the podium for a 2-3 hour debate, then we'll, start to see some serious action.
That's when we will find out if Carly and the Donald have enough serious chops to hang with the wonks.

I think Kasich is a likely candidate for VPOTUS should either Trump or Fiorina get the nod. They will need someone they can work with who knows the system and has shown the ability to play well with others.

Ted will cook up more machine gun bacon and could be a spoiler depending on who he supports in the finals.

It would be completely disgusting after all the dust settles if we wound up with another Bush v Clinton 3 ring circus, and imho if that actually came to pass, it would invalidate the entire candidate selection process in the minds of a majority of American voting citizens.

As for the Democrats... sorry righties, GOP'ers and Hillary-haters... but she's still the odds on favorite to be the Democrats nominee at this time. If Joe Biden or Jerry Brown enters the race, it complicates matters, but its still Hillary's football on the DEM playing field.

Posted By: GaGambler
I completely agree the "also rans" should pack it in, and the sooner the better.  
 Jeb definitely tried (and failed) to "man up" against Trump and portray himself as being once more the front runner.  
 Paul was pathetic, Walker was worse if possible.  
 Kasich only has himself to blame, he came across as wishy washy and with no strength of conviction. Compromise is sometimes necessary once you have won office, campaigning on it is the kiss of death.  
 Christie did great, but too little too late, his fate was sealed about 2 years ago for all the reasons you mentioned.  
 Where I disagree is with Carly, I think she did decently, but she is still second fiddle at best. She can't "OutTrump" Trump, and she can't compete on her accomplishments, the best thing she has going for her is that she comes across as a strong woman, but being a woman is hardly enough with no political experience and some questionable corporate "successes" in her past. She "appeared" to know what she was talking about, but fact check proved her wrong on many of her statements.  
 Carson is improving as a speaker, but I think it's too much to ask for for him to get to Presidential level as a speaker in the short time he has to learn.  
 All in all, I have to say Trump held serve, right now he is most definitely the one to beat.

But the election is still 13-1/2 months away. The first primary / Caucus is not for another 4 months. What's the rush? With Trump in the race this is arguably the strangest Republican primary in my lifetime. I think it's good for guys that might not have a chance to still be allowed on stage. It would even make political sense for one or more of them to stay in even after they've decided to support another. The lead guy would have his personal attack dog, right there on stage with him to throw the barbs at Trump while keeping his hands clean). A bit unorthodox but what is so far?

I'm glad you also saw the terrible tactics of Jake Tapper and CNN. Their main goal was to start food fights. So was it purely for ratings or an attempt to sway independents in the General Election by muddying up as many Republicans as possible? I actually kind of liked it. It allowed the personal character tor several to surface a bit. Trump's narcissism (in a negative way) popped out a couple of times. I thought he almost lost his temper once. Fiorina was trying so hard to prove herself (and she did a good job) she forgot to smile.

BTW, it must pain you greatly to agree with Ted Cruz regarding swapping the $20 not the $10 and use Rosa Parks.

GaGambler518 reads

I've been pulling for Kasich, but his "let's compromise on everything" stand last night most likely has killed his chances at POTUS.  

I think his biggest misstep was trying to support the hugely unpopular Iran deal, using Democratic talking points no less. I don't think he shot himself in the foot with those comments, I think he shot himself in the head.

Once the real votes start flowing, first in Iowa then New Hampshire, a more complete picture will emerge. Not necessarily based on who comes in first but also 2nd, 3rd and near last. Nationally Kasich is only 1 or 2 percent but in New Hampshire, based on his local politicking energy as of today, he's in double digits and in 2nd or 3rd place. Still it's a long way off and the historical winners of the early states don't typically win the nomination but it can and does give a boost in momentum. Predicting primary state elections on national polls, often including non-voters is a risky business. But if you're getting long odds then I guess you're OK.

-- Modified on 9/18/2015 6:10:29 PM

GaGambler550 reads

You can't win the tournament on the first day, the best you can do is to position yourself to win. OTOH, you can most definitely LOSE the tournament on the first day, and I think Kasich may very well have done that by his dismal performance in the debate the other night.  It's like shooting an 80 on the first day, technically you're still in the tournament, but your chances of even making the cut are negligible.

Right now the viable candidates seem to be Trump, Rubio, Bush, Carson, and only because the media seems to want to keep her in the spotlight Fiorina. I think she has ZERO chance of winning the nomination, would make a horrible candidate if she die, and would make an even worse POTUS if she won. but she is the media darling and they keep on telling us how great she is doing as if we don't have eyes or brains to decide for ourselves.

There are several rounds of competition but they are not all just debates or media appearances. Polls only go so far to measure results. The first actual tee off time isn't for another 4 months. There are many factors, in multiple states, where a variety of issues get different weightings. Yes, the state's voting is mostly sequential, but it's more complicated.  The one thing that hasn't been measured yet is how the actual state's voting relies on what has been called the "ground game" which is for the most part unseen by the media although they do try to predict its potential based primarily on money raised. Another thing is the momentum factor, or as I call it the desire of many people to be on the winning team and this energy can shift quickly even late in the "tournament". But, just like golf, sometimes a surge can be too little, too late.

-- Modified on 9/19/2015 2:19:19 PM

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