Politics and Religion

Well there's no teaching a pig to sing...
nuguy46 3576 reads
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balller 106 reads
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to get him released.  He didn't.

Just another dead white-boy.

It's not like it's something important like transgender bathrooms!

Libs see humans as pawns in the game to acquire power so they can tell everyone else what to do.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, Barry.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 49 reads
3 / 29

...but now they're trying to blame Warmbier's death on Obama instead of his own actions.  He tried to steal a poster from the wall of a hotel as a souvenir.  He should have know that N. Korea has cameras everywhere and what could happen when you fuck with a country like N. Korea.  Remember the American who was caned in Singapore?


Of course he didn't deserve the death penalty for his actions but for dumbass righties to blame Obama and not find fault with Warmbier is the height of hypocrisy.  You may as we blame warm beer for Warmbier's death.  That would make as much sense as blaming Obama.

What a bunch of maroons!

balller 86 reads
4 / 29

to help save an American Citizen

and he was PRESIDENT of the United States of America

not just blacks, gays and libs

ALL Americans

Where the fuck is the Personal Responsibilty of Obama

Feckless Pussy - God I miss saying that! ;)

Pay attention dumbass.

JakeFromStateFarm 123 reads
5 / 29

You have no clue what kind of behind-the-scenes efforts were made that could not be shared with Warmbier's family. All we know is nothing worked until it was too late.  Supposedly he was beaten into a coma not long after his trial, and before any effort could hope to be successful.

balller 120 reads
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and OF COURSE they would know.

and it's consistent with libs lack of compassion for individual humans in their search for the "bigger picture"

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 68 reads
7 / 29

Efforts by Ambassador Yun started right after Otto's conviction in March 2016.   This was all part of the US efforts to get all four Americans released.  The US and North Korea have no diplomatic relations whatsoever.  We need to go through the Swedish, who do have a legation in Pyongyang.  We made numerous demands to allow the Swedish a diplomatic visit to the four (now three) Americans that  were being held.  Nothing happens with diplomatic relations unless North Korea wants it too.  

It's obvious that Ottos condition deteriorated to a point where North Korea had to get rid of him, so they made up this story about Otto getting botulism and falling into a coma after taking a sleeping pill and please come get him.  The Swedes were granted access and reported his condition to Ambassador Yun.  At the same time, NK strangely requested to meet with Yun in NYC.  Yun met with the NK UN ambassador and was granted access himself to Otto.  At the time Trump had no knowledge, in spite of it being mentioned periodically in the daily briefing (which he never reads anyway).

As is protocol, this was reported by Yun to Tillerson who in turn reported it to Trump.  But the fact is Yun and his staff were already making arrangements to travel to Pyongyang before Trump "agreed" to send him off.

Sure, He was released on Trumps watch, but to say Obama had nothing to do with it is completely inaccurate and not a fair representation of the facts.

The real reason Otto was released is that this is a huge propaganda opportunity to Kim Jong Un.  He can play it off as a humanitarian act.  Forget the fact that Otto was probably put into a coma after many beatings and other abuse, but thats not really a consideration to Kim.  That's just business as usual.  The simple fact is that Otto was released solely by the North Koreans and Trump (or Obama for that matter) had very little to do with it.

balller 75 reads
8 / 29

I'll believe them before I believe a fuck-board lib hack,

Simple bullshit - but a LOT of it.  But nice try.

Libs thrive on attempting to defend the indefensible.

2465305 70 Reviews 68 reads
9 / 29

Transgender bathroom? Hell, that Tribal clown pardoned a tranny traitor spy.

Posted By: balller
Re: If Obama gave a shit about Otto he would have tried
to get him released.  He didn't.  
 Just another dead white-boy.  
 It's not like it's something important like transgender bathrooms!  
 Libs see humans as pawns in the game to acquire power so they can tell everyone else what to do.  
 Good riddance to bad rubbish, Barry.

2465305 70 Reviews 66 reads
10 / 29

So since he did NOTHING for 8 long pathetic boring racially motivated years it's ok to rip the Tribal Moron?

Posted By: Laffy
Re: Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't
You kkklowns would rip Obama no matter WHAT he did.  
 "How dare Obama negotiate with that terrorist country!!  That just encourages them to kidnap more Americans!!!"  
 Why didn't your Messiah try to get him back instead of playing golf all the time?  
 Anybody that goes to North Korea and gets thrown in jail gets zero sympathy from me.

2465305 70 Reviews 45 reads
11 / 29

He can't pay attention. He's one of those tin foil hat wearing black helicopter watching cry baby lefties.  

Plus he's looking for a hooker to bully.
Posted By: balller
Re: I am saying that OBAMA did NOTHING
to help save an American Citizen  
 and he was PRESIDENT of the United States of America  
 not just blacks, gays and libs  
 ALL Americans  
 Where the fuck is the Personal Responsibilty of Obama  
 Feckless Pussy - God I miss saying that! ;)  
 Pay attention dumbass.

2465305 70 Reviews 71 reads
12 / 29

You have quite the obsession with the Presidential Nads.  

Perhaps you should join Hersheyhighway and together you could do a group washing.

2465305 70 Reviews 70 reads
13 / 29

Obviously you only read what you want. Warmbeir parent's came out and said that thanks to Trump and Rex Tillerson thy brought their son home.  

Oh wait.....it says Trump was involved so that would make your statement FALSE and FAKE.......as the news you read.  

They also talked about what little the Tribal Moron's administration did to help.  

Kind of shoots down your theory. Now put back on your tin foil hat and look outside, I think their are black helicopters circling your trailer.  

Posted By: Laffy
Re: Says the freak
that washes Traitor Trump's balls non-stop.  
 So, what did your Messiah do to try to get him back?

balller 92 reads
14 / 29

Trump brought him back

A simple fact, accepted by all but the most stupid.

After Obama abandoned him

Is it because he was a rich white kid?  Hmmmmm!

You're as dumb as Jake-off

DUANE 33 Reviews 104 reads
15 / 29

So he should get some credit, kind of like a participation trophy.  So much for POTUS being responsible for what happens on his watch, as we are told about 9/11.

balller 113 reads
16 / 29

Of course he did, after Obama's "strategic patience" policy failed to make ANY progress - except to grow the NK Nuclear Weapons program much like he did Iran's.

Since Obama CLEARLY likes trannys (married one for political purposes), the word is he went on the down-low with his "Dear Leader" counterpart.  Barry was the sub.  Putin was jealous and PUNISHED Barack!

You and LTFM have become interchangeable!  LOL

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 74 reads
17 / 29

It tragic that Otto was probably beaten to death...But when you travel aboard, especially in a hostile country, you better watch your P's and Q's. You just don't fuck around.

Badboy1234 10 Reviews 62 reads
18 / 29

reminds me of when ole Nick Berg went to Iraq just after the war started.  That dumbass lost his head I mean he literally lost his head.  Keep this shit coming.

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 76 reads
19 / 29

Honestly, they don't.  The facts I recited are true.  Prove me wrong?  You can't.  Add to that the fact that during Obama's administration  the US DOS brokered the return of 10 Americans held in North Korea.  Nobody has done better than him since the 1950's when hundreds of American POWs were returned at the end of the Korean war.  But I do understand the group mentality, probably better than anyone here because in my rock days I fucked hundreds of them.  Vacuous but devoted.  So I get where you are coming from.  No worries girl, I still love you.

balller 41 reads
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So what you fucked Koreans?  Hundreds - spare me!  I am pretty sure that you don't understand ANYTHING as well, much less better than, as anyone on anything.

Of course, impugning the integrity of the parents of a DEAD AMERICAN is prominent in the dem playbook.  Or lying to them like Hillary AND Obama did to the parents over the COFFINS of the dead Benghazi heroes.

You have no "facts", as usual - you're guessing and making shit up, and you know it.

Face it, Obama is a typical liberal, he doesn't give a shit about a individuals or "persons".  Obama left Otto to rot, with the complicity of the MSM and now he is dead.  Sadly predictable and consistent.  How did that "strategic patience" work for the US?

They would happily sacrifice ANYONE to advance their silly ideology or to not look foolish.

Libs don't even do a good job of PRETENDING to care anymore.  Their rage has allowed the mask to slip, really, fall away.

You attempting to defend the indefensible in the face of all facts, makes my point better than I ever could.

God bless! LOL

balller 73 reads
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this time it was a member of their butt-boys, the MSM.

libs sacrifice even their own team members without a thought.

When Barry found out he said "gee, I'm sorry"

Then he teed off, in front of the cameras.

Remember that act of lib compassion?


stucaboy 101 reads
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Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 36 reads
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So where are your facts?  You haven't stated any that show what I said was wrong.  I'm going to assume you googled it and found that what I said was true, so all you can do is come back and lie about it.  I didn't impugn the integrity of Warmbiers parents.  You just made that up either intentionally misconstruing the truth or just by your own self inflicted ignorance.  Your usual insults are childish at best.  You should just shut up, sit down and let the adults talk.

balller 83 reads
24 / 29

the word of the dead kids parents aren't enough for you?   You PROVE how vile libs are

actually, you prove that with every post

balller 71 reads
25 / 29

Did Obama have to sentence him to death, though?

I guess there are too many whiteys!

balller 55 reads
26 / 29

You have NO IDEA what you are talking about other than fucking "hundreds of Koreans", fucking spare me!

Libs always tell their superiors to shut-up

Before they break-down in tears from frustration when they don't

Do you need a safe space and a therapy pig?  ;)

Like they can tell ANYONE what to do.

You wouldn't know the truth if you tripped on it.

You are little more than another clueless lib loudmouth

YOU an adult?  Hahaha!  Please STOP!  LOL  PLEASE . . . .

stucaboy 90 reads
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Born with a Silver spoon and liberal attitude, he thought he could act as he does on campus.  His death may serve as a wake-up call to other dim witted fucks who think they can hike countries like Iran and not end up jailed for spitting on a sidewalk.

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 41 reads
29 / 29

you are just a mouth missing a brain.

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