Politics and Religion

well, since you posted it as a response to my post, I guess I could assume you were talking to me...
Ben Dover 2491 reads

However, I also realize it's probably very confusing inside you head with all those other voices talking, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you probably have no idea who you were attempting to address as you randomly blut out unintelligible shit... Hopefully those voices in your head that keep telling you to kill yourself will eventually drown out all the others...

Romney to suspend campaign
By Associated Press
Thursday, February 7, 2008

WASHINGTON - Mitt Romney will suspend his presidential campaign for the Republican nomination, The Associated Press has learned, effectively ceding the nomination to John McCain.

Crystal_Ball_Operator2260 reads

that is, go for VeeP.   Because the Jesus People are classic schizos, hearing voices in their head telling them to ignore what is in their face.   God wants it that way, ie., God wants them to fuck up so they can cry that God punished them for their sins, ie, insisting on being stupid as boxes of rocks.

So Huck will be the albatross around McCain's neck, reminding Americans how they got into this FUCKING MESS by listening to the voices of the Jesus People.

So the war and the economic mess will continue, and we will have the Republicans telling us to listen to the Jesus voices in their head, and the Democrats telling us that either (or both) everybody is going to be happy when Hillary divvies up the pie, or Bareback dreams about the pie.

Fuckin A!  I'm gonna join TFN and GAG, and invade a few China-girls and make them submit to my dick.
I'm fuckin sick of people with a collective death wish.  At least the Chinese know how to procreate.

Timbow1380 reads

MAC is not that stuipid to have Huck for VP ,won't happen .
Did you hear the idiot Bill O .say last nite MAC should have Condolezza Rice as VP .Right remind all of the failed Bush policies . Dumb :)

Crystal_Ball_Operator1712 reads

McCain into line before.  As we speak, he is sucking their ass to convince them he is a "real conservative", ie somebody who puts ideology above any connection to observable fact (every bit as much as any Marxist) because they believe that if you are capable of an independent thought, if you don't suck ass 100% of the time, you are a national security risk, because they are collectively as bright as slime mold.   (Don't get me wrong here, there was slime mold before humans, there has always been more of it, and it will be here when humans are long gone.  We just haven't extended the vote to slime mold yet, excepting of course Republicans.)

So the question for this election is not whether anybody has any good idea (note the singular) for the country, but who is married to the fewest failed ideas.

See, BenD & I are pretty much agreed in our cynicism.  The difference in our POV is that he'd rather run from it and get buttfucked, while I'd rather shove my dick in its face.  Political bukkakke, so to speak.

Ben Dover1754 reads

Seeings how McCain has stepped up to guaran-damn-tee a LOSS for the mock-conservatives, I'd like a third-option to throw my vote away on in protest to the Hillary/Obama Oligarchian fuck-machine that's getting driven up America's ass whether we want it or not!!!

Crystal_Meth_Operator4443 reads

Obviously, this is where you get YOUR pathetic-prophetic visions of altered-reality... If you were more of a man, I'd counsel you to seek help, but considering your miserable existance, you might as well smoke on...

my2cnts1992 reads

Don't pretend to know politics.  But doesn't this hurt Huckabee?  

Besides angling for the VP slot, seemed he was still in the race to siphon votes from Romney and effectively cancel him out of the contest.  By Romney surprising everybody and leaving first, and basically ceding the nomination to McCain, isn't all the pressure now going to be on Huckabee to get out?

-- Modified on 2/7/2008 10:40:11 AM

Timbow1181 reads

Yep he will get out soon after a few more races in the South and the Reps will have the upper hand on the DEms to start planning.

My 2¢2988 reads

It won't help Huck enough to dethrone McCain, but it will close the gap when the rest of the Bible-belt concudes their cock-asses.
 Mormans are the rejected bastard-children of Christianity and MOST hard-line Christians would NEVER vote for Romney due to the cult-status of the Morman church, however, it is FAR more likely that all those non-mormon supporters of Romney WILL swing their support to Huckabee since he is at his core a Baptist-fundie and a ridgid moralist... With Romney out, Huck will also draw Morman support and money into his camp that will NOT flow to McCain since he lacks the moral clout and faith-affirmed underpinnings to attract hard-righters...
 It's a bright day for Huckabee, but only about a 40w bright day, not bright enough to win in Mn this September...

(Side-note, this will also cause false-hope and more confusion for the Dems as the Hillary/Obama shootout continues, since it'll show up as false readings for what will seem a runaway lead as pollsters try to size up the dem/gop diffrential... The true Bible-believing hard-righters that rallied behind Bush to barely squeeze him into office will be largely absent from McCains camp, and WILL wait to see if a late-hour third party candidate appears rather than fall into formation behind McCain, however in the last minutes they WILL begrudgingly vote McCain before they hand the Whitehouse to the devilsous Obama-nation or Hillary-Harlet as they usher in the Anti-Christ!)

Timbow1629 reads

Huck will drop out within two weks and the Reps will have their nominee while the idiot DEms will face court battles with FL and MI if it is close and a revolution when Hillary wins with Super Delegates . It will be fun too watch.

My 2¢1561 reads

Never underestimate the delutional, irrational head-strong, against all odds determination of a Conservative-Christian-Zelot! If he drops from the Republican race, it'll only be because he goes independent of cuz Jesus calls him home!

Do you think they'll finally stop shitting their pants everytime someone mentions Jesus?

I don't....

Yeshua.of.Nazereth1636 reads

when your time comes to answer for YOUR sins.


(And try not to be such a dweeb to my other children, okay...or I'll have to give you an ever HARDER smackdown when you die)

Chuck Manson2180 reads

how is it that you think you're the only person who understands what a sham transaction is?

Is it the voices in your head?  or the fucking 20" of vacuum in your head?

Ben Dover2742 reads

It's as easy to read as a children's book! And I didn't need some fucking POPE in a big fake hat to interpret it for me and tell me shit it doesn't say... Nor can an angry old fuck like yourself, especially since you won't even READ the book! Go jack-off on a law book, maybe you can get that judge that was wearing a penis pump under his robe to rule in your favor...

-- Modified on 2/8/2008 12:50:22 PM

Chuck Manson3229 reads

voices in your head!  And you can sing along with the King James bible - it's no harder for you than any other ancient English dialect!

Ben Dover2209 reads

As for the King James Bible, I don't think of it as much more than a loose yet poetic version and don't give it much more credence than I do the Pope! It's nothing more than an old-english translation of Luther's German translation, so it's a watered down copy thrice removed...
 No wonder you're such an angry old fuck and know so little truth behind the Biblical things you so hate... Try reading from a Young's Literal Translation sometime before you form your half-assed opinions on the backs of the opinions of other half-assed 500 year old agenda-driven fools! Better yet, DON'T read it, you're an easier target if you remain ingorant, arrogant, and angry... Stay right where you are, the butt of every joke!

(Now go to Kinko's and make copies of this sticker and paste them on all those Bibles you find in motel6 rooms when your there trollin' for trannies!)

-- Modified on 2/8/2008 7:03:39 PM

Ben Dover2492 reads

However, I also realize it's probably very confusing inside you head with all those other voices talking, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you probably have no idea who you were attempting to address as you randomly blut out unintelligible shit... Hopefully those voices in your head that keep telling you to kill yourself will eventually drown out all the others...

when anyone mentions "Science"!  That goes for you Krazy Khristians, Maniac Muslims, Horrific Hasidim (Ultra conservative Jews for the yokels out there), Moaning Mormons, Catastrophic Catholics, Hypocritical Hindus, Bloodthirsty Bhuddists, the list goes on.  

might want to ass fuck you first....

dont worry, use the forcefield science gives you...

science! LOL!! What a dildo....

John is rich enough to get the cut, but not rich enough to shut up the barber (spa specialist).  Only the hair dresser knows for sure with "The Mormon."  The Rom has that Joe Smith magic going for him.

Rommey needs to take some time to figure where he stands on abortion.  Apparently Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints missed that memo. Flip flopping on such a trivial issue like abortion is me being a stickler, I know.  But if we call it "baby-bayoneting" instead, maybe it will help him visualize.

Conundrumite2868 reads

forcing possibly under aged or underprivileged parents to give birth and raise the kid in poverty, and then for reasons of limited educational and career opportunities the child is forced by circumstances to join the military where they can be sent too be horribly maimed or killed participating in a military occupation of a foreign country simply to further the monetary ambitions of American corporate oil interests and the POTUS puppet of those interests?

Or maybe the unwanted child will simply become a societally disenfranchised sociopath committing numerous heinous crimes and ultimately becoming a multi million dollar ward of the State once he is arrested and imprisoned for his opportunistic and predatory crimes upon the innocent..

... unwanted dead or unwanted alive.  

But feel free to convolute away, as the low lying fog is always in the forecast.

But as we unfortunately know from past experience, conservative christians like the infliction of pain upon there own - to quote a line from Marat/Sade, "and to the poor, they [the Church]said 'Suffer, suffer as he suffered upon the cross!'".

It is and shall ever be a battle between science and magic.

GaGambler2128 reads

science requires silly little things like research and proof, things that just get in the way of nice reassuring answers that gets little chidren to sleep each night. I prefer magic, that way I'll never have to think for myself. I'll just give all my money to that nice man on the television and he'll tell me everything I need to know.

I'm also sure he will  explain to me after the tornado levels my house and kills my children, how this was just Gods way of testing me and that I will be a better person for it,just the way I was made a better person by watching my aunt suffer through ten years of agony from the cancer that ultimately killed her, but remember, don't forget to send the check. God loves you.

Yeah, give me magic every fucking time.

And don't forget to rely on the Lottery for your retirement plan!

GaGambler1392 reads

Social Security, not so much. Unless you mean that I am guaranteed to put hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of dollars,if the dems have their way, into a system that I will even hope to ever get so much as a fration of my money back unless I happen to live to be a thounsand years old. You're right, no gambling there,it's just a matter of how much I lose, but I know for a fact that I am a guaranteed loser. so you are correct "no gambling there"

Lone Haranguer1521 reads

mess left by your cheap broken rubbers.

But if you aren't there to help, you don't have a lot of room to complain - unless you're one of those neighbors who can't keep your own life going, can't even buy decent rubbers, so you have to tell everybody else how to run theirs, because your cum was too dry to run down her leg before you split.

Besides, if he's half as stupid as you, it's just mercy-killing.

BuckFush!3014 reads

Oh no!!  You mean there isn't there another spawn of Satan just like that moron Georgie Bushie to take his place in the land of dittoheads??

What are the holly-roller bible thumping fanatics and right wing gun-wielding nut-jobbers going to do now???

GaGambler2735 reads

is kick the shit out of the idiotic, incompetent democrats again. The dems could not have asked for a better scenario in which to take the White House, but as predicted they are already finding ways to fuck it up, AGAIN.

In short, with the exeption of Clinton, Bill not Hillary, the democrats have proven completely incapable of doing anything right.

So I guess we can expect another four years of listening to the dems whining about how the White House was stolen from them, ONCE AGAIN, unless the McCain gets an attack of the stupids and names Huckabee to be his running mate. Just remember the Republicans are evil, not stupid. Only the democrats are capable of making a move that stupid.

which is why they are so effective.

Evil will always hold the upper hand because they lack a moral compass.

Stupidity will always blunder about, fumbling every opportunity.

Explains alot, doesn't it.

RightwingUnderground1557 reads

Probably only just the ones that you don't like and can't fathom any other possible reason for their behavior.

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