Politics and Religion

well, most people are idiots and they don't know east from west
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 5573 reads
1 / 9

According to the poll reported in Der Spiegel, Europeans now view the PRC as the greates threat to global security, replacing the good old USA for pride of place in that dubious category. [Personally, i'd love to have some in-depth interviewing of these respondents, in particular how did each define "threat to global security"?].

So I'm wondering, with the Yellow Peril [temporarily?] back on center stage, how does this play out for our old friends the Islamofascists?  Will it now be easier or harder to gin up the threats they pose to the Values of Western Civilization?  Will European gov'ts be more willing to follow [or at least less willing to criticize] the policies of the  Tel Aviv-Washington Axis Of Absurdity?  Will Israel still continue to get away with selling US weapons to the PRC? [A resounding "don't make me laugh!" to that one! To even think the question marks you as a total anti-Semite, to ask it out loud makes you a likely Holocaust Denier as well.]

I think this is easy -- political polling is almost always a case of garbage in, garbage out. They are to politics what Harry Potter novels are to literature. They [the polls, NOT Harry Potter] are interesting to read, just as cottom candy is sometimes nice to eat, but in the end each is as imsubstantial as air.  I predict by the time the next poll is taken, we'll see entirely different results, with a new Int'l Bogeyman # 1.


Europeans View China as Biggest Threat to Global Security

China may have been hoping to garner positive global attention in the run-up to the Beijing Olympics, but the issue of Tibet has shattered its image. A new poll shows that Europeans now see China -- not the US -- as the biggest threat to global security.

A few weeks' bad press, and China's attempts to portray itself in a positive light before the Beijing Summer Olympics have all but turned to dust. The full impact of the crackdown on Tibetan protestors (more...) and the subsequent protests against the Olympic torch relay (more...) has now been made apparent in a new poll of European opinion.

China has now overtaken the United States as the greatest perceived threat to global stability in the eyes of Europeans, according to the opinion poll commissioned by the Financial Times.

The poll, carried out by the Harris agency between March 27 and April 8 and published on Tuesday, found that 35 percent of respondents in the five largest EU states see China as a bigger threat to world stability than any other state. Last year, that figure was 19 percent, and in 2006 it was only 12 percent. In contrast, the US has slipped back into second place, with 29 percent of the respondents viewing it as the biggest threat, down from 32 percent in 2007.

The poll was carried out in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom shortly after the brutal suppression of the unrest in Tibet in mid-March. Many of the respondents would have seen images of subsequent protests against the Olympic torch relay.

The transformation of China's image from a land of economic opportunities to one of global threat is seen largely as a result of the Western media coverage of the Asian economic power. "The profile has changed," Mark Leonard from the European Council on Foreign Relations told the Financial Times. "The story of the last five years has been about economic opportunities. The story of the last six months has been about China as a threat in Darfur and in Tibet."

Leonard pointed out that Europeans only glean their information about China from the news coverage, which has recently been unfavorable, whereas their view of the US is also based on their exposure to American popular culture.

On Tuesday, there was yet another piece of bad press for China as Amnesty International named China the biggest perpetrator of capital punishment in the world in its latest report on the death penalty.

China put at least 470 people to death last year, Amnesty reported, with Iran coming in a close second with 377 executions in 2007. Although China has actually seen a reduction in death sentences after it reintroduced a review by its top court in all capital cases, Amnesty says that the number of executions may be far higher than the figure of 470.

Death penalty figures in China are treated as a state secret and Amnesty only used the most reliable sources to come to its minimum figure. The US-based Dui Hua Foundation, for example, which researches conditions in Chinese prisons, has said it estimates that around 6,000 people were actually executed in China last year.

Piers Bannister, a researcher with Amnesty, told the Associated Press, that the report was a "challenge to China to end the secrecy" surrounding the death penalty.

-- Modified on 4/16/2008 7:41:35 PM

GOPGeezer 2 Reviews 1463 reads
2 / 9

when they have the hot babes.

China will never destroy their markets.  They're to busy making money selling stuff to everyone. And that includes body parts from the executed.  I bet China is going to rule the whole world and I hope-----THAT CHINA MAKES ME---A MILLIONAIRE!!!!!!! yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaah

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2737 reads
3 / 9

""The poll was carried out in Germany, France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom""

Isn't it odd that they would only poll western europe and state that this is how Europe thinks???  

just a whole lot self-centered are we?????

Germany and italy did their best to wreck the globe, thay outta STFU for at least another century....

WE are the only reason France and UK are'nt STILL getting weinerschitzeled...

and Spain?  Spain could'nt figure out what it wanted to do while Hitler was baking millions of people...oh, that was downwind...okay.

Yeah, western europe...who gives a fuck?

RightwingUnderground 1842 reads
4 / 9
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2641 reads
5 / 9

I suspect those states were chosen based on simple demographics like population size, GDP, etc..., as well a technical considerations like ease of conducting polls, public familarity with political polling, etc... 3 of the 5 are founding members of NATO.  I guess Europe here is just shorthand.

and harkening back to forgotten academic days, 4 of those 5 countries were the ones von Ranke identified in his famous essay "The Great Powers" [substitute Austria, subtract Italy.]

I worked for too many years in the polling industry. It really is, with some exceptions, garbage in, garbage out.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1850 reads
6 / 9
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2668 reads
7 / 9

I advise against a strong position in the 2008 Summer Olympics Collectibles market.

Geezer, get out of US dollars before the PRC stops buying US gov't securities.

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 2232 reads
8 / 9

much less be able to recognize the recent history of east vs west europe would cause opionions about the US to be DECIDELY DIFFERENT from east to west

i mean, do you really think the Czechs, the  Poles, etc think the US is the greatest threat to global security?

The poll, due to it;s sample, is useless. which is about what you can say for western europe.....

NeighboorhoodStoner 1498 reads
9 / 9

Hey George will ya come over here and bomb the shit out of us, and then rebuild and rebomb and rebuild and rebomb and rebuild and rebomb!?!

Urban renewal the sloppy way, ya know?!

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