Politics and Religion

Well Matt, that is the nicest thing I think you have EVER said about me. lol
GaGambler 122 reads

Trump is pandering to the Thumpers, Hillary is pandering to the BLM and the "give me free shit" crowds.  

Am I a cheerleader for Trump? Of course not, Do I believe that he will be "less bad" than Hillary? Absolutely.  

Just like Obama campaigning on closing GITMO on his first year in office, which all "smarter, less gullible" people knew was NOT going to happen, Trump's promises to "build a wall" or "deport 11 million illegals" just are NOT going to happen either.  

There are some things a POTUS does have influence over, Obamacare for example. Under Hillary, we will most certainly double down on ObamaCare. Federal minimum wage is another thing that most likely WILL happen under Hillary. It's one thing to pay people in NYC $15 hr to flip hamburgers, it's quite another to do so in the "heartland" I pay my hands right about $15 hr today to do skilled, back breaking oil field work. Do you think I can keep paying my hands $15 hr if they can get the same wage for flipping burgers in an air conditioned restaurant? and when I have to increase my payroll costs by several hundred thousand a year, just how the fuck am I supposed to pass those costs along? I get paid by the barrel, I can't renegotiate the price of oil which is a commodity traded world wide.  

Trump lends a very palatable uncertainty to the mix which makes very important people VERY nervous. They would rather have the "devil that they know" the problem from my perspective is I DO know the devil in the person of Hillary Clinton, and except for Bernie Sanders I can't think of ANYONE who would be worse for myself personally AND the country in general.

See, reasonable posts get reasonable answers.

Might be some problems with that.

1. Some of us don't believe in God.

2. Some believe in the Trinity (God 3 in 1)

3. The Christian God of the Old Testament, and the God of the Jews and the God of the Muslims are the same God. Oh, my! Somebody in one of Trump's baskets won't be very happy with that! ;

This morning God woke up thinking He was Donald Trump! lol

That's a joke. See, if you didn't get it, Trump wants to unite everybody under "One God," and can't help but believe he IS that god.

And those who don't buy it don't count. In fact most won't be allowed to live on American soil.

as you can see, all 3 of my points went over FM's head!  ;)

followme105 reads

admitted iranian sympathizer and terror supporter it was obvious it was a joke.

The fact that you felt it necessary to tell matt it was a joke means you are clearly tell us you think matt is not very smart.

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2016 = GOP All The Way

followme115 reads

your lefty comrades are aanti-thumper you must denounce hillwhorie too.  

However I doubt you hypocrites will denounce her for proudly being a Christian and  believing  in Christ

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For God and Country
2016 = GOP WH, Senate and house

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