Politics and Religion

Who was TJ Looney Tunes?red_smile
Robertini 4 Reviews 4285 reads

and was not posting here at that time. But I think I would have liked to meet her.
Why did she get ban?
If mrnogood where to be her and you were to find out, would you ban him too/again?
mrnogood is not being banned cause he's not doing anything wrong.
I wonder what could she have done?

No disrespect mrnogood just questions

But to make it on topic:
Isn't it funny mrnogood how our so called leaders are part of this plan to destroy the U.S.A.
They pretend to be so patriotic. But mr.nogood are they all in it, from the local politicians to the President?
or is it just the politicians at the top? It got to be the guys at the top in D.C.

Priapus532433 reads

The obscure but very funny Pete Puma, who was one of Bug Bunny's most retarded opponents.

2 traits you share in common with Pete: you're both feeble minded & gluttons for punishment.


-- Modified on 8/14/2011 5:58:48 AM

Robertini just asked an honest question so no need for insults.

     And since he is unlikely to receive an honest answer from anyone on the Board, I'll answer his question.

      TJrevisted was a lady from the Georgia who at one time was a regular poster on the Board. She apparently was a member of our military before she became an escort and was serving o the US Cole when it was attacked. She was deeply conservative and loved to talk about the issues. Her trademark line was to blame everything on "liberals."

    Her posting style, however, did not lend itself well to this nest of spelling Nazis and East German grammaticians. TJ always had a core idea to express but had trouble expressing it in a conventional and coherent manner. She tended to come off as a bit hysterical and always overstated her points.

    As to what became of her, I don't know. I do know she is not Mr. Nogood, as the real TJ would be more than a match for Priapus.

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 6:39:36 AM

Priapus533040 reads

I would say that your defense of schizo TJ would reflect the "angst & Sturm & Drang" you've been going through last week,so I won't comment further.

I'm also refraining from comment on pic below as it would constitute tasteless, SICK & sadistic "schadenfreude"----------:(

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 8:02:46 AM

and come on Mari, "slightly hysterical"??? You've got to be fucking kidding. That's like saying that BOA is slightly down since you have owned it. rofl

There is deeply conservative, and then there is "batshit fucking crazy". TJ and ng definitely fall into the latter category, and since when does tini get treated like an adult? He fucking idolizes ng, how fucked up is that?

TJ's "posting style" was the least of her problems. She was another lunatic conspiracy theorists who couldn't even get basic facts correct.

She believed, among other ridiculous notions:

1. England owns all US debt
2. the IRS and the FED issue social security numbers
3. Congress is supposed to be making our coins

I initially thought your description of her being in the military and aboard the US Cole when it was attacked was mocking her but the rest of the paragraph is deadly earnest. I cannot fathom you could be serious in writing that.

Oh no, TJ clearly is not mng. TJ was a lot of things, but an outright racist and anti-Semite she was not. So its surprising you would bother defending her in the absence of those traits.

Let’s see who is correct between you, me, and TJ

Here is what she said:

“BS, I dont have it backwards, mr I teach the federal reserve.. Congress is supposed to make our coin according to the constitution.. we are debt slaves because of the FED, and our money and our debt is owned by England, so basically we are owned by england.. AND OUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS WERE ISSUED, as our slave numbers, by the IRS/FED..”

Here is what I said:

“TJ always had a core idea to express but had trouble expressing it in a conventional and coherent manner. She tended to come off as a bit hysterical and always overstated her points.”

Here is what you said:

"She believed, among other ridiculous notions:

1. England owns all US debt
2. the IRS and the FED issue social security numbers
3. Congress is supposed to be making our coins"

    Sorry Zisk but TJ's core point is correct on all three of these issues although she overstated or used the wrong language, as I said.

     1. The United Kingdom in fact holds some 242 billion of treasury securities. Only China and Japan hold more. She simply misused her qualifier – instead of saying “all,” she should have said “substantial.”

     2. The IRS does in fact require each taxpayer to use his SS number as an identifier. That is what she meant but mistakenly used the word “issue” instead of “require.”

     3. She is essentially correct on this – The Constitution does vest  to power to coin money in Congress.

      So maybe her “notions” are not so ridiculous, Zisk. Maybe her problem is the way she expresses them – as I posted.

1. 240 BILLION out of 14 TRILLION? 2% hardly qualifies as "substantial" nor can it possibly be construed as they "own" us. Her home state of GA has about 3% of the US population. By your tortured defense of TJ, I presume then you conclude that a "substantial" portion of the US population resides in GA.

2. My insurance company also requires use of my SS# as an identifier. There is no connection between requiring usage and being the ones who issue it. Give me a break. By the way, IRS also requires legal name as an identifier. Maybe TJ thinks her legal name was issued by them as well. You thankfully didn't even attempt to spin a connection to the FED, but just ignored that part of her rant.

3. Fine. This one was just poor wording on her part.

You usually wait until someone lets loose with racist and bigoted comments before you rush to their defense. You must be in need of new clients. I guess you are branching out into the lunatic fringe.

mrnogood1445 reads

I just called her.. LMAO

Robert our politicians may just be corrupted by the banks try to do this to us, but, I doubt that..My reserach leads me to believe it more ludicris than just corruption..

mrnogood943 reads

I know this is a little long, but watch it, with an open mind..When you watch this think about how far along we are in this ''NWO'' thingy..

The ultimate goal is to end sovereignty, we are at that point with this municple bankruptcy where state sovereignty is gonna be ended..So we're pretty far along in this.

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 3:26:00 PM

...or previously -- TalulaJones69. Her TER ID is 92196.  Here is a link to her Backpage ad if you ever get to Atlanta.

-- Modified on 8/14/2011 5:45:39 PM

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