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the treatment of Bernie, was totally bogus! ;)

He just didn't have the guts to run as a third party candidate! ;)

GaGambler243 reads

Not to mention if Bernie had run third party, Trump would have won in a "true" landslide.

The same argument could have been used at Trump, Trump is hardly a "real" Republican, but if he had run third party, Hillary would have won in a landslide.

Now what would have been interesting is if BOTH Bernie and Trump had run third/fourth party. We might have had something like what France is going through right now, with the two candidates most resembling Trump and Clinton facing each other in the "finals"  

France of course is much different than Britain or the US and I find it very unlikely that Le Pen is going to have a chance running on a Frexit platform. I do believe the EU is doomed, but France is still many years from leaving the EU, and unlike Britain, France is one of the lynchpins of the EU, I don't even know if they have the mechanism to bring back the French Franc.

but back to your OP, if Bernie was so little of a threat and not a "real" Democrat, why did Hillary, the heir apparent to Obama for years, have to resort to cheating to beat him?

he "was so little of a threat"? And, he says himself he's not a Democrat, but an independent who caucuses with the Democrats in the Senate. I guess like with Trump, his supporters just were not listening, or care. He tried to hijack the Democrat party, and the party leaders did what they could to stop him, just as the Republican party leaders did to Trump. But, of course we don't have Wikileaks leaks to prove they tried to cheat him! ;)

Bernie generated enough negativity towards Hillary in the Democratic Party with the millenials that they either voted for him where they could or just didn't bother to vote at all. Towards the end of the campaign, he tried his best to garner support for Hillary, but it seemed disingenuous or a an all out sell out.  This really turned things from bad to worse for Hillary.  I was never a big fan of Hillary but compared to what we needed up with, she would have the far lesser of two evils.  At least she would have known what she was doing.  

Fortunately, by his recent interviews complaining that the job was a lot harder than he thought it would be, Trump is setting the stage for his resignation.  The only thing that's holding him back is that he just found out he doesn't get to pick Ivanka as his replacement.

Bullshit...Hillary generated enough criticism towards herself....all by herself.  

Benghazi was the first bullet, followed by the e-mail scandal. The Clinton foundation did not do her much good and then to try and emulate Trump by calling Trump supporters deplorables. The DNC scandals did not help either with Wasserman Schultz and Donna Brazile with the debate issues.  

Then to top it off she paraded big name celebrities out I a form of a pre-election victory party. Even though she won the popular vote she did not hit the big states much and lost on her own accord.  

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
Bernie generated enough negativity towards Hillary in the Democratic Party with the millenials that they either voted for him where they could or just didn't bother to vote at all. Towards the end of the campaign, he tried his best to garner support for Hillary, but it seemed disingenuous or a an all out sell out.  This really turned things from bad to worse for Hillary.  I was never a big fan of Hillary but compared to what we needed up with, she would have the far lesser of two evils.  At least she would have known what she was doing.  
 Fortunately, by his recent interviews complaining that the job was a lot harder than he thought it would be, Trump is setting the stage for his resignation.  The only thing that's holding him back is that he just found out he doesn't get to pick Ivanka as his replacement.

Mr.M.Johnson145 reads

the Comey/Putin team that enabled Trump to win.  w/o them, Hill wins bigly

Trump won 3 states - MI, PA and WI by ~70,000 votes  
Michigan.  2,279,543 to 2,268,543 = 10,704 (.2%)  
PA.             2,970,733 to 2,926,441 =  44,292 (.7%)  
WI.             1,405,284 to 1,382,536 =  12,748 (.7%)  

Yeah, I'm gonna keep posting this EVERYTIME someone says Trump beat Hillary and implying that he did it on his own

Its always someone else's fault isn't it? Never the lazy candidate who didn't visit WI once, MI only once then late and then PA? She went there what twice outside of Dem strongholds in the big cities? Wasn't her fault was it that she gave Comey the reason to criticize her by being so stupid as to put her email server in her fucking closet was it? Wasn't her fault she had no coherent economic message that the middle class in blue counties that voted overwhelmingly for Barry wanted to hear was it?  Wasn't her fault she lied about Benghazi was it? On and on and on.............................Keep up your whining. When he wins again in 2020, I'll look forward to your new crop of BS excuses.

Mr.M.Johnson140 reads

Do you think Trump woulda won w/o Putin and w/o Comey?

Do you honestly think that Putie and Comey didn't cause 40K voters in MI, PA, and WI to vote for Illigitimate POTUS rather than Hill????

He did......and no.

Next question snowflake.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
Do you think Trump woulda won w/o Putin and w/o Comey?  
 Do you honestly think that Putie and Comey didn't cause 40K voters in MI, PA, and WI to vote for Illigitimate POTUS rather than Hill????

And of course you have proof of all you pathetic conspiracy theory allegations.  

Not only did he BEAT Crooked Hillary......he was a reality TV star who beat Crooked Hillary.

Posted By: Mr.M.Johnson
the Comey/Putin team that enabled Trump to win.  w/o them, Hill wins bigly  
 Trump won 3 states - MI, PA and WI by ~70,000 votes    
 Michigan.  2,279,543 to 2,268,543 = 10,704 (.2%)    
 PA.             2,970,733 to 2,926,441 =  44,292 (.7%)    
 WI.             1,405,284 to 1,382,536 =  12,748 (.7%)    
 Yeah, I'm gonna keep posting this EVERYTIME someone says Trump beat Hillary and implying that he did it on his own

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