Politics and Religion

Wasn't "Our favorite fetus"
9-man 2847 reads
1 / 19

I have to admire the artistry of this worm-brained numbskully. He did it without a stammer or lapse, and with a big grin. Of course, by Republican standards exhibited here, this isn't even a gaffe to you. I know the feeling, guys.

This is the one that McCain is not going to recover from. In Presidential campaigns, sometimes there is one event, one turning point that determines in public opinion who is unfit to be president.  

This, my friends, is it. No matter what you think about the wrong or right of this, McCain is not going to recover from it.  

Obama vs. Obama indeed.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1101 reads
2 / 19

If this is the turning point, as you seem to believe, we will see the constant replay of this supposed gap on Air America and other sources, and McCain will have a fast drop in popularity in the weekly polling.  If it isn't the huge gaffe, it will be forgotten within 3 days.

I actually think it will be over before then.  Leno and other late night hosts are usually good indicators of how serious a gaffe is and how long it is remaining in the public's mind.  

I would bet this will be off the comedy circuit by Friday.

Of course, if next week there is no such drop, it will only mean that this is not the huge "turning point" you seem to think it is.

Fortunately, we only have to wait six days until the next batch of weekly polls are released.

avenger1001 1401 reads
3 / 19

Republicans always had the worst time attracting women.  Just ask Billkile and friends here.  Living a life of loneliness and emptiness, paying $300+ an hour for meaningless encounters with women because that is the only way they can ever find a woman.

Even the re-pubic-ans can't buy their way to victory this November.  Suppose they pay $300 each to some 20 million women voters to vote for them so they can barely edge a victory.  $6 billion?  No way.

9-man 1901 reads
4 / 19

This is not like a comedic bit. We won't know by next week. I expect that McCain will lose three points in the polls that won't come back. That will be crucial.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 6:45:13 PM

dncphil 16 Reviews 1195 reads
5 / 19

I didn't say that his fate would be determined by comedians.  I said that they are a good indicator of what people are talking about.

His fate will be determined by how people react to this (and other) things that he says.  If people don't get upset about it, if the news doesn't cover it and keep it alive, the comedians will realize that it is a non-issue.

They are nothing more than a mirror reflecting what people are feeling.

If they aren't talking about it in 3 days, it means no one cares.

In any event, let's see if he drops 3 points by next week.  If he doesn't, you are just wrong and it was nothing.

As I say, let's see.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1374 reads
6 / 19

Avenger101 goes on about how Republicans can't attract women without paying.  I would only point out that there are a fair number of Dems on this board.  And they are in this forum because they consider it charity work.

Timbow 1707 reads
7 / 19

If y'all really think that one comment is gonna hurt MAc then I can see why you are so gullible about Obama :)
Its called a joke .

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 5:10:43 PM

GaGambler 1568 reads
8 / 19

did Mommy give you your laptop back? I would have guessed Daddy, but with your attitude about prostitutes and the men that patronize them I could only assume that you live at home with only your mother because your father was either caught with a prostitute or just ran off with a younger woman.

Don't worry, when you grow up and stat having sex yourself, (as opposed to having sex with yourself) lmao, I am sure you'll have a different perspective about your father's dalliances.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1234 reads
9 / 19

OK, so I watched the clip. Seriously dude, where is the gaffe? Is that what you call misogyny? Most folks just call it humor.

But then again, you are brain washed by a candidate who has no sense of humor at all, so I guess your reaction is not at all surprising.

But this so-called gaffe is the moment he'll never recover from? That was the best joke of all. Keep em coming!

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 6:31:21 PM

9-man 1542 reads
10 / 19

-Bob Dole had his "quit telling lies about me" diatribe.

-George Mondale had his "I'll raise your taxes" speech.

-For actions speaking louder than words, George McGovern had his sudden dropping of Thomas Eagleton as his VP.

-George Bush the first went back on his "No new taxes" pledge.

For this one, it's already being floated that McCain just didn't know that biker pageants might be somewhat racier than others. Really, that's stupid.

-- Modified on 8/5/2008 6:44:52 PM

9-man 1252 reads
11 / 19

It's how women voters will react. I'm thinking that just a few percentage points will fall away from McCain, and in this race, that means a lot.

It's true that in the hobby that kind of joke means less, but there's a canyon between providers and civie women, and I'm telling you how I think they'll respond.

I wasn't offended with it, in fact I laughed and  thought, "that guy is out of his mind!"

GaGambler 1669 reads
12 / 19

so far in our unscientific poll of women. 100% are not offended.

I saw the same clip and my reaction was the same as Sins. "What gaffe" I thought the righties were the prudes, Zin you need to get out more.

dncphil 16 Reviews 1615 reads
14 / 19

I know in the past one comment has had an impact.  I just don't think this is it. But, as I say, we will know soon enough.

SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 1261 reads
15 / 19

Hmmmmmm.....*tittie check*......Yup, I've got a pair (pretty nice set too if I do say so myself). So ok, I'm a woman, and I wasn't in the least bit offended by his joke. See the thing is, it was a JOKE. No big deal.

As for the other members of my genders, any woman with half a brain is going to see it for the joke that it is, and just flat out not give a crap. The only women who would actually get their pantyhose in a twist over McCain's joke are the bra burning feminzazi Gloria Steinem types. And lets be realistic here, that type of woman is more likely to reach down her throat and rip out her own uterus than she is to vote for McCain, joke or no joke.

Sorry, I utterly fail to see how this little joke, I really can't refer to it as a gaffe of any sort, is going to hurt McCain.

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1924 reads
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Tucker Max 1869 reads
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From the heading on the video, I thought she was going to come out topless. That bitch has everything, lots of money, lots of beer, plus she's one real hot looking lady! I'd vote for the old man!!

GaGambler 1977 reads
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I also bet that "Avenger" is going to be one fucked up adult whenever he grows up.

At least the rest of us have something in common, whether we be left, right, or in the middle we all share an affinity for pussy. Our poor little avenger doesn't seem to share our interest. His loss.

Excuse me Sins, and the rest of the ladies that occasionally post here, maybe I should have said that we all share an interest in sex, not just pussy.

Blackbeltxxx 13 Reviews 1837 reads
19 / 19
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