Politics and Religion

Video : fair anti Romney ad or over the line ?
GaGambler195 reads

While I consider Reid outright accusation based on an anonymous source to be over the top and a cunt hair from being actionable, I think this Obama ad is exactly what Romney should have expected when he made the conscious decision to NOT release his returns.

and although I am I an sure this will surprise most of you, I think so far at least, Romney is running no better a campaign than McCain before him, and you'll notice I am not offering to bet ANYONE on the outcome of this election.

The Obama campaign is historically vicious due to the fact they can't talk about their own record.  They ran a commercial accusing Romney and Bain of killing some guy's wife becaus he was laid off and his wife died of stage 4 cancer shortly after.  Of course this was 7 years after Romney left Bain and the guy was actually offered a buy out and not laid off.  The best part is Obama's #2 campaign chief caught red-handed lying saying she was "unfamiliar with the facts"  when there is tape of her interviewing the guy on a conference call.  But this is from a Super Pac and not his campaign (wink, wink).

I do agree that at the moment Romney is running a McCain-like campaign.  I have faith that he is just holding back 90 days before the election and will soon come out on the offensive and destroy this truly awful, incompetent president.

Timbow305 reads

Posted By: Officer Cartman
The Obama campaign is historically vicious due to the fact they can't talk about their own record.  They ran a commercial accusing Romney and Bain of killing some guy's wife becaus he was laid off and his wife died of stage 4 cancer shortly after.  Of course this was 7 years after Romney left Bain and the guy was actually offered a buy out and not laid off.  The best part is Obama's #2 campaign chief caught red-handed lying saying she was "unfamiliar with the facts"  when there is tape of her interviewing the guy on a conference call.  But this is from a Super Pac and not his campaign (wink, wink).

I do agree that at the moment Romney is running a McCain-like campaign.  I have faith that he is just holding back 90 days before the election and will soon come out on the offensive and destroy this truly awful, incompetent president.

-- Modified on 8/10/2012 6:43:41 AM

followme199 reads

True, however since Mitt has not released but one year of returns how can the obama campaign say "
"But we do know that Romney personally approved over $70 million in fictional losses to the IRS'

They complain that he has not released the returns yet they know he approved losses to the IRS.

Perhaps Mitt is waiting until after the convention and closer to the election to release the dogs.

Thank you
2012 = GOP

The ad makes Romney look like a real person.

nuguy46211 reads

Romney is running like McCain and doesn't do him any good.
think he has some spending limitations until after the convention.
believe Reagan held back until month or so before Nov and was behind Carter the entire time.
woould not expect or advise Romney or his PACs to emulate what has ben thrown at him, but he could do more than he is.

I think EVERYBODY should know how to squirrel away their money from taxation as do the Super-rich.

 Romney's given tax return is a "token" as compared to the long and "transparent" histories given to us by recent past Presidents, and hopefuls like Mitt's father.

 I wanna see just how a Harvard Business School bred cannibal predator(and his cronies) manipulate, re-label, and "legally" hide their hundred millions$ from Federal Income Taxes.
I kinda think a-LOT of people would like to see that. :D

Priapus53202 reads

Remember Willie Horton & "swiftboating" ? Karl Rove & the ghost of Lee Atwater must be thinking imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Seems to be paying off, because an average of 9 polls show BHO leading by 4.4% & he leads electorally 247 to 191. If it's shown to be working, think the Dems will lay off from now to election day ?

For a key to the mindset of BHO campaign, following link is instructive :

-- Modified on 8/10/2012 8:35:17 AM

Priapus53171 reads

9 polls aveaged over the last month shows BHO with 4.2% lead, which seems credible to me :

Timbow175 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
9 polls aveaged over the last month shows BHO with 4.2% lead, which seems credible to me :

many more now, learn about the Son of Boss scandal.  ;)

-- Modified on 8/10/2012 9:52:06 AM

nuguy46206 reads

before trumpeting a poll, need to know 'who' is being surveyed. up to this point, most poll 'adults'. some poll 'registered voters', a few poll 'most likely to vote' voters. the most accurate is the latter.

Priapus53184 reads

because the conservatively biased Fox Rasmussen uses that apporoach; However, so did a "Dem" poll giving Obama a lead.

I've heard this REPEATEDLY from Rove, Coulter & Hannity; sounds to me like they're "running scared."

Best poll results are when numerous polls are averaged; RCP.com does this with 9 polls & shows BHO with a 4.2% lead. As for the electoral count, it's BHO with 247 & Romney with 191.

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