Politics and Religion

Unless you are a "taker" I can't imagine Hillary being good for anybody
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 1178 reads
1 / 18

It's not his taste to talk about other presidents.  He took a bold stand saying everything is wrong and we don't have a leader.  With all his faults, GWB was a leader.  Maybe we will have more take a bold stand so we can take our country back again.  Make us great again!

JakeFromStateFarm 27 reads
2 / 18

he's a much better ex President than he was a President.

User1994 23 Reviews 20 reads
3 / 18
Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 24 reads
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and I respect them all for the office they held.  They were leaders.  Trump will never succeed because he doesn't want to.  He has made more enemies and it's about time someone comes forth and says this is not right.  I respect GWB for taking a stand.  It is not in the taste of living ex Presidents to condemn our leader.  Do you find it odd that he hasn't reached out to any of them?  I find Trump to be a narcissist that says the most outlandish rubbish.  I can't imagine any of our ex Presidents every calling an American citizen a loser for given a bad hand at life, or still struggling from our economy crash in 08.  He was given everything in life and doesn't even know what it means to come up from nothing and build oneself.  He has no character.  And he is the first President to call all immigrants rapists and drug addicts.  He is delusional.  He will spend all his time attacking those that open their mouth and say he is wrong and not a leader.  He is not qualified to hold the job.  Americans are afraid of their futures.  I yearn for time when our leader would make a speech after a crisis and let us know that we are going to be okay.  Madison

User1994 23 Reviews 27 reads
5 / 18

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
Re: We have 5 living ex Presidents
I respect GWB for taking a stand.  It is not in the taste of living ex Presidents to condemn our leader.
Right. As long as he's bashing the current Republican in the White House, you're all for it. Suddenly Dubya is a hero!
Posted By: Madison_Ohare

  Do you find it odd that he hasn't reached out to any of them?  I find Trump to be a narcissist that says the most outlandish rubbish.  I can't imagine any of our ex Presidents every calling an American citizen a loser for given a bad hand at life, or still struggling from our economy crash in 08.
Trump never called anyone any such thing for any reason close to what you listed. You are not allowed to libel the POTUS on my board without being called out for it.
Posted By: Madison_Ohare

 He was given everything in life and doesn't even know what it means to come up from nothing and build oneself.  He has no character.  
If you had inherited what the Left likes to think Trump did, you would have spent it all long ago. Trump turned a few million that he borrowed from his father into 8 billion. It's hard to make the case that he wouldn't be financially successful no matter what. But I'm sorry that you don't think it's fair that in the USA financially successful people can help their offspring. So Trump's crime is having a successful father.
Posted By: Madison_Ohare

And he is the first President to call all immigrants rapists and drug addicts.  He is delusional.  He will spend all his time attacking those that open their mouth and say he is wrong and not a leader.  
LIE! Trump never said anything of the sort. Not even close. Again, you're not going to get away with libeling the pres on my message board.
Posted By: Madison_Ohare

He is not qualified to hold the job.  
A man who built an empire is completely qualified. Obama has barely had a job in his entire life and I'm sure you think he's qualified despite his massive failure. Bernie Sanders has NEVER had a job. Literally, anyone who has worked a shift at Burger King has a better understanding of how the country works, and I bet you think he's qualified. Hillary has done nothing but cheat and scam people and sell access to her future powers for her whole life and I bet you think she's qualified.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 27 reads
6 / 18

Or so they say....but if they didn't get the "Yes, we're talking about you" speech then this administration has got to be the dumbest sack of shits to occupy the WH.
I was never a Bush fan, but when he left office, he kept quite, did his painting and didn't fuck with anyone. So for him to say something about "trump" in a negative way is telling.

-- Modified on 10/21/2017 1:12:30 PM

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 21 reads
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to appear a little doofus and be a jokester with a dry sense of humor.  He also has a healthy fear respect for his mother.  I saw him in an interview with Clinton and it was really good. I think the location is the project GWB has been working on since he left office.  He is also a painter to fill his time and very athletic and exercises every day.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 18 reads
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is way more qualified than Trump on economy and how to transition and not leave any people jobless as we progress.  She is hands down more qualified than Trump on foreign affairs.  And she is married to an expert on economy and budget where everybody has a chance.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 20 reads
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I voted for Al Gore and have always wanted him to run again.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 22 reads
10 / 18

..It will take at least the terms of two democratic presidents for the American public to ever vote in a republican president again that would make it 2036, if trump lives that long I can't imagine his mental state would still allow him to form words.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 22 reads
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Trump has even divided his own party and can't get anything done with a majority.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 17 reads
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I just read through the board where I could see on a laptop and saw your message on GWB on the next page.  I am sorry I didn't see it and post under you.  Thank you for giving me some slack on that.  Maddie

GaGambler 23 reads
13 / 18

I predicted gridlock would continue under Trump right after the election.

and just in case the peanut gallery wants to call bullshit on me, here is the link to  prove it.

Personally I would rather have Trump in office, but having a hard time implementing his agenda than to have the Hildabeast in the White House having any success at all with hers.

Every time Trump steps on his dick and makes yet another dumb statement or Tweet, I just remind myself that the alternative was Clinton

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 20 reads
14 / 18

and I understand why a democratic leader is not in YOUR best interest.  Aren't you ready for his term to be over already?  It's been so long of a year with so much pettiness from Trump.

GaGambler 22 reads
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As I said in my post, Trump at his worst is still a vast improvement over Hillary at her best.

Much of this pettiness is spawned by the Trump haters which include the MSM and the establishment leadership of BOTH parties who can't stand having an "outsider" in charge. Granted, Trump is rather ham handed in the way he deals with it and hasn't learned that sometimes the best strategy is to "rise above" his critics, but to blame ALL the pettiness on Trump is to be looking at this with blinders on.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 19 reads
16 / 18

I have overcome very hard times in life, but have always been blessed with a family that would never let me fall between the cracks.

Just very disappointed in myself that I voted for him.  I fell prey to all the hype over her emails.   Hindsight, I would rather have her.  I believe after the campaign was over, all the dirt would have rest with her and she would have got busy and not had time for petty drama.  I changed my mind last minute and should have threw away on Gary Johnson

User1994 23 Reviews 21 reads
17 / 18

The economy is where she is most unqualified. Her husband enjoyed the Reagan boom, the Y2K hiring spree, and created the housing bubble which collapsed in 2008. Hillary ran on doubling down on Obama's failed policies.

bigguy30 23 reads
18 / 18
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