Politics and Religion

Tuesday, April 16 - only 7 million shares traded…
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 26 reads

That means institutional investors like pension funds, insurance companies and Wall Street money managers aren’t buying the stock because they have a fiduciary duty to make sound investments.  

Yes, Trump has 80 million shares but eventually, when he’s allowed to sell his shares, he’ll have to find buyers.  With only 7 million shares traded today, that’s not a good sign.

Trump's criminal trial in NY began today. But I'm thinking back to Trump's famous statements on election night, 2020.  
Do you remember when the EARLY 2020 vote counts (walk-in votes) had Trump leading Biden? Then, states started counting and reporting the mail-in (early) ballots and Trump's lead disappeared. According to the plan previously mapped out by Bannon and Roger Stone, Trump declared victory (based on the EARLY count) and called for states to STOP COUNTING!!!
Trump tries to claim victory even as ballots are being counted in several states.
"President Trump claimed victory even though millions of legitimate votes had yet to be counted and races in half a dozen swing states still had not been called. “This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country,” Trump said in a White House speech shortly before 2:30 a.m.. “We’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court, we want all voting to stop,” Trump said more than an hour after the final U.S. polls closed in Alaska."
"... In his East Wing comments, Trump said: “We were getting ready for a big celebration. We were winning everything, and all of a sudden it was just called off.” “We’ll be going to the U.S. Supreme Court, we want all voting to stop,” Trump continued more than an hour after the final U.S. polls closed in Alaska. *****“We don’t want them to find any ballots at 4 o’clock in the morning and add them to the list.”*****
I'm waiting for Trump to make a similar claim about DJT and the stock price. "We were trading at $79! We were winning!! Then, they let the stock market open and allowed people to dump their shares!! We don't want them to sell any DJT shares for less than $79! We want trading to stop!!"
I mention this because DJT closed at $32.59 on Friday (April 12) and is now down another 15% to $26.85 on Monday morning (April 15). "Stop the steal! Stop the trading! We were leading! Stop the selling!" "We don't want them to sell and stocks at 4 o'clock in the morning or at any other time for less than $79."  
“[Trump] is a fraud on the American public. [Trump] is an embarrassment to our country,”  
(Part of the price drop is attributed to today's SEC filing by DJT (stock symbol of TMTG) of their intention to issue another 21.5 million shares of stock, diluting the stock value of the current shareholders. Another part of the price drop is attributed to MAGA shareholders selling their shares after realizing that Everything Trump Touches Dies.)

with little revenue, no profits, a diminishing user base, and large operating losses, and turned it into a SPAC acquisition target that would go public at about $50 a share and then zoom up to $78 or $79 the first day of trading, you would have said – the man is a business genius!

              The SEC filings in February listed a parade of horribles about Truth Social. So that info was already public knowledge. Trump did not set the opening price or make any material misrepresentation that I have seen. As far as I know, the company does have zero debt and 200 million in the bank. That this money came from the SPAC and not the operation of the company would have been obvious to anyone who read the filing.

              The retail investors are betting Trump will be re-elected and Truth Social will soar over the next four years. Are you certain it is not at least a reasonable gamble?

              The SEC has already settled with the SPAC founders for pre- merger shenanigans. Will there be class action lawsuits against Trump anyway when the stock price hits $10 or so? Of course, because that is what class action shops do- they look for big damages and then sue. They worry about liability later.  

            If the stock is worth only $10 a share when the lock up expires, Trump who owns 78.75 million shares and reportedly put in very little of his own money for that stake, can sell, settle the class actions,  and will still have a nice payday.

The retail investors are betting Trump will be re-elected and Truth Social will soar over the next four years. Are you certain it is not at least a reasonable gamble?
Seems like a reasonable gamble to me.

Tuesday, April 16, midday, DJT is down another ~12% to ~$23.30 from Monday's close ($26.61).

Posted By: cks175
Re: anyone else had created a social media platform (Good Analysis)
The retail investors are betting Trump will be re-elected and Truth Social will soar over the next four years. Are you certain it is not at least a reasonable gamble?
Seems like a reasonable gamble to me.
I'll be following DJT. Maybe I'll take a position after it plunges below $10. Trump's pals (Russian oligarchs; MbS; Chinese oligarchs) will dive in to boost it back up for him.

That means institutional investors like pension funds, insurance companies and Wall Street money managers aren’t buying the stock because they have a fiduciary duty to make sound investments.  

Yes, Trump has 80 million shares but eventually, when he’s allowed to sell his shares, he’ll have to find buyers.  With only 7 million shares traded today, that’s not a good sign.

Midday Wednesday April 17, DJT is back UP around 14% to $26 and change. Maybe I should have gotten in when it was $22. Naaaaahh. I'm fine without DJT in my portfolio.

Posted By: impposter
Re: anyone else had created a social media platform (Good Analysis)
Tuesday, April 16, midday, DJT is down another ~12% to ~$23.30 from Monday's close ($26.61).
Posted By: cks175
Re: anyone else had created a social media platform (Good Analysis)  
The retail investors are betting Trump will be re-elected and Truth Social will soar over the next four years. Are you certain it is not at least a reasonable gamble?
Seems like a reasonable gamble to me.
I'll be following DJT. Maybe I'll take a position after it plunges below $10. Trump's pals (Russian oligarchs; MbS; Chinese oligarchs) will dive in to boost it back up for him.

Marjorie Taylor Greene WAS in for $15,000-$50,000 when it was still DWAC but appears to have exited:
The Mystery Behind the Disappearance of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Investment in Trump Media Stocks
"... Greene and Rep. Larry Bucshon were the only two members of Congress to publicly report buying stock in Digital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC), the company that merged with Trump Media. Greene’s investment, ranging between $15,000 and $50,000 as per her disclosure, was made in October 2021, just days after the merger was announced. However, it appears Greene’s DWAC shares have since disappeared without a trace from her financial disclosures. ..."

Midday Friday April 19, 2024. DJT is up ~6% to ~$35.  
Some analysts and public comments have noted that DJT insiders have been posting information on Truth Social (I do not access, click on, or read Truth Social directly), advising retail shareholders to PUMP UP the  
price of DJT in order to thwart short sellers and to protect their own interest in DJT.
DJT insiders have been advising retail shareholders how to implement ways to thwart short sellers. Because they do not disclose their own vested interests (Trump owns ~60% of the stock and gets more shares if the price stays up; other insiders own ~20% and get more shares if the price stays up; retail investors hold ~20% and that will drop well below that if the additional insider-only shares are issued) in keeping the share price above $17.50 for 20 consecutive trading days. At that time DJT, will issue ADDITIONAL shares that go to the insiders-only and DILUTE the retail shareholders' share value. Comments are that there might be an SEC violation because shareholders are not being told about that little catch by DJT.
Right now, that is just talk (and not a legal action yet). PRO-Trump comments are more about how great DJT is, that short sellers are out to get him, and so on.  
All good reasons for me to stay away.

Midday Thursday April 18, 2024: DJT is UP another 14% back to ~$30.

If you had pulled the trigger at $22 with a modest $10K investment, he would be up almost $4K right now…

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