Politics and Religion

Try another guess
zisk 86 Reviews 1034 reads

Your guessing skills are as weak as your reading and comprehension skills.

He was only the VP candidate in 2004 and placed 3rd in the 2008 nominee race.  Millions and millions of Dems voted for an ambulance chasing lawyer who embezzled money and used his dying wife as a campaign prop as he's knocking up other women.  And why did they vote for him?  His one and only campaign tactic was class warfare.

who cares about embezzlement?

Meanwhile we are waiting with baited breath to know if you consider his mistress hot enough to be worthy of any attention.

Well if I do I know of at least one brave and noble man who will come to her rescue on his noble steed.

consider his mistress hot enough to be worthy of any attention?

I'm supposed to white knight that?
Holy shit, you can't even get your sad attempt at rebuttal correct.

And congrats are in order again. You've now managed to mimic priapus, mein, and xfean by posting a pic as your main argument. What esteemed company you keep.

OK.  I will officially drop it after this because you just don't get it and you are boring and pathetic.

Little pussy internet posters that take offense and feel the need to defend random photos of women who are called "not a piece-of-ass" are by definition White Knights.  Think of how much emotional energy you have spent on this and think about how much fun I've had pushing your buttons over NOTHING.  The Prince of NY and future Mayor and possible Governor may have thrown it all away to send a boner pic to a girl that is a "6" at best.  I found that ironic and amusing.  But you throwing a hissy fit over this was the icing on the cake.  Thank you for the entertainment Zisk. :)

Over & out

not unexpected at this point.

By your own definition, a WK defends against women who are called "not a piece-of-ass". (Ok, its a stupid definition, but its yours, so we'll go with it.) Yet from above you act as if I would WK when you DO claim his mistress is hot. Do you still fail to see your own stupidity here? In your haste to try to counter me, you keep fucking it up. Constantly. If you want to call it 'emotional energy' or 'pushing my buttons', so be it. For me, its actually an amusing diversion to point out your stupidity. Your posts just seem to beg for it.

BTW, the word random does not mean what you apparently think it does. You keep using it inappropriately. Just thought I'd offer some public service along with my 'entertainment' value.

Although one does wonder how I can be both 'entertaining' and 'boring and pathetic'. You do seem to make a habit out of contradicting yourself. Before, it was across posts. Now its even within the same post.

Have a nice day.

What in the fuck are you talking about?  I never claimed she was hot.  That's what originally got your panties in a bunch (That and I "outed" her ). Have you actually forgotten that? The girl is "Random" because you don't know her at all yet you are defending her with all of your limited intellectual heft.  You seem to get emotionally involved over anything with a vagina.  And yes your desperate attempt to argue with me (even though nobody understood what your position was- especially you) was entertaining in a let's watch the Special Olympics kind of way.  But it got more and more pathetic with each feeble outburst.

Dude, you have replaced Priapus as my new bitch.

are you just a liar or can you not control yourself?
Next question, are you just a liar or so stupid you really cannot follow a simple thread?

You wrote in your last bit of frothing:
"What in the fuck are you talking about?  I never claimed she was hot. "

Try to keep up here for once. I'm tired of having to explain your own stupidity to you and won't do it anymore here.

Look back up the thread:
I stated:
"Meanwhile we are waiting with baited breath to know if you consider his mistress hot enough to be worthy of any attention. "

You replied:
"Well if I do I know of at least one brave and noble man who will come to her rescue on his noble steed."


Because your statement was so stupid, I even asked for clarification:
"Do what...?
consider his mistress hot enough to be worthy of any attention?
I'm supposed to white knight that?"

To which you replied:

I then replied explicitly explaining how stupid that is (both your wk definition and its implication vis-a-vis your response) but you still refuse you apply common sense. I presume because the light bulb finally went on, you just realized how indefensible that position is for what a wk is supposed to do.

So instead now you state you "never claimed she was hot."

In case you didn't see the above, I will repeat just for you:
Are you just a liar or so stupid you really cannot follow a simple thread?

There has never been a word in the English language invented to capture your level of stupidity. It was fun for awhile pointing it out, repeatedly, but its become monotonous.
I'd have to quit my day job to keep correcting you. I have neither the further time nor inclination any more. So go ahead and pile on some more shit at your own discretion. You've become as bad as ww.

Unlike you, I will not lie. I'm out of here regardless of what further stupidity or intentional obfuscation you post in this thread. Have the last word. I bow to your superior intellect and unrelenting ability to misrepresent yourself.

OK, let's try to find a road map through that brain of yours. You focused on the word "do".  But before that I used the term "If".  That magic little word means I have not made a declaration.  So once again, it wasn't "I do find her attractive".  It was "IF I do..."  That really kind of changes the syntax entirely. And I'm not sure if its Weiner's chick or Edwards' baby-mama you are white knighting at this point.  Nobody knows what the fuck you are talking about. I can not believe i have to explain the meaning of "if" to you or the fact I was mocking you for taking up the defense of yet another (random) woman you will never know. You are a total disorganized mess and a walking punch-line.

From reading this last post it seems I have totally gotten into your head.  If it makes you feel any better you have once again entertained me with your desperation. Now think twice before trying to respond again.  You must know you're not doing very well :)

-- Modified on 6/3/2011 9:23:24 PM

He's kinda like the guy who said,  "It depends on what the meaning of 'is' is."  Cartman and Clinton.  Nice couple.

Clinton said that "is" had multiple meanings.  I'm saying that "if" has only one meaning and zisk doesn't understand it because he's a member of the walking dead.

"Clinton said that 'is' had multiple meanings."  DUH!  That was exactly my point!  How could you not get that!  Sorry I even entered the idiotic "debate" the two of you were having.  You deserve each  other.  Enjoy it.

And you compared me to Clinton as if I was pulling the same crap.  I sorta felt the need to clarify.

But who the hell asked for your "contribution" anyway?  When I want your stupidity I will ask for it.  Until then just keep it on your side of the fence.

You will have my "contributions" whenever the hell I choose to give them to you, dickwad.  Better get used to it.  I have the feeling your stupidity will require continual correction.  LMAO!  Perhaps you should go back on hiatus.

No way!!  My goal is to one day be the #1 poster on all of TER.  That way I can be not pathetic just like you.

No reason to add the "LOL" because you must know I'm laughing at you.

You checked to see how often I post?  I am highly flattered you are so obsessed with me that you did some research.  I never check the list but am glad to have your report.  Now go think for a while about how pathetic it is that I've gotten so far inside your fevered brain you needed to do that.
Then look at the thread you started and your posts of today.  Read them again and think.  You need to question what's wrong with you.  What made you such an angry little weasel?

How can I miss you?  You need to ask yourself what went wrong with your life old man?  Or did you dream this would be your biggest accomplishment when you were a little boy? :)

-- Modified on 6/4/2011 2:54:29 PM

OneManJury1567 reads

"You checked to see how often I post?  I am highly flattered you are so obsessed with me that you did some research.
"Now go think for a while about how pathetic it is that I've gotten so far inside your fevered brain you needed to do that"
"Then look at the thread you started and your posts of today"

You have a habit of calling others stupid, when they disagree with your insane point of view.

 Anyone  who claims it takes research to check the top ten list is beyond any reasonable doubt, extremely ignorant at best.

I'm not going to call you stupid .. Stupid people often know they are stupid, and can't help being stupid.
Ignorant partisans like you, don't realize how stupid they look.
Palin dumb  Biden not..Ruff Ruff little kitty

Is there anyone who can't take the moral high ground against John Edwards?  Personally and politically he was totally corrupt.  And he was also the #2 Democrat in the country for a time.

Let me guess Mr. Estrogen.  Did you vote for him?  Were you touched because he was a son of a mill worker and fought for the regular folks?

Your guessing skills are as weak as your reading and comprehension skills.

I mean SOMEONE has the be a right wing troll to counter all the left wing idiots who jump all over any member of the GOP who does somethig stupid like this.

We need balance on this board, and without the likes of TJloonytunes and a few of the other right wing wackos, the is a serious imbalance in the left wing nut job to right wing nut job ratio. liorr is just trying achieve balance on the board, you should be commending him. rofl

Actually I don't think there is any "moral high ground" left, and if there is, I doubt it belongs to anyone from either of the two major parties.

nuguy461608 reads

it's a dem on the hotseat. hell, they defended the first black president's right to get a bj in the oval office from a chick barely out of her teen years.

I didn't give a fuck about Clinton's blow job either, unless you think I'm a lib too?

My only gripe are the idiot lefties who only think it's new when a Republican does it, and there are plenty of idiot libs on this board that fit that discpription

Both the extreme left and the extreme right are so ingrained in their prejudices that they can't see any issue except throught that warped prism.  So they react instinctively and without any real thought.  They have no skepticism about virtually any statement that agrees with their own views.  Thus, you can't even debate them.  The exercise is pointless.  A recent study proves that lefties are just as closed to opposing points of view as those on the right.

OneManJury693 reads

It's not only the extreme who turn blind eyes to transgressions of their kind.
Do you notice yourself  defending the indefensible, when the the corrupted  shoe is on the jack ass?
I do.    
 I meant donkey.

can anyone please translate this gibberish.

nuguy461089 reads

exactly my point,,,,when a dem gets nailed, the far left pretend he doesn;t exist..change the subject, etc..when a repub gets nailed, headlines for weeks and talk shows foer months.....

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