Politics and Religion

Trump's pick to run the Energy dept. Rick Perry, who wanted to eliminate it & famously forgot it....
saltyballs 2018 reads

Trump is piling more crocodiles in the swamp. He's pissing on us and calling it rain. Rick Perry, is a fucking moron, but not to worry, if there's a way to spin this as a positive, righties will haul out the knee pads.  

Perry twice ran for his party’s presidential nomination, including against Trump, presenting himself as pro-business candidate. Perry's selection is amusingly ironic, because five years ago, Perry wanted to eliminate the Energy Department: in an infamous 2011 Republican primary debate, Perry forgot that the Energy Department was one of the three federal government agencies he wanted to do away with. The other two were the Commerce and Education Departments. According to some pundits, the gaffe may have cost him a shot at the party’s 2012 nomination.

Perry serves on the board of Energy Transfer Partners LP, the company whose pipeline project has drawn opposition in North Dakota and has become a rallying cry from environmentalists. While the Obama administration has stalled the project, Trump has said federal approvals for energy infrastructure need to come quicker.

-- Modified on 12/13/2016 11:47:03 AM

That would be my concern along with his love of fossil fuels.

GaGambler232 reads

Anything that gets Rick Perry the fuck out of Texas can't be all bad.

I will say that getting a pipeline to transport the Bakken Oil is a lot more important than the Keystone Pipeline that only benefits Canada.  Pipelines are much safer than the alternatives of trucking and railing the oil like they do currently.  

Maybe they can ship Rick Perry up there and lose him in a North Dakota snowdrift?

and the pundits that blame that "gaffe" for Perry not getting the nomination are idiots. That gaffe didn't cost him the nomination, the fact that he is one of those people that you only have to see or listen to once to immediately dislike is what cost him the nod. Perry is not only a phony and a fake, but he is obviously fake and phony, kind of like one of those really slimy preachers you see on TV preaching the gospel and getting rich by shearing the sheep.

stucaboy295 reads

this will be one of my stupid questions.  Why pipe the raw material down to the Gulf, refine it, and then ship it back to the users?  Clearly, I am missing something.

GaGambler315 reads

There is a very good reason we haven't built single refinery of any significant capacity in over FORTY years.

Nobody with the billions of dollars it would cost is stupid enough to take on the liability, not to mention the red tape of even attempting to build a refinery big enough to refine the amount of oil produced in ND.

Don't worry about it being a "stupid" question, why would the average person know why it's so hard to build a refinery in this country?

One other factor to consider, lets say they did build a huge refinery in ND, then the problem would shift from how to transport the crude oil to how to ship the refined products. It's not like the state of North Dakota is going to use a million BOPD worth of gasoline, diesel and jet fuel on it's own

-- Modified on 12/13/2016 5:20:56 PM

stucaboy332 reads

There is no oil in NH, Maine,Vermont, Mass, Conn., etc.  Maybe he would ship it in to the refinery and truck the results down the road to Boston, NYC, and other East Coast cities that eat oil like candy. I wonder why Canada does not build a refinery.

it is much easier to expand existing plants, and besides there is risk that demand will be reduced if the world moves away from hydrocarbon based fuels

86H13LTP300 reads

because it's less expensive to pipe it to Texas where the distribution network already exists to the entire Eastern seaboard. Also , have people ever seen winter in the North Dakota oil fields? Are you going truck it out of there in winter if a refinery were built or build more and more pipes . And last , how many ports are there in North Dakota ?

-- Modified on 12/13/2016 5:47:46 PM

And it's only the Energy Dept, one of the dept he wanted to get rid of, so now he'll lead it...go figure.
Anyway how can he fuck that up, even if he's drunk...

-- Modified on 12/13/2016 4:39:42 PM

86H13LTP369 reads

At the time Marcus Luttrell was down and out and considered being one of the 22 a day . Then he knocked on Perry's door . Rick Perry took him in . He might be a moron , but he's a good moron who keeps his word .

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