Politics and Religion

Trump is planning on having a “Red Army”…
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 144 reads

Stephen Miller, Trump’s top immigration adviser says a re-elected Trump intends to requisition National Guard troops from sympathetic red states and then deploy them into Democratic states whose governors refuse to cooperate with Trump’s deportation drive.

How far is Trump planning to go in his war on non-whites?

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.  People know themselves much better than you do.  That’s why it’s important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are.”
           — Maya Angelou

Hey LostSon - here’s your chance to say something racist and misogynist about Maya Angelou.  I’m sure you don’t know it, but Maya Angelou was a Black woman.

for a rabid Leftie like you.  Some dots just don't connect.  Lol

Lost, I think Maya Angelou runs a house-cleaning service in West Hollywood.  I could be wrong, but I don't think so.  

Stephen Miller is giving Trump's intention right now. The dots being connected are being connected by Trump.  Are you saying Trump is full of shit?

…needs to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting human trafficking and prosecuted for treason. There needs to be a nation wide systematic deportation program for illegals. We need to be deporting 27,000 a day, every single day to remove 20 million in 2 years. But deportations alone isn’t enough. Everyone involved in the smuggling needs to be prosecuted. From low level smugglers to immigration lawyers to Democrat politicians and everyone in between. We need to use Seal Team 6 to go in and take out the NGOs enabling it. There needs to be special prosecutions of the Democrat party to see if the cartels are channeling campaign dollars into the party. And we need to investigate why Jewish organizations seem so interested in facilitating this. Organizations like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, which Secretary Mayorkas formerly worked for. We need to investigate if organizations like these is being funded by Israeli intelligence and for what purpose.

Don’t get too comfy. The mass deportations start in 341 days.

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