Politics and Religion

Today's moral outrages
Puck 20 Reviews 26110 reads

Nothing terribly topical, but the real outrage is that otherwise loyal Americans (aka 'conservatives') have no outrage at these things.
Today's group concerns the Saudis and the Bush administration, mainly. I'll post more as I think of them.

There is a lawsuit in progress brought by the families of the 9/11 victims against the House of Saud. This is common knowledge. What seems to escape the news (and any sense of outrage by conservatives) is who is defending the Saudis - James A. Baker, Bush family attorney and former Secretary of State.

Then there is Bush's statement during the 2000 elections when gas prices rose under the Clinton administration. Bush stated that, were he president, he'd be on the phone 'jawboning' the Saudis to turn on the spigot. Yesterday the pretender-in-chief said he'd let the free market take it's course, that it wasn't his place to interfere.
Now, is that a 'lie' or just a broken promise?

Then there's an old one - in the days after the 9/11 attack, there were no civilian flights operating in US airspace - well, almost none. Seems the Bushies managed to grant clearance for anybody connected to the Saudi royal family or the Bin Laden family to fly out of the country, unquestioned and unmolested.


Now Clinton has approved release of all documents turned over to Shrub's administration dealing with anti-terrorism for the edification of the Commission (appointed by Bush) but our current coward dosn't think we need to know any of that - in the interest of 'national security'.

Sometimes I just wanna puke.

Californian22060 reads

Well, Puck, there are indications that these people [newcons, and the rest] are the followers of a fellow named Leo Strauss.
You can find pleny on the Internet about this fellow.

Within that universe, lying to the unkempt masses is completely acceptable, what the Jesuits call holy effrontery, defending the cause, the righteous can use any means.

However, these guys hardly qualify to be "righteous!"  And jesuits, where and are true Christians, not like these corrupt televangelists that every once in a while, we catch them with either their pants down, or their hands in cookie jarrs!

danfrommass26032 reads

plus the several pages of a report on 9-11 that was blacked out concerning involevement of the saudi govt.
 and now lets all wait for usual unabashed name callng from the bushies in here. how dare we try to insinuate anything on thier "boy"

Not even a hard core Bushite could spin those. I'll be satisfied if they read it.

But then, how could they possibly respond?

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