Politics and Religion

ten2one 2095 reads

I found this comment while reading (link below) the article.

"A poll of Muslims in Europe say for Western Culture to get along with Islam, they should show it more respect. Who says Muslims don't have a sense of humor?

It's hard to believe we could show it any more respect short of closing every bar, allowing old men to marry children and beating up women who don't dress like Darth Vader. Anybody in the West advocating the crap these people demand under their laws would wind up in jail. What's disturbing is how society seems to pander to and subsidize this crap.

The threat of Muslim violence is the scale with which we Westerners decide our own actions, which we apologize for with a perverse compulsion. It's insane every book, magazine article, movie, television show, play, opera, and so on must have two thumbs up from the Muslim community. Islam is as welcome in the West as a melanoma, but we are so crippled by the stupidity of political correctness we cater to it's every demand. After all how can you not give in to an ideology that is a religion when it wants to be, it's a culture when it want's to be, it's even a race when it wants to be.

Anyone who criticizes the Religion of Permanent Offence can expect to be threatened anywhere by those who support it in the most graphic and vile manner their imaginations can come up with, and at the vey least be called a racist and Islamaphobic.
Many of us in the West feel we are being invaded, YES! INVADED! by an ideology who's values we totally reject. Not because we're racists, but because the values themselves are degrading and barbaric. Just because a ton of Muslims are moderate does not mean that Islam isn't a Fascist Ideology.

Islamophobia and racism toward Islam does not exist and people are finally beginning to realize what disgusting and manipulative terms those are. That they are designed to foster in all Westerners nothing more than an imagined post Imperialist guilt complex and to redefine our values as prejudices. We are all one race, we are all part of the same organism anyone with half a brain knows this. But we are NOT all one religion, and we are NOT all one culture. One of the most insidious LIES we all face today is that all cultures are equal. They are NOT even close to equal. No one would agree to integrate the legal principles of tribal headhunters into our society so why should we be obligated to accomodate any part of the brutal Iron Age values of Islam? It's rediculous that any criticism of their precious faith results in people being murderd by a mob of hysterical, self righteous, carpet chewing, book burning Sh** for brain, bearded, swivel eyed muppets with chips on their shoulders the size of a Mosque. I'll tell you right now what exists in the world and it's not Islamaphobia, it's Islamo-Nausea, and that's people who are sick of Islam and its multicultural apologists.

I think the world deserves a public apology for how you multicultural pimps out there have hijacked and abused the word racism to defend a Fascist Ideology, and another apology to those who are victims of genuine racism. After all they are the ones that have to sit and watch the word degraded and devalued every time you open your ultra tolerant self hating little mouths in your self-righteous attempt to demonstrate your cultural sensitivity.

I really look forward to the day we all stop using Oil and it will no longer be in our National Interest to brown nose these seedy Medieval gangsters, and that region of the world can quietly revert back to the Bronze Age. Then maybe just maybe Islam will revert to its rightfull place as an uninfluental desert dogma practiced by a few mentally ill Nomads. Instead of a dangerous and oppressive belief system threatening to take our freedoms away with each passing year. How much more death does there need to be before people wake up and realize that the Burka should be treated with the same revulsion and contempt as a Klu Klux Klan uniform for the sake of women if nothing else."

So, what do you think?

Priapus531963 reads

much ( perhaps not all ) will resonate with many of the posters here.

If you're interested in why the middle east has been afflicted by "malaise" for so long, the following 2002 link may provide some of the answers :

-- Modified on 5/8/2011 10:21:13 AM

it is called start respecting Human beings and stop killing infidels, I shall think about showing more respect. Until then, Fuck Them.

I particularly do not support or follow any of the religions invented by men and god's created by men, all of them are fucking evil. The day, Human Beings wise up will be the day world starts to peace. Not for another 1,000 years, it will take long time for the dummies to realize god doesn't need Rolls Royces.

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