Politics and Religion

This would be sheer stupidity by the Dems.
JackDunphy 337 reads

Which tells me they are going to do it. There are numerous libs out there like Dershowitz and Turley who are salivating on Gorsuch as he is so well respected.  

The American Bar Association gave him their highest rating as well, I believe.

This was not the guy to filibuster as it gives so much cover to Trump and Gorsuch. McConnell has already stated Gorsuch will be confirmed by any means necessary.

Dems caved to unhinged base. Stupid.

JakeFromStateFarm2685 reads

Schumer says Dems will filibuster.  As this article explains, it could be a near thing if McConnell tries to overturn the cloture rule.

TwoMints284 reads

the actual article you post?

It says will attempt to filibuster.  He's promised nothing. He's flapping his gums.  

This is the wrong guy to fall on the sword for.  You know what happens next right? An even harder line Righty once McConnell changes the rules.  It's a dumb strategy.  

I get it, Schumer just doesn't give a shit about how it makes them look. He's likely to retire or so safe he can look like a dope to the nation. The guy is highly qualified. The Bar gave him the highest rating.

INB4 Garland...

At this point Schumer is irrelevant.  But his fake tears are delicious.  


Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Schumer says Dems will filibuster.  As this article explains, it could be a near thing if McConnell tries to overturn the cloture rule.

JakeFromStateFarm292 reads

With one Rep. Senator on medical leave the Reps' majority is only 51.  All it would take are one or two Republican traditionalists to refuse to change the cloture rule for the effort to fail.  Several have already said they may not support a rule change.

-- Modified on 3/23/2017 1:50:40 PM

Which tells me they are going to do it. There are numerous libs out there like Dershowitz and Turley who are salivating on Gorsuch as he is so well respected.  

The American Bar Association gave him their highest rating as well, I believe.

This was not the guy to filibuster as it gives so much cover to Trump and Gorsuch. McConnell has already stated Gorsuch will be confirmed by any means necessary.

Dems caved to unhinged base. Stupid.

GaGambler416 reads

First off, they are going to lose. Trump has four years to get a vote on his pick, if the Dems choose to stall for Trumps entire term, they don't stand a chance and it will cost them any chance of winning back either the House or the Senate to boot. It's just a dumb move.

JakeFromStateFarm426 reads

For example, as I attempted to explain to your dim-witted mascot, Mintsy, the Republican majority is only 51 at the moment, leaving no room for error.  And several Republican Senators have already registered a distaste for further rule changes.  So consider the possibility that Schumer has done some behind-the-scenes "temperature taking" of said Senators and only said what he did after being assured any change in the cloture rules will lose.  Possible?

And do you really think any R in the senate will allow for the Dems to filibuster for 4 years?

No, not possible Jake.

JakeFromStateFarm316 reads

"The party effectively has only 51 votes right now because one member, Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia, is recuperating from back surgery, so just two Republican senators could block a rules change."
I agree the Dems can't filibuster for 4 years but if they are successful now (and, yes, it's a long shot) it may convince Trump to nominate someone more mainstream than Gorsuch.  Of course, that could produce a revolt on the right.
Interesting times.

Do you really think if they needed Isakson they wouldn't wheel him in there? lol

And you really see Trump backing down to Schumer? Fuck no.

Trump would relish this fight and he would win. As I said, Gorsuch has tons of cover with all the great things being said about him from all sides.  

He IS mainstream Jake. I think he won his last vote by 97-0 and with the ABA sucking his schlong, he is a shoe in.  

It's just that Chucky and the boys don't know it yet or they do know it and they are just placating the base, as I believe.

Either case, just stupid strategy but a good thread Jake so props for that.

GaGambler189 reads

Now if we could only bring moderate Matt back from the dark side, but I think you'll agree he's most likely too far gone for anything to be done at this point.

I'll give some pretty long odds Gorsuch gets confirmed, The Dems know that Gorsuch just puts the court back the way it was, but the NEXT SCOTUS Justice that comes up in a Trump Presidency is in for a full court press I bet

I hung in there with him as long as I could by I am not going to beat my head against the wall. He combines the parsing of Jake, the dishonesty of LTM with the partisanship of FG. And he is as PC as Tobi. lol

I wont take those long odds. Gorsuch will be on the court barring any last minute pics of him with Anthony Weiner. lol

GaGambler231 reads

Well one thing he and her do NOT have in common. I like Tobi when she gets cunty on us. lol

JakeFromStateFarm413 reads

Well, you know best, as always Jackie.  Are you Isakson's doctor?  Did you get your medical degree at JDU? Still, I'm sure you're right and he'll rush back to vote and end up a paraplegic.

Even the lib media would be hard pressed to take the Dems back if that were to transpire, but never a guarantee there. lol

The only thing I can think of is that the congressional Dems are getting deluged with emails, calls, etc bts from the base demanding they stop "everything Trump" with every tool at their disposal.

That may satisfy the base in the short run, but longer term, politically speaking, that would make the Dems look completely indifferent to common sense and the casual observer IOW "swing voters."

GaGambler244 reads

to end up wearing  that jacket themselves will endear them only to the likes of our own Three Stooges and the "swing voters" will leave them in droves.

I think this might be more of a "lets fight the good fight" and go down swinging type of thing to appease their base as you suggested.

It's the Republicans having said, we are changing the rules, but when it's your turn, you have to go back to the old rules. ;)

Hopefully, the Dems. won't fall for your, and the Republican's shtick! ;)

JakeFromStateFarm336 reads

McConnell blocked "everything Obama" and it worked out OK for him.  Karma's a bitch, though.

Schumer and McConnnell are in a game of chicken right now. Schumer is attempting to see how far he can go just before he pulls back on the filibuster threat. Schumer's knows he will get great press coverage that will excite his base and he's hoping to get some press coverage down the road that reports McConnell is making preparations to pull the pin on the nuke grenade. After the dust settles and Gorsuch passes with 60 (maybe more) votes, Schumer will have press video of McConnell beating the nuke war drum. This bluster of filibuster will continue as long as possible but Schumer knows he has the losing hand. Maybe his stall tactic also is hoping for the discovery of some wild card document, photo or maybe even a "witness" willing to commit perjury.  

What's going on now is internal polling in the 10 states up for grabs in the presently Dem controlled seats (see my link for list). Schumer's "blink" ends when he decides at the last minute which 8 (or more) Senators will step forward to end the filibuster threat. The minimum number of Dem Senators will vote yea to get to 60 (maybe 1 or 2 more if they think it will help their reelection). We might even see a few or several additional Dems in VERY safe seats switch to Yea. It all helps to allow the press to report that it was the Democrats not the Republicans that were the more noble force and adhered to the long standing cloture restriction. The Dems will be given the high road by the press.

Of course, Schumer has no choice but to cave. He's not going to force McConnell's hand on a Scalia replacement. He would only be cementing another "nuke failure" down the road when a liberal leaves the court next.

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