Politics and Religion

This is the best statement posted yet about this current situation.
Andy_Stern_Revisited 2432 reads
1 / 7

"All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service."

Franklin Delano Roosevelt – 1937


"It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government."

George Meany – First President AFL-CIO – 1959


It used to be that if you didn’t want to take your chances with the potential boom or bust in a private sector company you would forgo those uncertainties and pay and instead go for the security of civil service. But now the financial situations are for the most part reversed.  When unions manage to negotiate with inept management deals that are good for themselves but bad for business, they eventually pay the piper (unless it’s GM of course). When that same inept management is the public sector, the government just borrows more money.

It seems like some areas of the private sector would probably benefit from stronger unions and the public sector should have none. As we have all come to realize by watching teachers that can’t teach and willywonkas that won’t work, we now see that FDR was right.

For additional info, history and more provocative viewpoints see this link.


willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1079 reads
2 / 7

I'll tell you what. Make the Employee Free Choice Act the law, put labor leaders instead of business cronies on the National Labor Relations Board, and put people in jail for a minimum of 5 years if they violate a worker's right to vote for collective bargaining rights, and I'd be more than happy to get rid of unions in government.

Until then, it's just a very clear attempt to destroy what's left of the middle class to grease the asses of the far too cozy.

Third world status, here we come!

HuckFan 1842 reads
3 / 7

You nailed it ASR.

All it takes is some common sense.  But, of course, common sense is always overlooked when you have the false assumption that you are "entitled" to something.

charlie445 3 Reviews 1309 reads
4 / 7
Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1176 reads
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Fair_Use 29 Reviews 1032 reads
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Some shops require their workers to join the union.  They cannot opt out.  If they were pro-choice, there would be next to no unions.  Their percentage of the labor force would be nearly unmeasurable.

nuguy46 851 reads
7 / 7

OMG, you mean the wisc govt workers are not entitled? can one of them explain y they are entitled? would the explanation be made into a comedy movie?

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