Politics and Religion

They should put Monica's blue dress in the Smithsonian so all Americans can learn how big of a
86H13LTP 51 reads

Scumbag Bill and his enabler Hila-dyke were .

" What different does it make "  

It makes a lot of difference , old nasty pig bitch because hanging up the phone when Benghazi was under attack cost you the White House

.338-Lapua1491 reads

The same woman who ran off to pedophiles Island with her husband  
And every other disgusting thing those two have done over the years .

This is best example of a leftist idiot in  todays America that ive seen to date



And many, many more

You’re Welcome 99 times  
In TC30 We Distrust

bigguy3068 reads

It says a lot about the Trump cult like FM.
They keep blindly supporting the scumbag in Chief.
The blind following the blind!

You’re Welcome 100 times
In drunk old liars We Distrust

...video, because nobody would act like that at a nationally televised debate, oops I forgot that's Americas future pussy-grabber in chief, who could vote for anyone for POTUS that behaves like that ? It creeped me out just to watch & I wanted to reach out & shake him.

86H13LTP52 reads

Scumbag Bill and his enabler Hila-dyke were .

" What different does it make "  

It makes a lot of difference , old nasty pig bitch because hanging up the phone when Benghazi was under attack cost you the White House

HappyChanges32 reads

Trump would have rightfully sent the entire US military to rescue Americans under attack in Benghazi.

I still can't believe that shit they pulled.

WomanLvr31 reads

your ignorance.  It is getting embarrassing.  The entire Benghazi uproar, was a political hack job.  The security levels at all our embassies, consulates worldwide are established by the head of each embassy and updated realtime as problems arise.  From that input, our military force structure establishes a priority list and builds response packages commensurate with the threat, as it is expressed by the ambassador/charge d 'affairs.

The state department (Hillary) has nothing to do with the "initial" threat level and response package assigned to each threat at our embassies/consulates worldwide.  It would have been physically impossible for a response package to get to Benghazi in enough time to have made any difference.  Neither the initial or realtime update as conditions deteriorated, facilitated an adequate response.

If you are gullible enough to believe Trump's lies, then I guess you are stupid enough to fall prey to the political hack job attempted by your republican buds.

Try this one on for size.  After seeing the chaos Trump has created in the white house, let your imagination wonder for just a moment.  How do you think Trump would have responded to the Benghazi incident if he were the ambassador.  This is the same guy who says that Mexico will pay for the wall and now wants to shut down the government because Mexico won't.  He also said healthcare was easy, he could fix it his first day in office, he knows more than his generals, yada, yada, yada.  You are a real sucker for believing him.

Did you also go to Trump U.?  Buy some bonds in one of his casinos?  Just how much do you REALLY trust this asshole?  No need to answer, you will only continue to show your ignorance.

HappyChanges41 reads

MILITARY RESPONSE!!! Not a cover-up. Americans died in Benghazi, Libya with no defense, rescue effort  or fight because of Obama and Clinton. I have a fucking problem with that PUSSY!!!

Trump is the creepiest sleazebag to ever infect the White House. Not to mention, you misspelled "Mulatto," got Mariah Carey's name wrong and then said "brining," which is one way of preparing a turkey. Please go brine yourself, dumbass.

-- Modified on 8/24/2017 5:54:42 PM

Cottonmouth38 reads

if a meth freak cut your throat and left you in a ditch .  

It's just how life goes I guess .

bigguy3029 reads

Just seeing a lot of the Trump supporters comments on here.
You just have to wonder WTF is wrong with these clowns.
Just a lot of personal insecurity.
They display daily on this site.

you were found in the trunk of a car with your package stuffed in your mouth.

WomanLvr27 reads

believe that, then you are more ignorant and brainless, than I originally thought.  And that would take a lot, because your posts on here have already proven you reasoning ability is still stuck in the fourth grade?

Don't tell me, you were part of the original cast in "Deliverance," right?  Are your two front teeth still charcoal black?

Really ...when does this bullshit end...hillary is done. You got a trump problem.

Trump would make Satan's skin crawl..assuming he has some skin..

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