Politics and Religion

Democrats: “Consequences? What’s consequences?”
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 124 reads

Sometimes you see the most predictable shit ever. You see a drunk guy pissing on a downed power line and you think, “yeh, this is going to end badly.”  

It doesn’t seem to take much intelligence to see when something as obvious as that is going to turn out badly. But I guess for some reason lefties just don’t have this intelligence. Lefties are like idiot savants, just minus the savant part, when it comes to predicting the obvious consequences for their actions.  

Take the whole defunding the police thing they were so crazy about a few years back. I said at the time that it would be difficult to dream up a dumber idea than that. It’s an error anyone in grade school could have figured out. Yet, this proved illusive to the fervent lefty. And what happened? Do I even need to say it? Crime skyrocketed. Because DUH!  

In Portland, from 2000 to 2019, the city had an average of 23 homicides a year. In 2020 during Covid lockdowns they had 57. In 2021 they had 90. In 2022 they had 97. In other words, because lefties are too brain dead to predict the most obvious shit imaginable, 175 people were needlessly murdered in Portland. People who would still be alive today, if lefties were able to figure out that when you defund the police murders go up. Because DUH!

So what did the mental midgets on the left explore next? They decided to rob Elon Musk of his own salary just to be petty. It seemed lefties were super mad that they couldn’t censor conservatives on Twitter/X anymore, and so they had a judge pull some bullshit where Elon wouldn’t get paid on something his company’s board already approved. Just childish pettiness. So what happened? Elon removed the incorporation from the state of Delaware and moved it to Texas. And he’s been encouraging businesses to do the same. Because DUH!  

So now lefties have really swung for the fences and fined Trump for $350 million for bullshit reasons. Everyone knows it’s bullshit. The result? Truck drivers across the country are now talking about not delivering their loads to NYC. Gee, you guys seem to be doing a bang up job governing. You legalize shoplifting, and then you wonder why businesses close. Now truck drivers aren’t going to come to your cities. But illegals still are. And you won’t stop crime. Illegals could beat up NYC cops and your city just lets the illegals walk. So what do you think will happen to NYC when the cops quit because they don’t want to get beat up and truck drivers stop delivering food to the city? DDDDUUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!

…on the consequences of their own actions. Typical short bus liberals trying to follow the bouncing ball. Watch real estate companies flee NY in droves.

They are the ones saying that the right HATES America.

How is wanting crime stopped, hating America?

How is keeping the border secure and not allowing illegals to flood the country, hating America?

How is not wanting to give said illegals huge amounts of money in handouts, hating America?

How is wanting to keep the flood of fentanyl off of American streets, hating America?  




You can’t expect much from short bus liberals. I’ve met labradoodles with higher IQs.

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