Politics and Religion

There is no Loch Ness Monster
Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 4543 reads

There is no Bigfoot
There was no alien crash at Roswell
There are no ghosts
Yes we did walk on the moon
Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Obama was born in Hawaii
Osama bin Laden is very fucking dead

Priapus53887 reads

Who say there isn't a Loch Ness monster ?!------;)

-- Modified on 5/7/2011 12:47:02 PM

Timbow1282 reads

Posted By: Officer Cartman
There is no Bigfoot
There was no alien crash at Roswell
There are no ghosts
Yes we did walk on the moon
Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone
Obama was born in Hawaii
Osama bin Laden is very fucking dead
of  Osama bin Laden :)
So it is funny they accept it , believe he was killed and vow revenge but some still think he was not killed . But again ,why would Obama be so dumb as to fabricate such a killing and risk the downfall that would occur if it became known it was made up :)

-- Modified on 5/7/2011 7:52:42 AM

...actually, in all fairness, I do believe that Oswalt acted with others. I think the evidence bears that out. The CIA was trying to get rid of Castro, and tired to hire the work out to the mafia. At the same time Robert Kennedy as AG was trying to put mafia bosses behind bars. The mob tried to kill JFK in Chicago and in Florida, but they finally got the job done in Dallas. Afterwords, the CIA didn't want it to get out that they had been working with the mob.

Pitching for the Philadelphia Phillies.  Oswald, however, is still buried with Jack Ruby's bullet in his gut.  And it's "afterwards," not "afterwords."  More post-bong posting, eh, willy?

...you're going to be a spelling nazi now? Dude, that's so weak.

Just trying to be a pain in the ass.  It can take many forms.  Stay tuned!  BTW Oswalt/Oswald ain't mis-spelling.  If you'd done it on purpose it would have actually been funny.  Too bad you've proven to be such a double-standard clown, Willy.  I actually agree with you more often than not.  But I guess losers like you need to be agreed wtih 100% of the time.  Now THAT's weak.  And I never even called you a "spinelss, syphilitic"  whatever-it-was-St. Croix-did.  If you want to be consistent (now THAT would be a first!), why don't you start flaming everyone on this board who name-calls or hyperventilates about something.  It would be a full-time job, however, but since you seem not to have one, perhaps you can take it on.

St. Croix1378 reads

so Roy Oswalt means nothing to him. And thank you for remembering at least part of my trash talking. I had to actually spell check syphilitic  a few times. It's not a word that I casually use (lol).

And you might as well hand the Phillies the World Series title with that starting rotation.

Well, that just proves Willy's point from a post of his a couple of days ago.  i.e.,  I am just so new to this board I have not yet earned the right to criticise him or to comment on the deep and mystical bond he shares with GaG. (I wonder what GaG thinks of such a bromance?). What gall I have!  As for syphilitic, now let's be fair.  Have you tested Willy for syphilis?  Or are you just assuming some of his posts are evidence of the degenerative effects of the Tertiary form of the disease?
PS: I agree re the Phillies' starting rotation.  But it's a bit early to hand them the title.  OTOH, if they win it at least no one can accuse the Yankees of buyng the title!

-- Modified on 5/8/2011 2:41:06 PM

-- Modified on 5/8/2011 2:41:57 PM

He keeps promising to beat me up, and I keep plotting to kill him. It's a special kind of bond, lol.

Because your long and respectful relationship with GaG seems to be in your own mind.  But, hey, keep on dreamin' the dream.  You remind me of Krazy Kat.  Every time Ignatz hits him with a brick he thinks it's love!  LMAO!

GaGambler2021 reads

While I don't disagree with him on every subject, I don't really have any respect for the man. I don't respect his government parasite job, I don't respect his disregard for the truth. I don't respect his views where it comes to honest people making an honest living, I just don't respect him whatsoever.

I don't really know how I can make my view on the subject any clearer. lol

"....I don't believe you've been on this board long enough to know that GaG has called me a lot worse than stupid. I've called him worse too. While GaG and I don't see eye to eye on most things, we both enjoy the occasional chuckle. But you know what really isn't funny? Trying to pussyfoot around like a half-hearted cheerleader, trying to avoid a single bit of criticism. You sir, most certainly are not funny."
OK, not exactly bromantic, but, fess up GaGa, have you not enjoyed even an "occasional chuckle" with Wimpy, er, Willy??
PS:  I think what got the poor boy's panties in a wad was earlier in the thread when I called out the three stupidest righty posters on the board and asked you to pick out the three stupidest lefties, then added "Willy, duck!"  All in good fun, I thought.  But as you can see, our Willy is a more sensitve lad than we imagined.  Or maybe it's just that he doesn't mind if mods shit on him, but can't tolerate it from a relative newbie.  What-ever!

GaGambler2045 reads

but I will say it again, I have no respect for the man.

oh, and I doubt that Willy defers to me in the slightest because of my mod status, his posts are almost exclusively confined to this board, and my "mod Powers" are non existent here.

Posted By: Officer Cartman

Osama bin Laden is very fucking dead

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