Politics and Religion

There is no doubt far far more people were on the D.C. Mall during Obama's inauguration but . . . .
WomanLvr 61 reads
2 / 35

It is definitely amazing, how someone Trump's senior, while battling brain cancer, and who knows what else, remains selfless, is the one behaving like a real American hero, and continues to demonstrate the truest example of good leadership.  While Trump never seems to get it, always focusing on himself first, above all else.  There are more than enough examples for Trump to learn from if he would only open his eyes and pay attention.  If Trump simply parked his ego, this could have been a cake walk for him.

Have never been a McCain fan.  But nobody can argue that McCain is an honorable person, worthy of respect.  He loves our country, and is clearly working to shift our political focus back to one of bipartisanship and compromise.

Let's hope his efforts are received in a positive vein, by all on both sides of the aisle and our elected officials find a way to do what is truly in the best interest of ALL Americans.

-- Modified on 9/1/2017 1:01:35 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 43 reads
3 / 35
macdaddy1944 51 Reviews 39 reads
4 / 35

Trump isn't man enough to wash McCain's balls..

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 42 reads
5 / 35

If trump is poorly informed, what does that say about his supporters??  
This shows that the senor senator isn't afraid of trump.....more will follow McCain.

ed2000 31 Reviews 71 reads
6 / 35

McCain won't name names regarding his OpEd title and merely states "Return to regular order" but his real beef is with Speaker Paul Ryan and especially Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Indeed Trump induced Trump fatigue is part of the equation but if you all are of a mind-set to start listening to McCain then please pay full attention instead of the out of context quotes.  

McCain did not simply say Trump is "often poorly informed" and "impulsive". Please also pay attention to the part where McCain fully said, "Congress must govern with a president who has no experience of public office, is often poorly informed and can be impulsive in his speech and conduct. We must respect his authority and constitutional responsibilities. We must, where we can, cooperate with him."


"It’s time Congress returns to regular order" By John McCain August 31 at 8:21 PM

Americans recoiled from the repugnant spectacle of white supremacists marching in Charlottesville to promote their un-American “blood and soil” ideology. There is nothing in their hate-driven racism that can match the strength of a nation conceived in liberty and comprising 323 million souls of different origins and opinions who are equal under the law.

Most of us share Heather Heyer’s values, not the depravity of the man who took her life. We are the country that led the free world to victory over fascism and dispatched communism to the ash heap of history. We are the superpower that organized not an empire, but an international order of free, independent nations that has liberated more people from poverty and tyranny than anyone thought possible in the age of colonies and autocracies.

Our shared values define us more than our differences. And acknowledging those shared values can see us through our challenges today if we have the wisdom to trust in them again.

Congress will return from recess next week facing continued gridlock as we lurch from one self-created crisis to another. We are proving inadequate not only to our most difficult problems but also to routine duties. Our national political campaigns never stop. We seem convinced that majorities exist to impose their will with few concessions and that minorities exist to prevent the party in power from doing anything important.

That’s not how we were meant to govern. Our entire system of government — with its checks and balances, its bicameral Congress, its protections of the rights of the minority — was designed for compromise. It seldom works smoothly or speedily. It was never expected to.

It requires pragmatic problem-solving from even the most passionate partisans. It relies on compromise between opposing sides to protect the interests we share. We can fight like hell for our ideas to prevail. But we have to respect each other or at least respect the fact that we need each other.

That has never been truer than today, when Congress must govern with a president who has no experience of public office, is often poorly informed and can be impulsive in his speech and conduct.

We must respect his authority and constitutional responsibilities. We must, where we can, cooperate with him. But we are not his subordinates. We don’t answer to him. We answer to the American people. We must be diligent in discharging our responsibility to serve as a check on his power. And we should value our identity as members of Congress more than our partisan affiliation.

I argued during the health-care debate for a return to regular order, letting committees of jurisdiction do the principal work of crafting legislation and letting the full Senate debate and amend their efforts.

We won’t settle all our differences that way, but such an approach is more likely to make progress on the central problems confronting our constituents. We might not like the compromises regular order requires, but we can and must live with them if we are to find real and lasting solutions. And all of us in Congress have the duty, in this sharply polarized atmosphere, to defend the necessity of compromise before the American public.

Let’s try that approach on a budget that realistically meets the nation’s critical needs. We all know spending levels for defense and other urgent priorities have been woefully inadequate for years. But we haven’t found the will to work together to adjust them. The appropriators can’t complete their spending bills, and we’re stuck with threats of a government shutdown and continuing resolutions that underfund national security. A compromise that raises spending caps for both sides’ priorities is better than the abject failure that has been our achievement to date.

Let’s also try that approach on immigration. The president has promised greater border security. We can agree to that. A literal wall might not be the most effective means to that end, but we can provide the resources necessary to secure the border with smart and affordable measures. Let’s make it part of a comprehensive bill that members of both parties can get behind — one that values our security as well as the humanity of immigrants and their contributions to our economy and culture.

Let’s try it on tax reform and infrastructure improvement and all the other urgent priorities confronting us. These are all opportunities to show that ordinary, decent, free people can govern competently, respectfully and humbly, and to prove the value of the United States Congress to the great nation we serve.

-- Modified on 9/2/2017 3:12:04 AM

bigguy30 70 reads
7 / 35
DUANE 33 Reviews 68 reads
8 / 35

and I love that, anyone who describes himself as "bigguy" clearly has some inadequacy issues.  It further shows itself in an inability to post a response without including some childish insult.

But to your post, "Sen. John McCain op-ed on Trump".  The op ed was hardly about Trump as we can see from ed's posting of the entire writing - although several small pieces  mention him and some faults of him and how Congress should interact with him.  It was a damnation of Congress and Politicians in general.   So we can add lack of reading comprehension to your skill set.  So, how about "BigGuyAstuteReader30"?  That seems right.

bigguy30 78 reads
9 / 35

I never get why another so called man, comments or worries about another man's size.
You must be dealing with some personal issues yourself. Lol

The funny part is you sounding like a fool with this response.
Plus I stand by my handle name and don't have any complaints.

Also most trump supporters are stupid and that is proven around the country.
So the non Trump supporters mock them for a reason.
Since their own stupidity knows no limit!

-- Modified on 9/2/2017 3:33:26 PM

DUANE 33 Reviews 40 reads
11 / 35

Um, then there is this detail of the op-ed you insist is a criticism of Trump.  The author, McCain, entitled it "It’s time Congress returns to regular order".   And dedicated 1 (short) paragraph out of 13 to Trump, 3 to Americans as a whole, and the other 9 to how he sees Congress should work.  I guess a buffoon would see and understand that, alas not you.

bigguy30 74 reads
12 / 35

They continue to not only show their personal stupidity.
The clowns also expect people to believe their bullshit on here.

You are a blind fool that cannot understand headlines of two different articles now.
Then you want everyone to think you are smart. Lol

Well it's just more of the same from another dumb ass  Trump supporter.

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 83 reads
13 / 35

That is Senator McCains premise.  His point is that in order for any legislative progress to be made, in order to get the peoples work done, Congress is going to need to compromise with each to work around Trump.   Respect the office, but ignore the mans crazy and ignorant directives.  Trump is not the boss of congress and we need to work together in spite of whatever it is Trump thinks to the contrary.

bigguy30 44 reads
14 / 35

Duane and other Trump supporters do this on purpose.
They make up shit or change the subject, to avoid the truth.
Just like Trump does himself.

It's not working for any of them!

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 37 reads
15 / 35

But sometimes I feel like trying to teach a pig to sing.  Sure it's a waste of my time and it annoys the pig.   But sometimes it actually works.  I thought Duane may be receptive.  I wouldn't even attempt anything like that with Quad.  He's just plain psychotic.

DUANE 33 Reviews 42 reads
16 / 35

Unlike some (most?) on this board, I am receptive to arguments other than my own when there is supporting evidence.  However, in this case that remains lacking.  Your post in supporting the bigguy30 position starts with "Duane, the entire point of the article is that Trump is an ineffective and ignorant President That is Senator McCains premise."

 No, the op-ed is about Congress working together in "regular order" (amazingly just as it is titled), starting with how Americans work together, sliding to point that Congress does not, and yes then makes the point that he says (he thinks) it is even more important to do so with this President.  And then the remainder of the op-ed talks about policies where compromise should be reached.

It strikes me that almost all of the op-ed could have been written by McCain (or Chuck Schumer for that matter) a year or two ago, without the one line about the President.  Congress has not agreed on anything for years due to "Our national political campaigns never stop[ping]."  That is the point of this op-ed.  "We [Congress] are proving inadequate not only to our most difficult problems but also to routine duties."

bigguy30 44 reads
17 / 35

It's just not worth it with his stupidity.
You can see why they voted for this dumb ass too! Lol

-- Modified on 9/3/2017 11:09:03 AM

DUANE 33 Reviews 35 reads
18 / 35

I will give your well reasoned, well supported post all of the consideration it deserves.

bigguy30 89 reads
19 / 35

The only thing you are doing is proving my points about Trump supporters.

DUANE 33 Reviews 42 reads
20 / 35

Jinx at least tried to lay out a rationale for your (and I guess his) position.  I think he is twisting words around, but that is just me.  But you have offered nothing to support your headline other than a couple of online articles with an inflammatory headline, and also ignore 90% of the words of the op-ed.  You apparently are not capable of any thoughts of your own, and are limited to linking to articles you like, or pictures you like, and combine this with the insults of a high school sophomore; but analyzing the content of what you critique beyond reading a headline seems to be beyond you.

bigguy30 58 reads
21 / 35

You keep digging a bigger hole for yourself and really clueless.
This is beyond hilarious and embarrassing for you.
Then you have the nerve to come across as a smart man.  

Thanks for the laughs and this picture really sums you up.

DUANE 33 Reviews 41 reads
22 / 35
bigguy30 66 reads
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ed2000 31 Reviews 69 reads
24 / 35

where he only saw what he wanted to see. Of course hh, bg and ltm are lost causes. I offer rebuttals to combat their potential recruiting ability. Unchecked stupidity can breed.

bigguy30 95 reads
25 / 35

So your response is just foolish. Lol

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 45 reads
27 / 35

Do they really believe the crowd was sparse  during MAGA President Trump's Inauguration ?

 Fake News - Misleading Photos It's all the same, FAKE.  
Perhaps they realize those photos were taken  hours before the Inauguration  and they are amusing themselves like children with imagination.  

 No doubt the TDS crowd is easily led and certainly gullible.

Less than thirty seconds into the unedited  video below of MAGA President Trump's Inauguration, you can clearly  
 see the crowd  was huge.  :-D  


NYminute 43 reads
28 / 35

This is truly starting to hurt.  You have found a way to appeal to my sense of humanity.  I give up.  I just care about people.

Please be honest.  Do you really believe all the bullshit you spout?  Of course, this is a fuck site and you are simply trolling, right?  It would make me feel truly hurt, deep inside, for you, if I thought you somehow could be so brainwashed.  

Please tell me it is not true.  Please tell me you do know better but are just trying to have some fun with your TER buds.  Please!

ed2000 31 Reviews 43 reads
29 / 35

that of course is not the point. The question is why do they feel compelled to lie about Trump's numbers to diminish his on site crowd size? Of course we know why they are compelled to lie but why do they continue to lie when faced with incontrovertible evidence they were caught in the lie?

bigguy30 46 reads
30 / 35

So your responses are always in question.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 46 reads
31 / 35

The crowd was huge at MAGA President Trump's Inauguration.    
                              The Left doesn't want to admit that.  
They actually believe they are convincing with their misleading photographic propaganda, when in reality they define  Fake News  every time they  post doctored  MAGA President Trump photos as  truth.
   On the other hand they are unwittingly campaigning for us like they did in the Presidential election.   :-D  :-D :-D
   Without the help of  ignorant left wing Fake News journalists bashing candidate Trump 24/7 we wouldn't have won.  
                             :-D  :-D :-D :-D  :-D :-D :-D  :-D :-D :-D  :-D :-D :-D  :-D :-D :-D  :-D :-D :-D  

Posted By: ed2000
Re: There is no doubt far far more people were on the D.C. Mall during Obama's inauguration but . . . .
that of course is not the point. The question is why do they feel compelled to lie about Trump's numbers to diminish his on site crowd size? Of course we know why they are compelled to lie but why do they continue to lie when faced with incontrovertible evidence they were caught in the lie?

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 75 reads
32 / 35

Posted By: bigguy30
Re: We don't believe in Fake Russian news from you either.
So your responses are always in question.
  Send me a PM with your burn phone number, I'll give you a shout out and explain with details, in Russian, how  Russia is  giving  you False Hope.  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D   :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D  :-D      

HappyChanges 49 reads
33 / 35

Just like the folks in the Trump inauguration picture. The camera man should have taken a panoramic to capture everyone.

Everyone was very happy at the inauguration except for Bill, Hillary, Barack and Michelle. Poor Obama watched his legacy go to shit while Michelle mumbled, "I hate America". You could practically hear Hillary saying, "why me, why me". But I really feel bad for Bill. I can only imagine what he's going through having his wife at home.

bigguy30 41 reads
34 / 35
DUANE 33 Reviews 64 reads
35 / 35

No, Bill was happy - did you catch him checking out the Trump women, and also the 16 year old singer?

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