Politics and Religion

There is a huge difference between "making the decisions" and running to the decision maker
GaGambler 1366 reads

You are like a little girl who constantly runs to the teacher every time one of the "mean girls" says something unkind to her. You've done it to Willy and now you are trying to do it to me.

I don't even remember what question you wanted answered, but I assure you, if the question came from you, I don't really give a fuck.

BTW I was asked to be a moderator here, asked repeatedly for that matter, I only agreed to be mod because I was reminded about how many people it would piss off if I were named a mod, your name was near the top of that list. You've always had an issue with me being a mod, why is that? Did you campaign (beg) for the job, only to be turned down due to lack of character??? Now please GFY, and do it now

GaGambler4120 reads

After over five years it looks like the honeymoon is finally over. I am watching Obama press conference and he is getting his head handed to him by the press corp.

Between "you can keep your plan if you like it" to the NSA spying on our own citizens and his duplicity on the issue, Obama is finally having to answer the "tough" questions and he is failing miserably. Too bad they weren't asking these questions BEFORE he was elected. Does it really matter that they have finally admitted that the barn door was left open AFTER the horse (and the cow, and the pig, and the chickens etc) is gone?

Instead of using his Harvard degree in Constitutional Law FOR the people he has turned it against us.

  A government made up of duplicitous swindlers, theives and religious mouthbreathers all in the back pocket of the Banks. We broke from similar only 230+ years ago.  

Mankind is certainly a stupid lot, and the "banks" have known this all along.  

Posted By: GaGambler
After over five years it looks like the honeymoon is finally over. I am watching Obama press conference and he is getting his head handed to him by the press corp.  

Between "you can keep your plan if you like it" to the NSA spying on our own citizens and his duplicity on the issue, Obama is finally having to answer the "tough" questions and he is failing miserably. Too bad they weren't asking these questions BEFORE he was elected. Does it really matter that they have finally admitted that the barn door was left open AFTER the horse (and the cow, and the pig, and the chickens etc) is gone?

salonpas1425 reads

.......I stayed home and did not vote in 2012. Wouldn't be caught dead voting for that S@*#bag Romney. In reality they are all birds of the same feather sucking at the tit of K street.

Posted By: salonpas
.......I stayed home and did not vote in 2012. Wouldn't be caught dead voting for that S@*#bag Romney. In reality they are all birds of the same feather sucking at the tit of K street.

I  might be a dumb ninth grade dropout but my memory is excellent .    
      When was the last time you voted ?  
  I wouldn't be surprised if you moved from  your unemployed status and  living in a  cardboard box under a bridge ,  to a home on  Bellagio road , in a home with Gold faucets .
   The consistency and authenticity of BS is not evident from  many TER posters  .  
     Santa knows when you are fibbing .   :-D


Unemployment is falling

Deficit is half of what it was in 2008

2 million people enrolled in ACA

And he didn't get head handed over to him

It is just your wing nut opinion. Didn't expect anything less

Go to slee

No one expected bible thumping red neck Palin, Cruz crowd to buy Health Insurance through ACA.  

Being that said what the fuck it has to do with the economic indicators?  

The time to discuss success and failure of ACA is around 2015 or so.  

Some people are already saving money and some who didn’t have insurance is getting insurance.

Hospitals, Universities are going to start putting tremendous pressure on state governments because, no more Emergency Room payments for the uninsured, no more research funding to University Medical Colleges in states without Health Exchange. I am just standing in the sidelines for the fun to start.

Pandering tea party fuckers are going to get their wish

Co-relation does not mean causality..

Unemployment is falling because American private sector is resilient and has found way to hire people. This is despite paralysis in the Congress.  

Deficit is in half because of GOP - plain and simple.. If Obama were given blank checkbook, the deficit would be twice what it was in 2008.  

2 million people is dismal. ACA needs 7.5 million by March or the whole thing collapses. The Math just not going to work out.  

I would love to see a reporter ask Hussein to step down...The only President who, in his 2nd term, had worse rating than him was Nixon, and we know what happened to him...

Probably you need to "wake up".....

Deficit is in half because of GOP - plain and simple.. If Obama were given blank checkbook, the deficit would be twice what it was in 2008.  

You think budget cuts and sequestration is the reason. No it is not. Never have and never will. Only thing it accomplished is taking food from the needy. You are bigger fool than I realized. Cuts never have reduced the budgets. In reality, the GOP has never ever balanced a budget in modern times. Drink More Kool-Aid

2 million people is dismal. ACA needs 7.5 million by March or the whole thing collapses. The Math just not going to work out.  The math you are quoting is from the media and the real math shows by 3 years. Wrong again - Drink More Kool-Aid

Polls are a reason to for a POTUS to resign, then GW should have resigned many times.

Go back to sleep

Know something before blabbering

Unemployment is falling because American private sector is resilient and has found way to hire people. This is despite paralysis in the Congress.  - Genius statement.  

Where do you think most are employed in the US, genius

rainbowCPA1263 reads

And income 'inequality' is 4x greater last 5 years than it was under 'Bush.' How can THAT be? And 92M of working age aren't. Yup. Things are just peachy.  

Posted By: anonymousfun
Know something before blabbering  
 Unemployment is falling because American private sector is resilient and has found way to hire people. This is despite paralysis in the Congress.  - Genius statement.  
 Where do you think most are employed in the US, genius?  

The private sector employs 91% of Americans. Government accounts for 8% of all US workers

Just for your info...

...Fox is a fringe media network?  Since it's your favorite network, can you tell us how fair and balanced they are to Obama?

-- Modified on 12/20/2013 6:07:35 PM

GaGambler1264 reads

Please provide the slightest indication, much less actual proof, that Fox is my "favorite network" I treat Fox the same way as I treat MSNBC, Fox is at least as fair to Obama as MSNBC is to anyone from the GOP. Which of course is not saying much.

What was worth noting today was the White House Press Corps actually pressing Obama for answers to some rather tough questions, something they have been rather loathe to do over the first five years of his presidency. Of course you were most likely watching MSNBC and never saw anything but their kissing of his majesty's ass

...like it when someone else does.  You make your typical bullshit statement:

"Fox is at least as fair to Obama as MSNBC is to anyone from the GOP."

How the fuck do you know?!  What programs do you watch on either network?!  You demand proof but you never offer any yourself to back up what you say.  Links are for others, not the omniscient GaGambler.

Here's a link to your 9,295 posts on this board in less than nine years.  (9,295!!!!)  Compare that to my 2,536 posts in over nine years to see who has more links to back up their assertions.



You say something authoritatively but it's just bullshit.  Maybe you've been successful in business getting people to believe your bullshit.  Then again, maybe not.

P.S. - speaking of lies, remember when you said I was the number one poster on this board?  Maybe this will refresh your memory:


At the time I had 113 posts to your 109 (pales in comparison to 9,295 vs, 2,536).  You lied because at the time bigvern had 238 posts, more than twice what I had.  You are so obviously a fucking liar because you are a former moderator who knows that anyone can choose not to be included in the Top Ten.  Or are you going to claim that you're a fucking moron?

Check the Top Ten list today.  It appears you are way in the lead with 129 posts in the last thirty days.  Will I mock you for not having a life?  Will I lie like you did and claim you're the Number One poster?  No, because bigvern has has over 100 more posts than you in the same time period.


Why don't you go dry out and stop embarrassing yourself?

-- Modified on 12/21/2013 4:13:53 AM

GaGambler1279 reads

when I don't respond to him right away he misses me, and when I do respond to him, he runs to admin like the little bitch that he is.

Just like he did to Willy, he has been running to "mommy" trying to get me banned. I guess he feels threatened, what a little cunt he is. I guess it must be a very lonely life when your life revolves around whether or not someone responds to some stupid shit you post on an anonymous fuck board. I think the Backstabber must be an even bigger loser than his friend BirdBrain.

...when you get your ass handed to you.  All you can do is resort to trite, banal, unimaginative insults stolen from your fellow genius 'followme'.  How pathetic you are!

"running to mommy?"  - YOU were the moderator/collaborator/kapo who worked for TER, removing thousands of posts in exchange for free membership because you couldn't afford to pay for it.  You're still butt-hurt because they unceremoniously dumped your ass along with all the other quislings so now you want to pretend you're "one of the boys."

-- Modified on 12/21/2013 8:57:07 PM

GaGambler1367 reads

You are like a little girl who constantly runs to the teacher every time one of the "mean girls" says something unkind to her. You've done it to Willy and now you are trying to do it to me.

I don't even remember what question you wanted answered, but I assure you, if the question came from you, I don't really give a fuck.

BTW I was asked to be a moderator here, asked repeatedly for that matter, I only agreed to be mod because I was reminded about how many people it would piss off if I were named a mod, your name was near the top of that list. You've always had an issue with me being a mod, why is that? Did you campaign (beg) for the job, only to be turned down due to lack of character??? Now please GFY, and do it now

...question you "don't remember" or " give a fuck" about.

That's just your bullshit way of avoiding facing the fact that you were full of shit and got caught with no way out so you turn to insulting the guy who busted you.

GaGambler1005 reads

I don't OWE you or your little friend anything, and I have lost track of the times you have run away and hid when you found yourself stuck in a trap of your own making.

since this seems to bother you so much, no I will not answer your question, and you are free to stew about it all you want. Now go run off to admin and tell them once again how mean I am being to you. Maybe with any luck you can get them to ban me, that seems to be your style.

...you've been proved to be a liar and a coward so you strike back by hurling insults and accusations to divert attention from the fact that you're a bloviating blowhard.

GaGambler1230 reads

Everyone else here, with the exception of a couple of rabid lefties already know differently.

Now what was that question you were asking me again? rofl

You said,
"...when you get your ass handed to you.  All you can do is resort to trite, banal, unimaginative insults..."

At first I thought you were talking about your own motus operendi.

...English.  You're ignorant enough in your native tongue without trying to show off and looking even dumber.

You might be the only one here that doesn't get it. But then I actually think you do. You really aren't stupid, just dishonest.

GaGambler1204 reads

We have BP who is an asshole pretending to be an idiot, just like his ex BFF.

I think the proper term is being "intentionally obtuse"

...and take pride in being an asshole.  I make no such claims - you only think I'm an asshole because I make you look like the fool and liar that you are.  In order to cover that up, you have to be an asshole.  Sad.

GaGambler1232 reads

and yes, I think that he is going to get a steady diet of this for the rest of his term.

I watched a lot of his press conference today on CNBC, I got busy and didn't hear the commentary afterwards, but I imagine the talking heads at MSNBC, Fox, and the rest of the press probably had very different takes on his performance today, but I saw some definite chinks in his armor early on, but he managed to put on his teflon suit before the press conference was over. The most telling thing today was refusal of many in the press to simply accept Obama's spin on some rather pointed questions like what do you have to say about "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" and other issues like the issue of privacy and the NSA, I could see him visually squirm when the reporter did not simply accept his stock answer to the question/s and pressed him for a "real" answer.

-- Modified on 12/20/2013 10:25:48 PM

He's simply going hunker down and as they say "go to the mattresses".

This is why he's hired John Podesta, his new war time Consigliere. He is preparing to continue to bypass the The Congress and begin bypassing the will of the people by accelerating his use of executive orders and by directing executive agencies to accelerate the implementation of his agenda, come hell or high water.

We should accept that it's all for our own good since we don't know any better.

Like bible thumpers and tea party stalwarts. You are using “Will of the People” quite loosely because if the Bible Thumpers and Tea Party followers had will of their own, they wouldn’t be following irrationality.

I guess your sources have not been telling you that for some time now Obama's job approval rating has been in negative territory (disapproval exceeds approval). That includes EVERY SINGLE poll that is averaged by Real Clear Politics.


on Opinion Polls.  

Everyone’s poll numbers goes up and down. Next you are going to say worse than another POTUS in history. Don’t bother.

Just so you can hopefully understand, YOU were the one that interpreted my "will of the people" comment as the opinions of Tea Party people and evangelical Christians. I simply showed you they weren't alone in those opinions. Now, all of a sudden, opinions don't matter to you anymore.

I don't expect you to agree with me on substance but you don't get to have your own private set of "substance".

You can trust I won't claim Obama's polls are the worst in history until they are. Even if he loses the next poll that counts in November, 2014 he still won't change his method of agenda implementation. It will just get worse.

It is an average of all tracking polls which is statistically flawed and never accepted as a statistical solution.

Hence it has no substance

When we have more you'll have to educate us on how the mean value of a set of data is a statistically unacceptable method of observation. Yes, yes, we know not all the polls are of equal validity yet they (RCP) give them all equal weight.

Or maybe you thought they meant ANGRY data?

But let's talk reality for a moment, shall we? I gave you a link to Real Clear Politics not to show you their mean (not they're mean) but to substantiate my claim that EVERY DAMN poll has been showing a negative job performance rating and for quite some time now to boot.

His poll numbers cannot be equated to support or lack of support for specific policies he supports and implements.

Kaiser for one, does not let you keep your existing plan. They ratcheted up the monthly premium and lowered the service and you have to choose a medal plan, not the same one you had in 2013.  Now this maybe just Kaiser but when I went shopping for others, they all sucked a huge donkey dick.  

Kaisers explanation is that they "had" to change the existing plans in order to keep inline with the "affordable health care" shit we are being fed.

Affordable my ass.

-- Modified on 12/22/2013 11:14:30 AM

when so many have been jobless, and for so long?  

Are the jobless too be fined or "taxed" because they didn't have an income to report?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
 Affordable my ass.  

-- Modified on 12/22/2013 11:14:30 AM

And you can simply not buy health care and accept the fine so long as you get a refund. Much cheaper than the monthly premiums. Just keep showing up at the emergency of a public hospital known for taking the uninsured. If some people couldn't afford it before, then how the fuck can they now?  

Don't tell me all those people n the poverty line are going to be able to afford what they are dishing up even with the tax help.

Reason most plans were cancelled by Insurance Company is that the old plan did not cover basic coverages for preventive care.

Why do you pay for insurance when preventive care is not covered?  

Do you know what is covered in your old plan? Your deductible, etc? or just know how much you paid per month

Literally placed them side by side and wanted to punch a hole in the wall after comparing. Preventative Care was covered on the old and still is on the new.  

My deductible went up, as did the % after deductible. I now have to pay a % for certain lab work and any x-rays which I did not have to before

Posted By: helper_helping
We call them  BUSH



Carter ?







et al

salonpas1256 reads

Posted By: helper_helping
We call them  BUSH

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