Politics and Religion

“The market will crash” if Biden wins …
gentleguy1020 38 Reviews 263 reads

Don the con said in 2020 the year Dow Jones touched 30000 for the first time!!  
Today it crossed 40000 and yes Biden is the president!!!

Go Donny go … to prison 😂

...when it was going up during his administration.   He said it would boost the retirement savings of his broke ass supporters:

But now that Bullish Joe is president, Trump that stock markets hitting record highs were just making "rich people richer."

And of course the same Trumptards who believed him before will believe him again.  

Who’s an actual alleged economist claimed after tRump was elected in ‘16 (consult your Mikajoe archives) the DOW would crater. How’d that turn out? And he’s still on spouting his nonsense just like you here.  

Is this all you have? Unbelievable. But carry on.

Who gives a shit about what some random guy said in 2016?  It was Trump himself who said Biden would tank the market. How'd that work out for you both?
Unbelievable. So move along, fatty.
But thanks for showing up to troll for me every month or so. Happy stalking.

Who can barely afford his TER membership much less a date. No Cost Rica trips on the horizon? I guess when the guy who paid your bills there has nothing to do with you anymore it’s hard to “get away” right?

Where did you get the demented idea I "can barely afford...TER membership?" I've got thousands of VIP days and don't need to pay a dime. Haven't been to Costa Rica in 6 years but just got back from a trip around the world, including Bora Bora and Tahiti. I also can't imagine why "the guy" you think pair my bills ever did so. We're still friends, BTW. Wow, you sure are one fat angry liar. The question is, why so angry? I know we don't get along but I'm actually puzzled at the steaming pile of stupidity you just dumped here.
You really are a hot mess.
It must really suck ass to be you. I'm almost sorry for you, Almost.

Posted By: inicky46
Re: Fat bald old loser.... Also totally wrong.
Where did you get the demented idea I "can barely afford...TER membership?" I've got thousands of VIP days and don't need to pay a dime. Haven't been to Costa Rica in 6 years but just got back from a trip around the world, including Bora Bora and Tahiti. I also can't imagine why "the guy" you think pair my bills ever did so. We're still friends, BTW. Wow, you sure are one fat angry liar. The question is, why so angry? I know we don't get along but I'm actually puzzled at the steaming pile of stupidity you just dumped here.  
 You really are a hot mess.  
 It must really suck ass to be you. I'm almost sorry for you, Almost.
Icky got sugared in Central America ? ! ? ! ? !

Bah 🤣 ha 🤣 ha 🤣 ha

I don’t even want know what that looked like 😵

-- Modified on 5/20/2024 10:29:21 PM

Seems like both sides like to fear monger when it comes to  stock market futures.

Hopefully the fed won't cave in an lower interest rates.  If they do it could be in Sept/October 2024.  Market will crash because of fear of recession.

The fed will lower interest rates to help Biden win the election. So he can say look at what I have done to help the economy.  The market could react and say "Economy is bad", then a nasty correction like we had in 2008.

The Fed was expected to lower interest rates a few months ago but didn't because inflation remained higher than it anticipated. If it lowers rates later this year it won't be to help Biden but to acknowledge lower inflation and keep the economy growing. As for the markets, when did they EVER react to lower rates by making "a nasty correction." The '08 correction happened because of the collapse of the sub-prime debt market.
Dave is in LaLa Land.

Here is the problem like 2008. Debt.  This time it is consumer debt and commercial real estate.   There is a regional banking crisis and banks are being shutdown every month.  Retail is in trouble also. Many restaurant  chains are shutting down all of over the place, some are completely shutting down.  AI and automation in cutting a lot of jobs in services and manufacturing.  Soon AI will start to cut jobs in the government contracting sector, some agencies have recently starting to use it.

Deflation is now starting to show up.

to the dramatic inflation in those products of the past few years. It does NOT prove deflation is setting in for all goods and services.

Posted By: gentleguy1020
And then it dawned on me…

“Oh yeah I’m the dumbest poster on the P&R board”

I should probably not make it worse by opening my yap but… GOOD GOD I JUST CAN’T HELP MYSELF!!!! Aaaaagh!!!

Your this habit of putting words in others voice and expect the readers note to figure it out shows you are biologically and congenially demented.
1. You need to see a good shrink.
2. Be honest with him. Do tell him that your biological mother is also your biological sister. May be he can help your pitiful existence.  
Hope you can get well and become a ‘normal’ human. Remember it is not your fault that you have become a freak by birth.  
Best wishes!

He's just remarkably stupid and has no game. The best he can do is repeat his dim-witted efforts, again and again.

Posted By: gentleguy1020
Re: Two things

Your this habit


Your this habit huh?

I’m betting where you live has legal pot? And your a consumer of huge amounts and have been since you were a young teen? This may be why you were voted dumbest poster on the P&R board.

Posted By: gentleguy1020
of putting words in others voice and expect the readers note to figure it out

Seriously? You really thought that? See above. I’m making fun of (in this case you) usually icky and everyone knows it!

Posted By: gentleguy1020
shows you are biologically and congenially demented.
That’s your best insult? 🤣🤣🤣
Posted By: gentleguy1020
1. You need to see a good shrink.  
 2. Be honest with him. Do tell him that your biological mother is also your biological sister. May be he can help your pitiful existence.  
 Hope you can get well and become a ‘normal’ human. Remember it is not your fault that you have become a freak by birth.  
Sounds like a rather long freudian slip there. With the repeated exposure to you 70 ish IQ I am pretty sure we now understand the problem with you. It’s that or, and this is just a thought? You have eaten a large amount of lead based paint as a kid?
Posted By: gentleguy1020
Best wishes!
If your going to say  

🖕🏻 fuck you 🖕🏻  

Say it! 👍  

Don’t be a soy boy pussy about it.

-- Modified on 5/21/2024 11:03:50 AM

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