Politics and Religion

There are many many concepts that are "beyond you" Zin.
RightwingUnderground 2921 reads
1 / 11

“We may be seeing the first woman president. As a Democrat, I am reeling,” said Camille Paglia, the cultural critic. “That was the best political speech I have ever seen delivered by an American woman politician. Palin is as tough as nails.”

9-man 990 reads
2 / 11

Why you would quote her as an expert is beyond me. Why don't you quote Annie Sprinkle? Does it matter that she's a liar?

What works in Alaska is not what works in the rest of the country.  There's no shortage of "toughness" in Washington. Whether it's male or female is irrelevant there.

Speaking of which, did I hear people applaud when Laura Bush said, "I am so happy that the first female Vice-President of the United States will be a woman?"

-- Modified on 9/2/2008 10:05:45 PM

RightwingUnderground 1543 reads
3 / 11

If only you had the wisdom to recognize them.

As usual, I have to remind you that in order to participate in a useful conversation, you must respond to what the other person actually said, not make up shit and then respond to what you heard in a dream.

I thought it was only the right that attacked the messenger of powerful news.

-- Modified on 9/2/2008 10:28:24 PM

9-man 1962 reads
4 / 11

I think I've had you right from the beginning. You just cover it all in nicety that makes you feel civilized. You don't feel like the person who writes what you do.  

No, I'm not going to accept, "I didn't mean that" anymore. I think you're playing the victim and simply shifting your ground as fast as it falls out from under you. I think I have your meanings totally right, except the parts you don't write competently enough. Want proof? Nowhere else do I have the comprehension problems you claim I do.

I've had it with your games. Quit with the "I'm so mis-undertood by Zin line."  

-- Modified on 9/2/2008 10:33:37 PM

RightwingUnderground 1531 reads
5 / 11

I never said she was an expert, but YOU directly are claiming that I DID. I simply said she was two things 1) a Dem and 2) Honest.

You're completely free to write whatever you wish in response to my posts, except for claiming I say stuff that you simply make up. And then you typically respond to the shit you make up.

GaGambler 1155 reads
6 / 11

Notice how Zin completely ignores the article itself except to claim that what works in Alaska doesn't work in the rest of the country. Instead he immediately gives attributes to the source that were never claimed by the poster then procedes to say the attributes never claimed are indeed false. then goes on to call the author a liar, but nevers disputes a thing she has to say in an entire full page article

Typical double talk, and another example of how Zin "just makes shit up" first he puts words in RWU's mouth, then claims the very words he just put in his mouth are false.

Never once does Zin dispute anything the author has to say, he just claims "she is a crazy as a nineteen dollar bill" lol I couldn't have asked for a better example of an ad hominem argument. Classic Zin.

Officer Cartman 59 Reviews 1095 reads
7 / 11

And we all know that Canada is a paradise on Earth.  How goes the commute?

BizzaroSuperdude 30 Reviews 1789 reads
8 / 11

I'm not the nice guy.... the subject was Palin.... and you bring in Laura Bush???  Got news for ya Z.....   Bush ain't runnin.... got it... two-terms for president in the US.... its not just a good idea - its the law- (22nd amendment to the US constitution)....

and now- we come to me question....  

while no one knows what Zineval meant... except that you probably were confused by the wine.... Zinfandel.... what the heck is with the 9-man handle???  you fielding a baseball team???

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 1194 reads
9 / 11

"Never once does Zin dispute anything the author has to say, he just claims "she is a crazy as a nineteen dollar bill" lol I couldn't have asked for a better example of an ad hominem argument. Classic Zin."

 Well that wasn't so hard ..and I didn't even have to look up "Ad Hominem"
This place is a lot more fun than studying the dictionary.

XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 1089 reads
10 / 11

I know the right is desperate when one of them is willing to quote Camille Paglia, and with approbation.

my, my, my, the world turned upside down

RightwingUnderground 1447 reads
11 / 11

Maybe it's the leap year version of your anomalous calendar. I’ve quoted her in the past and will probably do so again. Maybe hell is freezing and thawing. I enjoy reading her. I wish she wrote more frequently. She's unabashedly liberal and femmenist but with out the hate and dishonesty. . .refreshing.

FWIW notice who retorted the LAST time I quoted Camille, LOL. And he was making up shit back then :-)


Now notice who was the FIRST to bring up ol'Camille on TER. I think he was praising her here (for her admiration of prostitutes). . .


-- Modified on 9/3/2008 6:20:00 PM

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