Politics and Religion

The problem GaGambler with all of your responses.confused_smile
bigguy30 21 reads

If you are not lying or making things up.
Also bragging about yourself or defending Trump's stupidity.
Then you are complaining about someone else, exposing your own hypocrisy on here.

So a lot of your own comments are slime too.
The difference is you acting like Trump being a hypocrite.

-- Modified on 11/5/2017 2:14:54 PM

...If Sessions didn't LIE to Congress in the first place, he wouldn't have to "amend" or "clarify" his TESTIMONY UNDER OATH.  "Statement" - another stupid euphemism by Timbow.  Statements are not made under oath.  And Timbow trying to make it seem like it's not a big deal by calling it a "statement" rather than "testimony" is also a distinctinction without a difference - the criminal penalties are the same.


Federal law makes it a crime to "knowingly and willfully" give "materially" false statements to Congress, even if unsworn -- which is not to be confused with the more general crime of perjury for lying under oath.  The consequences for either crime are serious:  up to five years in prison.

...Sessions is a swamp creature who would rather keep his face buried in Trump's ass than do the right thing.  That's the point about fucking righties.

bigguy3030 reads

So Sessions is hanging his own self with his lies.
You are so lost it's not even funny anymore.

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee ride again..they make Dumb and Dumber look like geniuses..

bigguy3024 reads

It's a very simple question and please stop with your bs.
So Sessions is going to come back with more cover up lies??
He knows himself, that lies came out of his own mouth!

-- Modified on 11/3/2017 1:44:18 PM

wapiti38 reads

Now tell me that HE didn't lie all the fucking time!

bigguy3020 reads

The answer is simple, he never did and bringing him up is foolish.

-- Modified on 11/4/2017 9:27:19 AM

wapiti17 reads

is a lying sack of shit like you!

is it a black (or half-black) thing?

...the lying sack of shit on these threads & we have come to expect whenever he feels like the thread isn't going in his favor he will use the old republican tactic & try to divert the subject of the discussion .

Sessions dealings with Russia as a Senator are of public record. And there's no link from Sessions to Russia even in the fake news giving him nothing to hide and no reason to lie.

Epic FAIL!

Sessions has lied several times in sworn testimony before the Senate.  Oh, right.  This is fake news. Be sure to keep your head  buried in the sand.

Do you even know how to open a link here? The linked article lists all of Sessions' lies to the Senate.

Put it in you own words. If I had to disprove every piece of piece of Commie propaganda on the Internet...

bigguy3019 reads

How can you disprove of every piece of Commie propaganda on the Internet??
When you are a supporter of Russia and Putin?
So you realize this is who you really voted for and not Trump.

The problem is, non subscribers are limited to I believe it's five articles a month. You routinely link dozens of articles each month which means the only way to open them all is to subscribe to that piece of shit. If you think I am going to subscribe to the Slime, you are as dumb as fg.

BTW it's not just the Slime, I am pretty sure the same thing goes for the Compost, and I am about as likely to subscribe to that rag as you are to bring your BFF BPS with you on your next trip to CR, unless you are bringing him to a certain "bridge" of course. lol

bigguy3022 reads

If you are not lying or making things up.
Also bragging about yourself or defending Trump's stupidity.
Then you are complaining about someone else, exposing your own hypocrisy on here.

So a lot of your own comments are slime too.
The difference is you acting like Trump being a hypocrite.

-- Modified on 11/5/2017 2:14:54 PM

and that is the possibility of Jake ever being as stupid as you.

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