Politics and Religion

Romney to announce VP pick Saturday. Rafalca is the dark horse. (eom)
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 1916 reads


Ryan makes it so easy to tear GOP apart with his moronic medical voucher system. It's sure fuck up the medical care of the bell shaped curve of GOPsters here and throughout this country. I've seen a ton of 'em and they ain't able to afford care on vouchers.

Gimme Ryan any fucking day. What a bonanza for the Dems.

Ya gotta luv Doc Ryan suggesting seniors can by a CABG or tumor resection for 15 grand when it costs you $80 a minute in any US state before anyone has touched you or given you as much as saline or an ETOH swab. Just to wheel you into an OR costs $80 a minute, and Dr. Ryan's vouchers ain't gonna cut that. Wait until  we communicate that writ large to the block of voters who are seniors and Indies and boy will we. Concommitant with taxing the middle class and poor to give the uber rich tax breaks that has Mitt-Bot Kamizaze King of 2012.

I so love that Paul D. Ryan is the nominee who will be announced tomorrow. My GOP sources confirm it absolutely.

LOL--One Betz Cell Blitzer says he brings controversie.  Wow Wolf you're so perceptive with your MA in Int. Relations from Hopkins. :D

-- Modified on 8/11/2012 12:57:09 AM

Commitment to a principle.

Now Romney can look like a John McCain "maverick" with every flip-flop and carefully chosen word-smithing while Ryan plays the unwavering, stalwart solder of the faith.

IMO; a both clever and astute choice.
But I don't trust Romney as far as I can throw him, and Ryan is far too neocon fringe.


And I've already heard last place Blitzer's warning about Carter and Raegan; circumstances and context were totally different then. The only hostage now is medical care and income for groceries as well as taxing the middle class to boost the rich and will it ever connect with voters despite all the GOP attempts to play games with voter ID; and in Ohio to make early voting available for GOP counties and foreclose it for Dem counties.  It's a gold mine for Dems.

to express my personal disdain with his politics.

 His flaws/politics are obvious; but his steadfastness to them wins the hearts of the rabid Right, while the more centrist Right or Undecided/independent can hope that Mitty will become more "moderate", as he was during his Massachusetts Governor term.  

  This shit is textbook political smoke & mirrors.

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