Politics and Religion

the only thing worse than war, is a world run by tyrants
inmyeye 35 Reviews 146 reads

I know you had your head too far up your ass to remember but
80% of the people supported the invasion of iraq because

he used chemical weapons on the kurds
civil rights abuses against his own people including but not limited to throwing people off  
2 story roofs and leaving them deformed

as an example of what happens when you disobey

or his 2 sons stopping a wedding and raping the bride while all the guests listened
after the rape she threw herself off the roof of the building.

he was supporting the 2nd antifada in is real
if you remember a bus was blowing up there every day and he was paying the families 10k  
every time the un  inspectors were showing up he wouldn't let them in
making it look like he was more capable than he was
remember the caravan that went to syria ? the one with the chemical weapons?

remember the people sending anthrax to senator dashed and tom brokaw
and the dc sniper

remember bush saying we can't let a mad man like this get a nuke.
remember him saying we will do him not north korea
because north korea has nukes
and we want to do saddam before he gets them?

do you remember we were being attacked?

do you know who abu nidal is?
he was found dead in bagdad after the invasion

which one of your favorite celebrities told you the iraq war was bad?

don't give me your phony compassion for human life

what make the millions being oppressed by nazi muslim regimes  
any different than those humans living in this country?
why is their life not worth saving?

if it was happening down the block to a white family
you wouldn't think twice about risking the lives of the police to stop it

Alot of press bashing goes  
on in this conference:

Don Rosenberg's' son was run over and killed
by an illegal from Honduras(8:06 - 9:00) and
in his research for protesting he found out 3000
people are killed each year by illegals who
are driving. As he was testifying before  
government organizations, he was told "these
people work, they contribute" as if that was
an ok reason that to kill...And you never
hear about it in the media...

9:46 - 10:17  Don wanted him detained and deported  
but was told that the illegal only committed one
crime of moral turpitude....!!! At Dons own time
and expense he got him deported.

11:58 - 12:45  A Hispanic American woman tells how her
nephew was gunned down and they let the guy go, he
went to Texas and murdered more people.

19:40 -  21:00 His son was  
shot by an illegal that was released and in jail for
assualt with a deadly weapon. The illegal murdered
his son the same day he got out. The illegals are
ordered by the Mexican Mafia to commit crime when  
they get out...and they order them to kill black people...

25:40 - 26:54   While her son was in the hospital,
before he died, the illegal was still driving
around. Between 8-13 Americans die every day
at the hands of illegals... @ 28:30 she says to
the press to stop reporting about the little problems
the illegals have.

@ 35:58 Trump says he will do great with the Latino
community, and that he was misquoted by the media,
that he has Latinos working for him that love him.

You know what the sad thing
about this is.... There weren't
that many members of the Press
there to listen.

I will vote for Trump
based on his stand on  
immigration and Trade..

thisbud4u186 reads

... about all the Iraqi men, women and children he killed ?

I think there is way toooooo
much "White-Knight Syndrome"
in this country.... Every time a
white person or politician wants
to focus on minority crime rates,
they are always seen in the  
negative, and people scream for

Well, here are testimonials about
illegals committing serious crimes,
and are legal systems not protecting
citizens, but protecting the illegals.  

There is way too many "pedestal seeking -
White Knights" galloping to the rescue of
the illegal, and not enough people fighting
for the rights of the victims....

Well here is a politician that is stating his
case with facts and standing by what he
said. I believe he is absolutely correct and
he hit the nail on the head. He will get my
vote and I hope he wins..

I know you had your head too far up your ass to remember but
80% of the people supported the invasion of iraq because

he used chemical weapons on the kurds
civil rights abuses against his own people including but not limited to throwing people off  
2 story roofs and leaving them deformed

as an example of what happens when you disobey

or his 2 sons stopping a wedding and raping the bride while all the guests listened
after the rape she threw herself off the roof of the building.

he was supporting the 2nd antifada in is real
if you remember a bus was blowing up there every day and he was paying the families 10k  
every time the un  inspectors were showing up he wouldn't let them in
making it look like he was more capable than he was
remember the caravan that went to syria ? the one with the chemical weapons?

remember the people sending anthrax to senator dashed and tom brokaw
and the dc sniper

remember bush saying we can't let a mad man like this get a nuke.
remember him saying we will do him not north korea
because north korea has nukes
and we want to do saddam before he gets them?

do you remember we were being attacked?

do you know who abu nidal is?
he was found dead in bagdad after the invasion

which one of your favorite celebrities told you the iraq war was bad?

don't give me your phony compassion for human life

what make the millions being oppressed by nazi muslim regimes  
any different than those humans living in this country?
why is their life not worth saving?

if it was happening down the block to a white family
you wouldn't think twice about risking the lives of the police to stop it

During the 1991 rebellion, several "dungeons" were liberated, revealing "disoriented and confused" inmates that believed Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr was still the president.[15] Of nearly 2 million refugees created by the 1991 crackdown on dissent, it is estimated that 1,000 died every day for a period of months due to unsanitary and inhumane conditions.[16] The destruction of Shi'ite religious shrines by Hussein's regime has been called "comparable to the levelling of cities in the Second World War, and the damage to the shrines [of Hussein and Abbas] was more serious than that which had been done to many European cathedrals."[17] Methods of torture used by Hussein's regime included assault with brass knuckles and wooden bludgeons; electric shocks to the genitalia; scorched metal rods being forced into body orifices; the crushing of toes and removal of toenails; burning off limbs; lowering prisoners into vats of acid; poisoning with thallium; raping women in front of their family members; burning with cigarette butts; the crushing of bones; the amputation of ears, limbs, and tongues; and the gouging of eyes.[18] After the 1983-88 genocide, some 1 million Kurds were allowed to resettle in "model villages". According to a U.S. Senate staff report, these villages "were poorly constructed, had minimal sanitation and water, and provided few employment opportunities for the residents. Some, if not most, were surrounded by barbed wire, and Kurds could enter or leave only with difficulty."[19]

Posted By: inmyeye
I know you had your head too far up your ass to remember but  
 80% of the people supported the invasion of iraq because  
 he used chemical weapons on the kurds  
 civil rights abuses against his own people including but not limited to throwing people off  
 2 story roofs and leaving them deformed  
 as an example of what happens when you disobey  
 or his 2 sons stopping a wedding and raping the bride while all the guests listened  
 after the rape she threw herself off the roof of the building.  
 he was supporting the 2nd antifada in is real  
 if you remember a bus was blowing up there every day and he was paying the families 10k  
 every time the un  inspectors were showing up he wouldn't let them in  
 making it look like he was more capable than he was  
 remember the caravan that went to syria ? the one with the chemical weapons?  
 remember the people sending anthrax to senator dashed and tom brokaw  
 and the dc sniper  
 remember bush saying we can't let a mad man like this get a nuke.  
 remember him saying we will do him not north korea  
 because north korea has nukes  
 and we want to do saddam before he gets them?  
 do you remember we were being attacked?  
 do you know who abu nidal is?  
 he was found dead in bagdad after the invasion  
 which one of your favorite celebrities told you the iraq war was bad?  
 don't give me your phony compassion for human life  
 what make the millions being oppressed by nazi muslim regimes  
 any different than those humans living in this country?  
 why is their life not worth saving?  
 if it was happening down the block to a white family  
 you wouldn't think twice about risking the lives of the police to stop it.  

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