Politics and Religion

The new "sin tax" in Phoenix
KristaStarr See my TER Reviews 4735 reads

So in AZ we are talking about ending the food taxes which paid for the councils pay raises and replace it with "Sin Tax" - its an extra tax on tattoo shops, head shops and strip clubs.

What do you think about it?

**It's the first video on the left

When you apply a tax on consumption, particially on food, it discourages it's use, and it hurts the poor the most. Such taxes are said to be regressive. When 1 in 5 children in this country are going to bed hungry, and 48 million Americans are on food stamps, this is an utterly retarded idea.

"Sin" taxes can be a beneficial thing, insofar that the activity that is being taxed is actually harmful to the sociey as a whole, but is tolerated. Such "sin" taxes would include alcohol and tabacco consumption, and well as gambling.

Taxing tattoo shops and strip clubs isn't harmful to the society at large, and is actually beneficial by providing jobs which cause no harm to the society at large. There is even some evidence that adult oriented businesses like strip clubs are a great possitive overall by reducing violence against women.

For instance, it's no secret that pornography was a huge factor in how the internet grew across the country and the world. Studies have found that in communities where internet access grew by 10%, reported rapes declined by 7.3%.

Taxing strip clubs will discourage people from visiting them, and to some degree, will encourage more rape.

Additionally, to make up for the loss revenue from the food taxes, these "sin" taxes would have to be quite high, since everyone buys food, and only a small minority buy these other commodities.

A better idea might be to tax the most unhealthy food, and put in a small negative tax on healthy food to discourage obesity, and health costs associated with obesity.

-- Modified on 9/14/2011 10:38:26 PM

"Taxing strip clubs will discourage people from visiting them, and to some degree, will encourage more rape."

Yep, nothing but rapists at those strip clubs. Hell, everyone knows that . . . . .

Once again, I can hear GaG laughing all the way from whatever country he is in right now . . . .

zorrf1337 reads

"Once again, I can hear GaG laughing all the way from whatever country he is in right now . . . ."

If you're not dick-riding on one of his moronic posts, you're name-checking him and proudly proclaiming to all who read that you're vaguely familiar with his travel schedule.  Shit's creepy.  

-- Modified on 9/15/2011 12:05:01 AM

knows that GaG spends many, many nights in Colombia or other South American and Central American countries fucking his beloved brown girls.

Hell, he talks about it almost daily.

What's moronic and creepy is that you show up once in a blue moon and throw another fucking temper tantrum on this board . . . .

Kind of like "Manny being Manny" except Zorff doesn't have any talents to speak of, unless you consider lobbing an insult or two on an anonymous hooker board a "talent".

and no, I am not in Latin America, but I am looking at airfares for this weekend. Can't keep my "beloved brown girls" waiting. lol

-- Modified on 9/15/2011 8:29:16 AM

zorrf1433 reads

Yes we're all very aware of his pitiful and constant attempts to gain the adulation of anonymous handles by spewing fictitious tales of sexual exploits and travels to different continents.  And we're all very impressed.  Few, however, have shown the amorous level of intrigue that have.  It's pitiful, but humorous.  No, mocking you for it is neither moronic or creepy.  

As long as you continue to provide fodder...

Jack_Schitt1601 reads

who in fucks name keeps track of another mans travels? Faggots thats who

All I know is that he frequently comments about how he is posting while sitting in the airport in Bogota or how "refreshed" he is after fucking a few chicas.

"Faggots" huh?  Haven't heard that word since high school.  lol!!!

If any one on board had any GUTS THEY WOULD BAN YOU JACKASS, YOU ARE A PIECE OFSHIT, by way yankees are kicking ass, i am so glad boston redsox are choking.

P&R is officially beyond help. lol

and if the old Zorff wasn't bad enough, this new Zorrf, two r's one f, seems to be as big a moron as the original version, but maybe a bit stupider in his comments, if that is even possible.

are "Zorrf" and "Zorff" the same person? Or are you just an even weaker, equally annoying imitation of the poster formerly known as Zorff?

-- Modified on 9/15/2011 8:30:40 AM

zorrf2966 reads

I missed you.  I'm glad you noticed the name change.  It's fun to reminisce on the days when I used to insult your stupidity...teehee...and your panties would chafe your sensitive little thighs, and you'd go all queen on me, and start ranting about how much you hated me...then you'd pepper in some things about your personal life to try to impress me.  It was so cute.  Now, you just tell all your friends how we're not speaking.  Don't get me wrong, it's cute watching you whisper about me to the other girls.  It's just that it's a different kind of pathetic.  A different kind of haha, you know?

but you're still the sad pathetic little man who still blames "whitey" for all that's wrong with your pathetic little life.

Ok, no need for us to talk any more, time for me to go back to ignoring you. You are as insignificant to me as a annoying little bug begging to be swatted. Feel free to make one last futile jab at my manliness, just please don't expect a response. Ciao

zorrf1543 reads

I mean, you just used the phrase "sad pathetic little man."  That's about as estrogen-soaked as they come, lady --only a couple pages after "pathetic little boy" in whatever manual it is bitches quote from when they find themselves in an emotionally charged argument.  

"Time for me to go back to ignoring you?" lol.  Will another dozen roses change your mind again, princess?  Cmon.  You know I'm the only man that knows how to treat you.

zorrff1329 reads

Yes.  They are.  Is that clear enough for you?  Yes, it's me.  The only man that knows how to treat you.  Come to papa.

There are several ways to demonstrate the link between sexual repression and violence against women.

1) As I stated before as access to the internet porn increased, rapes declined.

2) It is estimated that if prostitution were legalized in the United States, the rape rate would decrease by roughly 25% for a decrease of approximately 25,000 rapes per year

3) A study conducted in Queensland showed a 149% increase in the rate of rape when legal brothels were closed in 1959.

This in no way means that rapists are the only ones who visit strip clubs. Quite the opposite. Making strip clubs illegal, or discouraging it's use would likely result in an increase in violence against women.

You can observe this yourself. How many guys here have felt particularly inclined to do anything remotely aggressive after they've had an orgasm?

-- Modified on 9/15/2011 2:51:02 AM

after reading it more than once, I still can't figure out if you are for or against the "sin tax".

You start off by calling it dumb, then seem to support it and then somehow make this leap about how it creates jobs. I don't have a fucking clue to where you stand on this except that you are against the present "food tax" a point that I happen to agree with for the very exact reason you cite. It is a regressive tax, people should not be taxed on the necessities of life as it unfairly hurts poor people.

Personally I wouldn't mind taxes on harmful behavior or products such as cigarettes and alcohol, consumers of these products are much more likely to be a drain on our health care system and since SOMEBODY has to pay for their care, it might as well be them in one form or another.

Believe it or not, I would also not be opposed to taxing fast food for the very same reasons. Someone has to pay for the health conseqences of these products, why not the people that make and/or consume them.

While we are on the subject, I also believe that presently illegal drugs should also be put on the table to generate tax revenue. Obviously putting these people in jail in our current "war on drugs" isn't working, so why not save the billions we currently spend on interdiction, and actually make money by taxing it? Seems like a no brainer except for the fact that the "war on drugs" is now a cottage industry with people in power so entrenched that getting them out will probably never happen.

I think it's dumb to tax tattoo shops and strip clubs because they're not sins, and they aren't a drain on society, but rather a net positive. Plus these industries create jobs.  

It's not often that you and I are in complete agreement on an economic issue, GaG, but there's nothing here you've said that I disagree with, and many of your points I've felt quite strongly about in the past.

It costs us a shit ton of money to prosecute and imprison drug users, never mind the costs associated with stopping importation, production, and the cartels. I say put them out of business for good via legalization. Tax the hell out of it, and turn a cost into a revenue source.

I think you have a good idea on fast food, but I've thought it would be better to tax unhealthy foods where ever they're bought. Perhaps use a multi-tiered tax system that taxes ho-hos and soda pop pretty harshly, but put a negative tax for carrots and asparagus. You could make it revenue neutral, or use it to raise revenue.

I think everyone would agree that processed foods are the worst for us. Many supermarkets in states where there is no tax on food already have systems in place where carrots are not taxed, but hair dryers are. It would be a very simple to tax "unhealthy" foods like ho ho's and and soda pop, and ho ho's are hardly a necessity of life for poor people. lol

I also will reiterate that higher taxes on booze and cigarettes would not get a single objection from me, despite the fact that I drink like a fish. People that drink and smoke run much higher health costs on average than people who don't drink or smoke. Since somebody has to pay these extra health care costs, why shouldn't it be those most likely to be incurring those costs? Even if it's me.

All this is is trying to find a "socially acceptable" way to extract $$$ from people so pols don't have cut the lard out of their budgets.

Snowman391492 reads

You were the one talking about the religious right and all the things it would try to stop you from doing. Isn't this a Blue state attacking a lot of the vices you talked about?

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