Politics and Religion

The Louisiana flood is obviously Moral Judgment, not global warming.
WickedBrut 27 Reviews 51 reads

Because Southeners don't believe in Climate Change, at least their politicians don't.

As for the California Drought, that's probably Moral Judgment too, but our sins are more fun. So we get a drought and heat waves to cleanse us of our excesses, and they get a flood to wash away their stupidity.

...of the country have historic droughts.  How many thousand-year floods do we have to have every year before Republicans admit climate change is real?  They won't admit it until they're treading water or don't have enough water to flush their shit down the toilet.

FatVern61 reads

Louisiana has one of the lowest mean elevations at 100 FT, along with it's lowest elevation at 8FT below sea level

Of climate change is real, global warning is real, extreme weather event acceleration is real, and the economic and ecological catastrophes are real. So we have to reduce our carbon footprint, right? We have ween ourselves off fossil fuel and plastics, right? We have to develop new forms of energy, recycle our beer cans, sort our garbage, and then we can turn all this around and everything will be okay, right?


You know it, everyone knows it, but nobody talks about it. We aren't going to turn anything around. The clockwork effects of climate change will destroy civilization as we know it. If we are not facing total extinction, there's a dystopian future ahead crueler than scenarios found in our best sci fi.

The conservatives have already won, they might as well take credit. Do you think any child born today will live to be 90? Face it. They have already killed us off.

FatVern55 reads

What do people think is going to happen? The planet's temperature is going to continue to rise.

It doesn't matter how many predictions they make they have turned out to be bullshit, as my links prove, they just take it all on "faith."

And with the Reverend Al Gore leading the church, one of the biggest bullshit artists and exaggerators of our time, what could go wrong? LOL

FatVern93 reads

as a matter of fact it sounds like complete BS, I don't have a problem with recycling, and I don't like smog, less trash and less smog sounds like a good thing to me, but regulations kill jobs.

Why are the cities always covered in litter?

brooks5101 reads

Global Warming and extreme weather

you know, a scientific, peer reviewed study in a reputable scientific journal

EVERYONE here knows that you can't

I'll leave it up to them to decide whether you are incapable or it doesn't exist (I KNOW that to be the case)

it's likely both

"the sky is falling! the sky is falling!"

THEY say that no single event proves or disproves GW but you have BP here, and others, every few weeks trying to jam down our throats single events as proof of GW. LOL

You see, the uneducated masses that are GW believers don't even listen to the people who conned them into their belief system to begin with!

Because Southeners don't believe in Climate Change, at least their politicians don't.

As for the California Drought, that's probably Moral Judgment too, but our sins are more fun. So we get a drought and heat waves to cleanse us of our excesses, and they get a flood to wash away their stupidity.

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