Politics and Religion

The last time Russia attacked another country
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 866 reads
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I am curious what  citizens  think.  

I was looking for places I might want to visit without being robbed and murdered, if I win
the Power ball lottery and spend some time traveling.
   I was surprised, quite a few countries I thought would be safe to visit, were listed as dangerous,
 because of potential political uprisings, an anti American government or simply a den of thieves.
After reviewing danger stay away warnings,I thought of a different  perspective, outside of the  
  box I live in.
  Note: I did not say threat to us, or threat to visit,

 I remember President Bush naming  Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the axis of evil.
     I could be wrong,I'm  assuming he meant they were a threat to  World Peace  
This is not a test.
  I'm curious what country U.S citizens believe is the greatest threat to World Peace ?

For amusement only I've taken the liberty of adding a few countries far down the
dangerous list I found of tourists beware.

 Feel free to use a country on the list below or any country not listed.
Name the country you feel is the Greatest threat to "World Peace".

4.Central African Republic
8.Costa Rica
9.Democratic Republic of the Congo
10. Egypt
26.North Korea
30.Saudi Arabia
32.South Africa
33.South Korea
38.United Arab Emirates
39.United Kingdom
40.United States
45 Zimbabwe  

   I'm having difficulty narrowing my choice down to one, so I'm picking three.  
      Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

wolverine3647 66 Reviews 255 reads
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2236707 3 Reviews 276 reads
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when Shrub knocked over that domino much of the world began disintegrating and continues to do so now.

HONDA 153 Reviews 251 reads
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ince 2001 our policy for fighting Islamic terrorists has missed the smelly rotten corpse in the room, Saudi Arabia's support and funding of madrassas that preach a virulent brand of Islam called Wahhabism and Salafism. What's even worse, the Wahhabis have accelerated their brainwashing of East and West Asians with their madrassas.  

Note, it is these same Wahhabi/Salafi inspired nutcases, funded and supported by Saudi Arabia, that attacked us on 911, and form the support network for Al Qaeda and ISIS. How the fuck can we still call Saudi Arabia an ally.

We must focus on the source of the problem: the support of Wahhabi/Salafi education by Saudi Arabia and its promotion of intolerance by which a Christian, Shiite or a Yazidi are a deviant people and must be destroyed.

If we absolutely need to put people in Guantanamo, it would be far more effective to ship the Salafi preachers and Wahhabi clerics over there, not just the people swayed by their teaching.  

The mess we now have in the Middle East shows just how fucked up our Middle East policies has been over the past two decades

mattradd 40 Reviews 266 reads
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It's very, very dangerous world out there, however, I believe one keeping their eye on the countries most desperate for survival.

Not in any particular order of threat.

1. Israel-Though they will not attack us, they could do something to suck us into a major conflict in the Middle-east, against the likes of Russia, and many countries in the area. I can't see our NATO allies standing behind us with much force or conviction. While we are involved there, China, will take the opportunity for expansionism in Southeast Asia.

2. Russia-Some people think Putin is so macho, but he's just making the 'band play on' while the ship is sinking. Nothing like nationalism and expansionism to help keep the people's eye's off their own personal woes.

3. China-They are due for a major implosion, and we are so indebted to them, they don't sufficiently fear that we will back our allies in Southeast Asia, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. North Korea will most likely not make any advances without a green light from China.

Honorable mentions-

Saudia Arabia-Many well taken care of people there, who will be quite unhappy when the oil money dries up, along with the government entitlements.

Pakistan-Still has the most vulnerable nuclear weapons, and very little government stability.

I'm so optimistic, I think we should be prepared to implement the draft, on a moments notice!

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 261 reads
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...he received as a child in an Indonesian madrassa as a child.  Or did he?  You know the Obama haters - they're like a dog with a bone - they never let go.  They'll say Obama is a sleeper president, a secret Islamist destroying America from the ultimate insider position.

marikod 1 Reviews 268 reads
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You will find your answer in history

Since WWI, what country

-has invaded Korea?
-fought with China?
-invaded Cuba?
-invaded Vietnam?
-bombed Cambodia?
-invaded Grenada?
-invaded Panama?
-invaded Haiti
-invaded Somalia?
-bombed Bosnia?
-invaded Afghanistan?
-Invaded Kuwait?
-invaded Iraq?
-bombed Libya?
-killed suspected bad guys with drones in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Yemen?
- and provided billions of dollars of weapons to client countries?

If you can figure this one out Quad, you will have your answer. No other country really comes close

HONDA 153 Reviews 179 reads
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........you are so right by the way. The only question is when the drunken masses realize we have been hoodwinked/hijacked by our government.  

Posted By: meinarsche
 When was the last time Russia attacked another country?  
 The dubious distinction of the country that is the  greatest threat to "World Peace,"belongs to the USA.    
 Currently our government is run by privately-owned, offshore mega-banks, all devoted to the neo-con program of securing the resources of third-world countries via militarily enforced regime change and mass murder of local populations for the benefit of providing their corporate cronies with sweet, no-bid boondoggles to cash-in on the infrastructure repairs after the killing stops.  
 And some people still wonder why the stature of America has fallen to unprecedented levels in the eyes of much of the world.  
 I don't know if there are still any places left where the pernicious nature of America foreign policy hasn't negatively affected. Is there any place left where an American tourist would be able to relax to the point of not needing to be vigilant and careful while on the street?  Europe is pretty much ruined along with much of Asia, all of Africa and, of course the Mid East.  Who knows?  Maybe New Zealand?  Uruguay?  Paraguay?  Iceland?

mattradd 40 Reviews 187 reads
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have gotten so much traction in, despite their parties subterfuge, may be an indication that the "drunken masses" are beginning to wake up.  ;)

dncphil 16 Reviews 178 reads
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The last time Russian attacked another country was the invasion of the Ukraine, preceded by the invasion of the Crimea and the invasion of Georgia.  Three times in the last 8 years.

Russia also had a major role in starting World War II, buy invading and dividing Poland, with Nazi Germany.

Then, after WWII they  conquored and kept Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, and a dozen other former nations, keeping power by military force, without elections for about 50 years, creating Gulags for tens of millions of people, and killing 20 or more million, not counting its daliances into other areas
Posted By: meinarsche
 When was the last time Russia attacked another country?  
 The dubious distinction of the country that is the  greatest threat to "World Peace,"belongs to the USA.    
 Currently our government is run by privately-owned, offshore mega-banks, all devoted to the neo-con program of securing the resources of third-world countries via militarily enforced regime change and mass murder of local populations for the benefit of providing their corporate cronies with sweet, no-bid boondoggles to cash-in on the infrastructure repairs after the killing stops.  
 And some people still wonder why the stature of America has fallen to unprecedented levels in the eyes of much of the world.  
 I don't know if there are still any places left where the pernicious nature of America foreign policy hasn't negatively affected. Is there any place left where an American tourist would be able to relax to the point of not needing to be vigilant and careful while on the street?  Europe is pretty much ruined along with much of Asia, all of Africa and, of course the Mid East.  Who knows?  Maybe New Zealand?  Uruguay?  Paraguay?  Iceland?

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 179 reads
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...probably more well-versed in geography than you are in the law.

Sorry, Carmen Sandiego, it wasn't "Three times in the last 8 years."  It was TWO times - Crimea is part of Ukraine; they're not different countries.  

BTW, Mr. Geography Bee, it's not THE Ukraine either.  The Ukraine is the way the Russians referred to that part of the country during the Soviet era.  Now that it is a country, a nation, and a recognized state, it is just "Ukraine."

Why the hell are you commenting on world politics when you're 25 years behind the times?


dncphil 16 Reviews 162 reads
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I was a Sovient Studies major in the 70's, which is why I say "The Ukraine"  Sorry. Habit. If you look at articles from that era, that was the name. I still say "lLeningrad."  

You quibble. Crimea and UKRAINE (happy) were two different invasions in time.  

Both more recently than any of ours. Also, things like Bosnia were aiding countries, where we came to their aid, took nothing, and left.
Posted By: BigPapasan
...probably more well-versed in geography than you are in the law.  
 Sorry, Carmen Sandiego, it wasn't "Three times in the last 8 years."  It was TWO times - Crimea is part of Ukraine; they're not different countries.  
 BTW, Mr. Geography Bee, it's not THE Ukraine either.  The Ukraine is the way the Russians referred to that part of the country during the Soviet era.  Now that it is a country, a nation, and a recognized state, it is just "Ukraine."  
 Why the hell are you commenting on world politics when you're 25 years behind the times?  

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 180 reads
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dncphil 16 Reviews 152 reads
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And  by the way, Russians don't say "The Ukraine. Usually Russian does not use the definate article even for regular nouns.   "I bought the book" would literally be translated' "I bought book."

Russians never used "the" in Ukraine, that was always an English addition.  Find an article from the 1970's and you will see English used. "The"'
Posted By: BigPapasan
...probably more well-versed in geography than you are in the law.  
 Sorry, Carmen Sandiego, it wasn't "Three times in the last 8 years."  It was TWO times - Crimea is part of Ukraine; they're not different countries.  
 BTW, Mr. Geography Bee, it's not THE Ukraine either.  The Ukraine is the way the Russians referred to that part of the country during the Soviet era.  Now that it is a country, a nation, and a recognized state, it is just "Ukraine."  
 Why the hell are you commenting on world politics when you're 25 years behind the times?  

dncphil 16 Reviews 144 reads
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I would suggest "Hui" or "Huy" instead of "Khui."  Possibly "Chui."

"KH" in English is not a heavily aspirated "H."  Think the English spelling for the Jewish holiday.  It is "Hanukah" or ""Chanukah.

dncphil 16 Reviews 165 reads
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