Politics and Religion

The issue isn't dancing.
Pimpathy 755 reads

The issue is parents who do not set boundaries for their children.  

Do you realize if a child were to emulate this behavior in the confines of the public school system. They could be charged with sexual assault?

My next door neighbor had a birthday party for his son, age 13.
The children in attendance all seemed to be between 9-14 or so.
So i'm hangin out watchin the proceedings, and enjoying a cool drink with the dad talkin' neighbor stuff while other parents were milling about inside the house while the kids are playing musical chairs or dancing to the dj music... i think one of the parents was the DJ.

So here's where it went sideways - they finished playing musical chairs, and the dj started playing Gangnam Style. no big deal right? no big deal until one of the girls, who couldn't have been more than 11 and still a child, starts doing the gangnam style dance... Very cute until near the end of the song, she hopped in front of the birthday boy and twerked. And I mean MILEY CYRUS/Robin Thicke caliber twerk.
These are regular folks, middle-class church goers all but nobody else seemed out of sorts. This made me VERY uncomfortable; it just...looked...wrong... and I went home shortly afterward.

So I ask you all, the left the right and the doesn'tgiveafuck --- when did it become acceptable for pre-pubescent children to behave in a sexually explicit manner? Am I out of touch with the new reality?

Despite being the liberal "I don't give a fuck" anti-religious guy that I am, when it cums to upbringing there needs to be some rules and boundaries.  

If that was my daughter, I'd probably give her a long lecture not to act that way unless she wants to be known as the village slut at her age.  

If it was my son, I'd probably give my son a two thumbs up for being a popular stud if a girl acted that way to my son though. LMAO  

It wasn't his fault she acted that way.

There is a view that there is something inherently wrong or dirty about sex. Generally speaking, we view sex as a sort of taboo. Others even view it as wrong, immoral, dirty, a sin, or what have you.  

But let's get real here. Sex is a simple biological function.  

Do we view other biological functions the same way? Is eating dirty? Is taking a shit a sin? Is pissing immoral? Is breathing wrong?  

Try really hard to remember what it was like to be a child. I'm talking about when you were young enough when girls wasn't something you were interested in yet.  

Do you ever remember being a kid, playing with your dick, and wondering what the fuck it was for?  

C'mon, how many kids played, "I'll show you my weewee if you show me yours"? Don't you guys ever remember being a 7 year old and looking up girl's dresses, not because you were interested in what they had under there, but because tormenting the girls was fun?  

I guarantee you, kids are more harmed by parents over re-acting to their sexual curiosity than the kids ever harm themselves.

Posted By: willywonka4u
There is a view that there is something inherently wrong or dirty about sex. Generally speaking, we view sex as a sort of taboo. Others even view it as wrong, immoral, dirty, a sin, or what have you.  
 But let's get real here. Sex is a simple biological function.  
 Do we view other biological functions the same way? Is eating dirty? Is taking a shit a sin? Is pissing immoral? Is breathing wrong?  
 Try really hard to remember what it was like to be a child. I'm talking about when you were young enough when girls wasn't something you were interested in yet.  
 Do you ever remember being a kid, playing with your dick, and wondering what the fuck it was for?  
 C'mon, how many kids played, "I'll show you my weewee if you show me yours"? Don't you guys ever remember being a 7 year old and looking up girl's dresses, not because you were interested in what they had under there, but because tormenting the girls was fun?  
 I guarantee you, kids are more harmed by parents over re-acting to their sexual curiosity than the kids ever harm themselves.
Wouldn't know, willy... I honestly, and sincerely doubt you could ever wrap your head around the way I as raised. And every time I've made an attempt to discuss these aspects, or use them as examples in context, I am mocked, denigrated and otherwise skewered for my willingness to be myself, goof or bad, right or wrong.

I used to wonder why it was that despite the fact I've often agreed with your posts and commentary, you always manage to be overly critical and contrary to my stated position, regardless of the issue.

Used to make me wonder if it was personal. But I just don't give a damn anymore.

If I had young children and  Gonzo was my neighbor , I wouldn't feel a need to worry about their safety if he kept an eye on them while I made a trip to the store .  
 I would wager  Gonzo always respected his Mom , but he didn't allow his Mom's rules  to stifle his childhood expressions when he was out of her sight .  

  Now I present the opposite upbringing , a potential criminal in the making .  

My gut instincts ,  I wouldn't  trust willy with my dog ,  following archaic rules from  childhood into adulthood has twisted his mind .
In my opinion , willy is a perfect example of child hood suppression becoming a dangerous  potential of criminality as an  adult .
 It's  perfectly normal for young children to  express their sexuality when performing with their peers ,  not  something to be condoned while adults are gathered  at a child's  birthday party .  

  There is  a fine line between too much protection and not enough .  

   If my parents had stopped and stared instead of moving to another room , when they walked in on 14 year old quad  going down for the first time , on my 15 year old GF ,  I might have felt strange  about my sexual cravings when I was  licking pussy the next day .  
  If not for the  thousands upon thousands of pedophiles  who would give that twerking eleven year old some candy , or the latest video game for a private dance or more , I might have a different opinion about young preteen girls dirty dancing around adults .  
  As the World is  , we have to protect children the best we can  from potential dangerous adults  , or civilization will quickly  turn into a wasteland  .  



Posted By: DoctorGonzo
Posted By: willywonka4u
There is a view that there is something inherently wrong or dirty about sex. Generally speaking, we view sex as a sort of taboo. Others even view it as wrong, immoral, dirty, a sin, or what have you.    
  But let's get real here. Sex is a simple biological function.    
  Do we view other biological functions the same way? Is eating dirty? Is taking a shit a sin? Is pissing immoral? Is breathing wrong?    
  Try really hard to remember what it was like to be a child. I'm talking about when you were young enough when girls wasn't something you were interested in yet.    
  Do you ever remember being a kid, playing with your dick, and wondering what the fuck it was for?    
  C'mon, how many kids played, "I'll show you my weewee if you show me yours"? Don't you guys ever remember being a 7 year old and looking up girl's dresses, not because you were interested in what they had under there, but because tormenting the girls was fun?    
  I guarantee you, kids are more harmed by parents over re-acting to their sexual curiosity than the kids ever harm themselves.
 Wouldn't know, willy... I honestly, and sincerely doubt you could ever wrap your head around the way I as raised. And every time I've made an attempt to discuss these aspects, or use them as examples in context, I am mocked, denigrated and otherwise skewered for my willingness to be myself, goof or bad, right or wrong.  
 I used to wonder why it was that despite the fact I've often agreed with your posts and commentary, you always manage to be overly critical and contrary to my stated position, regardless of the issue.  
 Used to make me wonder if it was personal. But I just don't give a damn anymore.

GaGambler817 reads

Yeah, I would feel a lot safer with Doc G as my neighbor than Willy.

As for "twerking" I confess I had to Google it and while it does seem to be a bit much, I don't know if you can really expect parents to stand in the way of the tidal way of modern culture. Or at least can you really expect them to fight it forever. Elvis was going to destroy our youth, The Beatles were worse. Disco was obscene. Punk Rock worse, Rap was going to destroy our entire culture not just our youth. I don't know if "twerking" is going to be what pushes us over the edge.

That said, I don't feel very comfortable when preteens are mimicking sex acts. As for teens, well teens have been making babies since the beginning of time. Trying to do anything but teaching them to be as responsible about it is an effort in futility.

Well put Gag... twerking is doubtless just the flavor of the moment... i too had to Google it originally, then i realized its nothing more than just... another... stripper... move... unless you butt your butt up against man crotch like miley did to robin thicke.

i wanna know more about that tongue of hers though... its like a real life version of the rolling stones logo.


Posted By: GaGambler
Yeah, I would feel a lot safer with Doc G as my neighbor than Willy.  

As for "twerking" I confess I had to Google it and while it does seem to be a bit much, I don't know if you can really expect parents to stand in the way of the tidal way of modern culture. Or at least can you really expect them to fight it forever. Elvis was going to destroy our youth, The Beatles were worse. Disco was obscene. Punk Rock worse, Rap was going to destroy our entire culture not just our youth. I don't know if "twerking" is going to be what pushes us over the edge.

That said, I don't feel very comfortable when preteens are mimicking sex acts. As for teens, well teens have been making babies since the beginning of time. Trying to do anything but teaching them to be as responsible about it is an effort in futility.

...on a discussion board comprised of whoremongers, whores, pimps, compulsive gamblers, alcoholics, idolaters of money and the occasional sodomite is humorously ironic.  

  I wouldn't say you're so much "out of touch"; but rather you've spent the past two decades or more focused on adult and largely non-family concerns. Now that you're out of your cloistered La-La land condo and living in a Las Vegas suburb of breeding cages the harvest sown of media decadence, educational system indolence, and parents overwhelmed by just paying the bills and financing the next unnecessary status symbol in our star spangled land of consumerism is coming to bear.  

  I don't wish too sound sanctimonious, and I am of no position to judge; but you, we, America is reaping exactly what we have sown.

I definitely live in an area that is light years removed from the Hollywood mindset I lived in most of my life.

Culture shock was not what I would have used to describe my reactions, but I suppose it makes as much sense as anything else.

It's 4:19. Got a minute?

Pimpathy807 reads

Potheads, Conservatives, and Liberals... Oh My!

I have to agree with the Doc, and yourself on this one. I find it strange that these young people want to get freaky in front of Mom and Dad.

Posted By: RRO2610
...on a discussion board comprised of whoremongers, whores, pimps, compulsive gamblers, alcoholics, idolaters of money and the occasional sodomite is humorously ironic.  
   I wouldn't say you're so much "out of touch"; but rather you've spent the past two decades or more focused on adult and largely non-family concerns. Now that you're out of your cloistered La-La land condo and living in a Las Vegas suburb of breeding cages the harvest sown of media decadence, educational system indolence, and parents overwhelmed by just paying the bills and financing the next unnecessary status symbol in our star spangled land of consumerism is coming to bear.    
   I don't wish too sound sanctimonious, and I am of no position to judge; but you, we, America is reaping exactly what we have sown.    

It's amazes me to find how many 10-14 year old's I've talked too have watched and know minute details of performing artists like Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus and others. However, when the girls talk about them, they seem totally blind to their explicit sexual behavior, while the boys, though they don't like to talk about it, see it, and are very excited by it. It's too often too easy for parents to fall to one extreme or another. The one is where they over-react and shame the kid for behaviors some of their peers are performing. While other parents just chalk up any behavioral fad as being empty of any meaning. Having raised kids, I taught my them to always be aware of what their behavior is communicating to those around them. Twirking is a fad, which communicates, to me, that the person performing it is ready to do the down and dirty right there. Know I wouldn't feel comfortable having any of my kids communicate that, at an early age, and in public non the less.

Cosette806 reads

I mean, look at Dirty Dancing, that was considered dirty and sexual back them. I wouldn't mind so much that she would want to dance in a manner that is sexually explicit, I would mind more that she is being tacky, because it's a tacky dance move but there are other dance moves that are sexually explicit but look pretty good or require actual dance skills.

Pimpathy756 reads

The issue is parents who do not set boundaries for their children.  

Do you realize if a child were to emulate this behavior in the confines of the public school system. They could be charged with sexual assault?

Cosette1003 reads

(who doesn't mind it) would be grounds for being charged with sexual assault, then I say our laws are stupid.

This type of dancing, where do you suggest it should occur? In front of parents or in the basement of someone's house, secretively hidden from anyone. Or do you suggest it not occur at all? It's that type of slut shaming (for both boys and girls) that causes so many sexual issues. She's dancing in front him, she wasn't giving him a blow job in front of everyone, now THAT I would think is crossing the line.

Pimpathy829 reads

or have children, my interest only goes so far.

 When interacting with people on this board I often wonder. When was the last time the they paid any attention to their surroundings.

Posted By: Cosette
(who doesn't mind it) would be grounds for being charged with sexual assault, then I say our laws are stupid.  
 This type of dancing, where do you suggest it should occur? In front of parents or in the basement of someone's house, secretively hidden from anyone. Or do you suggest it not occur at all? It's that type of slut shaming (for both boys and girls) that causes so many sexual issues. She's dancing in front him, she wasn't giving him a blow job in front of everyone, now THAT I would think is crossing the line.

Cosette909 reads

in middle school I listened to a lot of hip hop, and grinding made its way into our life. We had a dance twice a semester and man, was it our chance to practice. It felt sexy, not in a please penetrate me right now way, but in a this is so cool and hip, I'm doing what 18 yr olds are doing at dance clubs. If clothes were still on, and she wasn't uttering words like fuck me, it's just preteens trying to be cool. It's moving and using their bodies, and they're doing it in front of adults, which is soooo much better, they're comfortable and believe they're doing nothing wrong which they really are not.

There's other stuff that needs to not happen, blow jobs on school buses, drinking in high school, bullying and harassment of weak kids, that to pick on a dance that will be outdated by the end of this year to make room for the next erotic one, well, it seems a bit overboard and will only lead to them thinking that adults are stupid and they need to hide stuff. Kids are always going to want to emulate older people, emulating them through dancing is a lighter harm than with drugs, drinking, crimes, etc.

Pimpathy733 reads

“A world in which students everywhere are empowered to respect others and choose to lead lives free from violence, substance abuse, and other dangerous behaviors."  


That's where I learned which drugs, were the better investment.  





Posted By: Cosette
in middle school I listened to a lot of hip hop, and grinding made its way into our life. We had a dance twice a semester and man, was it our chance to practice. It felt sexy, not in a please penetrate me right now way, but in a this is so cool and hip, I'm doing what 18 yr olds are doing at dance clubs. If clothes were still on, and she wasn't uttering words like fuck me, it's just preteens trying to be cool. It's moving and using their bodies, and they're doing it in front of adults, which is soooo much better, they're comfortable and believe they're doing nothing wrong which they really are not.  
 There's other stuff that needs to not happen, blow jobs on school buses, drinking in high school, bullying and harassment of weak kids, that to pick on a dance that will be outdated by the end of this year to make room for the next erotic one, well, it seems a bit overboard and will only lead to them thinking that adults are stupid and they need to hide stuff. Kids are always going to want to emulate older people, emulating them through dancing is a lighter harm than with drugs, drinking, crimes, etc.

Hunh... ok, thank you for explaining your perspective, it is certainly one I would otherwise be unaware of.

i still think its going too far, and that children should be allowed to be children before we objectify and adultify them. Let them hit puberty before they start fucking sucking and emulating Miley Cyrus as she strives to permanently erase the Hannah Montana memories.

Posted By: Cosette
in middle school I listened to a lot of hip hop, and grinding made its way into our life. We had a dance twice a semester and man, was it our chance to practice. It felt sexy, not in a please penetrate me right now way, but in a this is so cool and hip, I'm doing what 18 yr olds are doing at dance clubs. If clothes were still on, and she wasn't uttering words like fuck me, it's just preteens trying to be cool. It's moving and using their bodies, and they're doing it in front of adults, which is soooo much better, they're comfortable and believe they're doing nothing wrong which they really are not.  
 There's other stuff that needs to not happen, blow jobs on school buses, drinking in high school, bullying and harassment of weak kids, that to pick on a dance that will be outdated by the end of this year to make room for the next erotic one, well, it seems a bit overboard and will only lead to them thinking that adults are stupid and they need to hide stuff. Kids are always going to want to emulate older people, emulating them through dancing is a lighter harm than with drugs, drinking, crimes, etc.

Pimpathy680 reads

You should forward this post to RCA records, and Viacom inc. I'm not looking to muzzle the 1st amendment, I would like to hear what their PR people have to say.  


They would roundfile anything like that...

in THAT aspect, meinarsche's scathing comments about Hollywood are not wrong.  

There is only one thing that matters to the performers, and that's publicity. Good or bad, they want their name in headlines.

But the management are only interested in profits and satisfying the shareholders. They could care less which flavor of the month self-destructs as long as it sells and boosts the bottom line.


Posted By: Pimpathy
You should forward this post to RCA records, and Viacom inc. I'm not looking to muzzle the 1st amendment, I would like to hear what their PR people have to say.  

Pimpathy665 reads

The parents have to be their children's censor.  

My only advice to any law abiding adult is... Don't ever video a children's party.

Cosette953 reads

I'm so tired of music labels being blamed and artists being portrayed as being exploited. Miley Cyrus has a mother and a father who are healthy and supposedly of sound mind, she is not being exploited or self-destructing due to record labels. Justin B whatever his name is, also, his own decisions.

How many artists refuse to sell out to record labels when it will compromise their own morals, or their own sound, etc. Amanda Palmer refused to give in so she crowd-sourced her own album, whereas a stupid band like Kings of Leon totally went for the money and now I'd rather metaphorically shoot myself instead of listening to them.

Not one single thing is going to mess kids up, life is a series of choices. I used to grind as early as 11, grew out of it by 15 when I discovered indie rock. My brother loves rap, I mean underground, cursing full on rap, like early Tupac but current so it's even more explicit, yet he NEVER curses when speaking, best kid in the world. Because our parents taught us well, by being there, and shaping our lives one day at a time in our formative years, that even by the time I was a teenager and my mother died and my father became less than good, I had already been shaped and molded to a great degree.

Let kids be so that they can confide in you when they truly are conflicted about something.

Pimpathy739 reads

Like any thing else that is profitable, follow the money.

Save your life story for the biographer.

GaGambler914 reads

I can't say that I really like seeing preteens "twerking" or whatever  the fuck you call it, but I am with you on the major point which is we have much more important things to worry about.

and just what's wrong with getting a blow job on the school bus, Damn I grew up in the wrong generation. The most fun I ever had on the school bus was cleaning the other kids out of their lunch money playing poker. I am sure I would have traded it all for a single blow job at that age.

It should be the concern of respective parents. I am not on this earth to define or judge someone else.

.I guess I'm just as out of touch. All I know, is MY kids ain't doin that ethnic BS.

I did worse than that when I was young but NOT at the age your story refers to.

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