Politics and Religion

The facts are never important with the GOP and their supporters. eomteeth_smile
bigguy30 51 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan
...is needed to repair our infrastructure (as of 2013) according to the ASCE.  But they're probably a bunch of commies, right?  
 The GOP would rather spend money on weapons that the Pentagon doesn't want or need because they're whoring for lobbyists from the military industrial complex.   Civil engineers don't have the kind of money it takes to buy Congressman.  
 It's terrible when facts get in your way, isn't it?  You and your ilk like to keep repeating The Big Lie, don't you?  

-- Modified on 5/27/2016 12:25:40 AM

...Super Hornets crashed into each other off the coast of N. Carolina.  There were no fatalities unless you count the $130 million of taxpayer money now on the bottom of the ocean.

For God and Country's sake!  Good money thrown away that could have been used to fix our infrastructure.

Didn't Obama fix the infrastructure with the 900billion dollar stimulus package.  Shovel ready jobs - remember?  He even put Biden in charge to make sure was handled properly. Lol.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Super Hornets crashed into each other off the coast of N. Carolina.  There were no fatalities unless you count the $130 million of taxpayer money now on the bottom of the ocean.  
 For God and Country's sake!  Good money thrown away that could have been used to fix our infrastructure.

...is needed to repair our infrastructure (as of 2013) according to the ASCE.  But they're probably a bunch of commies, right?

The GOP would rather spend money on weapons that the Pentagon doesn't want or need because they're whoring for lobbyists from the military industrial complex.   Civil engineers don't have the kind of money it takes to buy Congressman.

It's terrible when facts get in your way, isn't it?  You and your ilk like to keep repeating The Big Lie, don't you?



-- Modified on 5/27/2016 12:25:40 AM

bigguy3052 reads

Posted By: BigPapasan
...is needed to repair our infrastructure (as of 2013) according to the ASCE.  But they're probably a bunch of commies, right?  
 The GOP would rather spend money on weapons that the Pentagon doesn't want or need because they're whoring for lobbyists from the military industrial complex.   Civil engineers don't have the kind of money it takes to buy Congressman.  
 It's terrible when facts get in your way, isn't it?  You and your ilk like to keep repeating The Big Lie, don't you?  

-- Modified on 5/27/2016 12:25:40 AM

Your war mongering power hungry favorite, described Obama during the 2008 campaign as "naïve, irresponsible and hopelessly unprepared"

   You might be wondering, what was that crazy woman inferring, prepared for what?  

   More likely you're a voter blinded by  your partisanship, not concerned , a vote for Hillary is a vote for more chaos and wars .

 I have no doubts, if the evil, corrupt, war mongering woman, had been elected in 2008  our defense budget would be much more and our troops would be bogged down across the Globe.

   That's another good reason  to vote for President Trump

The big sell of the stimulus was shovel ready infrastructure projects.  More Obama lies.  Approaching 20 trillion in debt, half from Obama.  All the Lib double talk can't change those facts.  Our new country is great!

brooks543 reads

his elite self doesn't know what a shovel is

if he weren't black he'd know well

one of those jets didn't fall on your fat ass.

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