Politics and Religion

The cover does violate Muslim prohibitions against showing images of Mohammad.
inicky46 61 Reviews 2039 reads
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Mohammad holds a sign reading "I am Charlie" under the words "All is Forgiven."

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 575 reads
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Some Arrogant Frenchmen with their sick sense of humor, would  scream fire in a crowded theatre, while laughing with shrill giggles, when innocent people are stomped on.  
  I firmly  believe in freedom of speech along with a personal  responsibility that should accompany that right, in a civilized society.
  I'm  totally against assault or any type  of vandalism or destruction, for  spoken words of any degree, or juvenile offensive cartoons.  
  I'd like  to see Charlie Hebdo show how tough they are, by  wearing  their offensive caricatures on their own backs, and walking the streets they are helping to make less safe.  
     I'll never stand with Charlie or their  philosophy of promoting  ridicule deemed offensive by millions, against Faith they don't agree, like so many weaklings hiding behind their keyboards.  
 How much police security will  "brave" Charlie Hebdo ask for, or "demand", when they stir up more aggression from a minority of lunatics, with the knowledge their actions could cause more  innocent people, not part of their game, to  suffer violence or death.
  I would have thought  people  of Jewish heritage would have enough sense to not promote cartoons offending another's religion, when the offended will likely take their frustration out on innocent people, for only the  crime of looking like you.

   Especially foolish since no one knows for sure, who is the big wheel behind the recent murders and how many followers are in that clan.  
  I wish  luck to the good people of France who hope to live their lives in peace and harmony.  
     To Charlie Hebdo, your insane actions striving for reactions, don't impress me at all.

JackDunphy 465 reads
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Of course, Charlie has the RIGHT to publish whatever they want, pending French limits on freedom of speech.

But the question of "should they", is much more difficult to answer.

One part of me says " fuck ya, slam these terrorist pricks" by publishing and yet another side of me says "don't poke the eye of a tiger unnecessarily."

Case in point. Bernie Goldberg was on Megyn Kelly the other night saying that all U.S. big media should run the cartoons, but as we know, many like the NY Times, have declined to do so.

She asked him what he would do, if he owned a newspaper/magazine and he backed off a bit, saying he hoped all of his competition would act in unison with him, clearly implying he wouldn't act unilaterally.

When peoples lives could be on the line, it ain't such an easy decision.

inicky46 61 Reviews 501 reads
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But it can be seen as a message of tolerance.  It's basically Mohammad apologizing for what has been done in his name. And it's Charlie Hebdo's way of also saying they will not be cowed by violence.

dncphil 16 Reviews 307 reads
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If you object to people's religion being mocked, I assume you picketed "Book of Mormon."  Of course, "Life of Brian" must have pissed you off.

I assume you really made a stink about "Piss Christ" or the Madona covered in cow shit, or was it horse shit

Everyone I have heard say that Charlie H provoked the Moslems thought all these things were okay.

For years, people here have ridiculed religiouos people, and suddenly we are all sensitive and kissey kissey.

No,  There is one religion people are not allowed to mock.  There is one religion that responds with violence to humor.

GaGambler 447 reads
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I have to agree 100% with Phil. I won't even try to defend the atrocities that were committed in the name of Christ throughout the last two millennia, but none of us are living in that era. What is relevant is how things are TODAY, and phil is absolutely correct that Moslems are the only ones killing people for simply vocalizing their thoughts.

I have said some rather harsh words about ALL religions, if we were living in a Islamic state, someone would have surely tracked me down and killed me by now.

Can we really wait another 500 years for Islam to "grow up" and start acting like civilized people? Please remember that we live in a nuclear age, does their right to be nut jobs trump the rest of our rights not to be blown to kingdom come?

CltLuvr 520 reads
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Charlie is an irrelevant rag with a very low circulation. Most are disgusted by the vulgarity and indecency of it all ... but the Islamists take it much further and will kill you in the name of defending their religion!

It's the same mentality when a religious zealot murders an abortion doctor.  He's committing murder but defending it in his mind.  

Strange times.

GaGambler 424 reads
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Fuck that, I don't bow down to anyone's fucking delusional fairy tale. Some things are worth fighting for, keeping the world safe from these deranged fuckers who are still living in the stone age is one of them.

If those backwards fucking bible thumpers have learned to be peaceful, despite their urges to smite the non believers, so can the fucking towel heads, and if not, the rest of the world needs to stand up to them and wipe them off the face of the earth if need be.

There is no appeasement with these fucks, all they respect is strength or total capitulation, and I sure as fuck am not going to live under Sharia law

RRO2610 51 Reviews 386 reads
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Simply don't buy it!.... Ignore it, change the channel.  
The world should not cower simply because a religion  wishes to force their hockus-pockus beliefs on others.

People in the US learned to turn the channel if they didn't like listening to Howard Stern. What makes the Muslims so daft they can't wrap their mind around that same simple solution.

CltLuvr 456 reads
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Agreed, but how can the rest of the world stand up when our nation doesn't have the  nerve to stand up to these monsters?  Did you see our top leaders in Paris?  

Think about it, our military captures them on the battlefield and then the higher ups in Washington let them go from prison.  Imagine doing that during WWII?  We capture Nazis then say, oh fuck it, liberals are upset that they aren't getting trials and adequate legal representation so let's just let them go back to Germany and kill even more people.  Huh? WTF!

People in this country are more concerned with Katy Perry doing the Super Bowl halftime show then they are with protecting the nation

GaGambler 430 reads
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It's wrong for us to not stand up to these lunatics, but that doesn't let the rest of the world off the hook. The less we do today, the more emboldened they will become, and the harder it will be to combat them in the future.

An ocean of distance between your enemies used to offer a lot of peace of mind, but the world is much smaller than it used to be. It's not unlikely that by the time the non Islamic world finally wakes up, it will take a world war to do what could be done with a lot less loss of life today.

Timbow 284 reads
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JohnyComeAlready 485 reads
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That won't be possible for people who look for reasons to take offense.  

I still don't think the cartoon itself was the catalyst, sure the cartoon was a contributing factor. However I think there may be more involved than some cartoons.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 454 reads
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Is Mocking Religion 101 a College course for the enlightened ?  
 If that's the case, once again to my benefit, I wasn't there for the brainwashing.

Mocking Christians and Mormons is usually cheap popular amusement by mealy mouth  Whites, on their  campaign trail of diversity.  
  I haven't noticed Mormons or Christians protesting, vandalizing, or worse because of  words or cartoons  against them, or even  boycotting someone for ridiculing their God.  
  The stronger someone's view of their own life and skin, the less they feel a need to mock or  
 harm others different than them.  
  In some Western countries mocking Jews or denying the Holocaust is a crime punishable by jail.
  In most Western countries mocking Islam is good practice exercising free speech.  
  I rarely hear a peep of discontent  from Christians or  Mormons when their Faith is  ridiculed, or when their God is pissed on by insecure fools.  
   On the other hand, in America, quite often, the slightest  joke  at Jews expense will brand the jokester as  Anti Semite, with a deafening media uproar.  
  That's my idea of comedic hypocrisy.



Posted By: dncphil
If you object to people's religion being mocked, I assume you picketed "Book of Mormon."  Of course, "Life of Brian" must have pissed you off.  
 I assume you really made a stink about "Piss Christ" or the Madona covered in cow shit, or was it horse shit  
 Everyone I have heard say that Charlie H provoked the Moslems thought all these things were okay.  
 For years, people here have ridiculed religiouos people, and suddenly we are all sensitive and kissey kissey.  
 No,  There is one religion people are not allowed to mock.  There is one religion that responds with violence to humor.

dncphil 16 Reviews 407 reads
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And I support 100% his right to make all sorts of nasty comments about it and all other religions.

Ga has the right to offend me, and you-know-who- can bless him for mocking anything I like.

I will respond with disagreement in words, but feel free to go at it.

JackDunphy 353 reads
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Unless you mean politically. He could close it tomorrow if he wanted and congress couldn't do anything about it.

Timbow 477 reads
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Posted By: JackDunphy
Unless you mean politically. He could close it tomorrow if he wanted and congress couldn't do anything about it.

Timbow 306 reads
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JackDunphy 440 reads
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