Politics and Religion

The Corporate State is going off the rails.regular_smile
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 3671 reads

It seems that Bloomberg got a bit desperate this week, and in an attempt to control the news cycle from talking about Occupy Wall Street's major turnout last week, he had a last minute news conference about a supposed adverted terrorist attack in NYC. Strange timing, don't you think? As it turns out, the FBI had told the Bloomberg administration that the guy they nabbed, didn't have the inclination nor the skill to pull off a terrorist attack. Olbermann called Bloomberg out on this tonight on his show.


The Occupy movement seems to be making some people other than Bloomberg nervous. Juan Williams was shut up real fast by Chris Wallance this weekend after praising the Occupy movement.


It seems that this movement has even begun to worry some lobbying firms, as well as Speaker Boner. It seems that a concerted effort to undermine the Occupy movement in now being planned, but unfortunately for bribed politicians and their puppetmasters, their plans sometimes get leaked to the press.


This comes amid reports that Banks are now spending record amounts to lobby the bribed in Washington. I guess when you have a nation-wide uprising against your industry you better hire a few more lobbyists real damn quick.


One could see why they'd be worried. The move your money movement is gaining steam, and it looks like the 10 biggest banks could lose 185 billion in deposits over the next year.


And at Occupy UC-Davis, it seems that this nervousness has again lead to an over-reaction and widespread police brutality. When students were sitting on the sidewalk, a video quickly went viral of police in riot gear covering the students in pepper spray. UC Davis chancellor initially defended it and her police chief, but when widespread calls came for her resignation she quickly found some tears, apologized, and put her police chief on administrative leave.

This surely hasn't placated UC-Davis students, and it hasn't placated others in the Occupy movement either. When Tony Bologna pepper sprayed a couple young girls who were sitting down inside a police baricade, it outraged the entire Occupy movement. Anonymous decided that the thing to do would be to release Bologna's personal information to the world wide web.


I'm sure the police thinking that this might be a one-time event might be thinking differently now. After the pepper spraying of students at UC-Davis, Anonymous has now released this police officer's personal information too.


Things are not looking good for the 1%. They made the mistake to target the pensions of those who protect them from the majority, and now the 99% has found a way to target those who keep their loyalty to the Corporate State. When the police defect to the side of the 99%, all the tax cuts and bail outs in the world won't save them. The jig is up.

-- Modified on 11/21/2011 9:40:38 PM

Enough of corporate domination of the world. Balance between business and society was replaced by greed and more greed. All things balances itself in the universe eventually, it may what is happening. Don't believe it is going away. The mor they try to trivialize and put it down, the stronger it is going to get.

Retired Philly police captain cuffed a few days ago by the New York's Finest.  Clearly a threat to public order.

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 7:53:06 AM

You make it sound like there have been a huge number of rapes at OWS gatherings.  Any amount is very wrong, but back up your allegation that there have been "so many" rapes.  Tell us.  Please.  There are tens of thousands of OWS protesters.  How many people have been raped?  Well,  I looked if up and found 5 rapes listed.  That's five too many, but they took place over two months.  In addition in most of them the perpetrator was not even a protester, but someone who infiltrated the encampment because it was a target of opportunity.  So when you make thoughtless allegations, you simply appear foolish.
Second,  I posted the picture to make the point that not all OWS supporters are raggedy, jobless "scum."  And I'm not pretending they are all retired Police officers, either.  I didn't think it would be this hard to understand.  But the angry right needs to rant about anything I guess.

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 11:12:25 AM

You post a pic of a retired cop (obviously was there to be arrested in hopes of the photo) to prove a point that they all aren't entitled pinks swimming in their own filth and we're not supposed to mock your pathetic efforts?

Posted By: inicky46
You make it sound like there have been a huge number of rapes at OWS gatherings.  Any amount is very wrong, but back up your allegation that there have been "so many" rapes.  Tell us.  Please.  There are tens of thousands of OWS protesters.  How many people have been raped?  Well,  I looked if up and found 5 rapes listed.  That's five too many, but they took place over two months.  In addition in most of them the perpetrator was not even a protester, but someone who infiltrated the encampment because it was a target of opportunity.  So when you make thoughtless allegations, you simply appear foolish.
Second,  I posted the picture to make the point that not all OWS supporters are raggedy, jobless "scum."  And I'm not pretending they are all retired Police officers, either.  I didn't think it would be this hard to understand.  But the angry right needs to rant about anything I guess.

-- Modified on 11/22/2011 11:12:25 AM

Who said you weren't allowed to mock?  Ain't that what this board is for? lol!  I explained, in very simple words, what the point of the photo was, but the main part of the post was to rebut the rape argument.  Of course, you are unable to respond to that so you pull your usual "angry little man" crap.  Go ahead, please.  Just don't expect the rest of us to fall for it.

I believe you said there have been five "reported" rapes in the Occupy movement but there has only been one retired police captain.  Statistically speaking a picture of a rapist would be a more accurate representation of the Occupy movement rather than your captan. 5>1.

Posted By: inicky46
Who said you weren't allowed to mock?  Ain't that what this board is for? lol!  I explained, in very simple words, what the point of the photo was, but the main part of the post was to rebut the rape argument.  Of course, you are unable to respond to that so you pull your usual "angry little man" crap.  Go ahead, please.  Just don't expect the rest of us to fall for it.

Good thing you've limited yourself to a calculation you can do with the fingers of one hand.
PS: I guess you missed the part where most, if not all of the rapists were predators from the outside, not members of OWS.  So I guess you're blaming the OWS victims for getting raped, is that it?  They're all so attractive they were asking for it.  LMAO!

Snowman391244 reads

To start off, they don't have to rape their women!!

In addition, they still have the money, the cars, the golden parachutes. The reason they have these things while the OWS crowd freezes its asses off ina park and spread TB among their own people?

Intelligence ;-)

Gotta run, I gat a tee time I have to get to...

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