Politics and Religion

The constitution says everyone has a right to have a
JackDunphy 534 reads

It does NOT guarantee everyone's megaphone is of the same size, power or influence.

-- Modified on 4/8/2014 4:45:10 PM

It seems that once again, our Supreme Court has declared that bribing Congressmen is nothing more than rich people exercising their right of free speech. What kind of torturous logic is this?  

One of the founding principles of our legal system is that the laws should apply equally to everyone. It's right there in the 14th Amendment.  

"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the EQUAL protection of the laws." (my emphasis)

If money is speech, then does that not mean that some people have more "free speech" rights than others?  

So how's this? If the Supreme Court is going to say that money equals free speech, then Congress should ensure that every person has equal free speech rights. To ensure that, Congress should tax the holy living hell out of the rich, and send that money directly to the poor, and keep doing this until every single person in the country has the same net worth.  

After all, if we're going to let the rich bribe public officials, then everyone should be able to get in on the game. Anything less is tyranny.  

Or we could take the more logical approach and just say that bribery is bribery.

Pimpathy461 reads

... it's your responsibility to accumulate the funds, so you can contribute the amount you want, to which ever candidate you like... and it's all legal.


Weren't you born into capitalism?

No, I wasn't born into capitalism, and neither were you. I was born an American, a citizen of the United States, which is governed by The Constitution, a document that does not even mention capitalism.  

If we're going to assert that bribing politicians is a right of free speech, then that demands that all of us have the equal right to exercise as much "free speech" as we want. I should have no more responsibility to earn the exercise of my right of "free speech" as I need to earn the right to exercise any other Constitutionally protected right.  

Are we going to say that you have to earn your right to privacy? Or earn your right not to be subject to cruel or unusual punishment? Or earn your right of Due Process?  

If we're going to say that bribing politicians is free speech, then everyone should have equal free speech rights. That means the net worth of every single American must be made equal.  

That, or we should call a spade a spade, and we should call bribery what it really is. Bribery

Pimpathy433 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
No, I wasn't born into capitalism, and neither were you. I was born an American, a citizen of the United States, which is governed by The Constitution, a document that does not even mention capitalism.
That's a matter of perspective.
Posted By: willywonka4u
If we're going to assert that bribing politicians is a right of free speech, then that demands that all of us have the equal right to exercise as much "free speech" as we want. I should have no more responsibility to earn the exercise of my right of "free speech" as I need to earn the right to exercise any other Constitutionally protected right.
You can accumulate the funds, it won't be easy. I'm not making the "assertion" the left is. I can still say what ever I want, it's the individual's responsibility to reach who ever they want to reach.
Posted By: willywonka4u
Are we going to say that you have to earn your right to privacy? Or earn your right not to be subject to cruel or unusual punishment? Or earn your right of Due Process?  
Posted By: willywonka4u
If we're going to say that bribing politicians is free speech, then everyone should have equal free speech rights. That means the net worth of every single American must be made equal.  
That policy would take the path of least resistance, everyone will be made poor. There by giving a greater voice to the foreign wealth, influencing our elections.
Posted By: willywonka4u
That, or we should call a spade a spade, and we should call bribery what it really is. Bribery.  
Yes it is bribery, again capitalism makes the world's government go 'round. Willy, can the WH veto this law?

Pimpathy438 reads

Posted By: Pimpathy
Willy, can the WH veto this law?
Oh yeah Judicial not Legislative. Willy your goose is cooked.

GaGambler481 reads

He makes very little sense, you make none.

You hate rich people, we get it.

If you were to win the Powerball tomorrow, just how much of it would you give away, all of it I suppose???

Should we or should we NOT have equal rights? If we should have unequal rights, then on what basis should we give different groups of people different numbers of rights?  

Instead of using this torturous kind of logic, that money is "free speech", then shouldn't we just call bribery what it really is?

GaGambler465 reads

It's a well known fact that you hate the rich, so I repeat my question, If you were to receive a giant windfall tomorrow, how much of it would you keep and how much would you give away?

If I won the lottery tomorrow, then I would give all the money to bribe politicians to pass a law to make it legal to set rich people's houses on fire.  

Now, answer the question. If money is free speech, then that means that different people have a different amount of free speech rights. Should we or should we NOT have equal rights? If we should have unequal rights, then on what basis should we give different groups of people different numbers of rights?

GaGambler456 reads

You give me a bullshit answer, and I will give you one in return.

You really do make sense on some issues, on others you make me long for my brick.

I would tell absolutely no one.  I would buy my daughter a home and set a trust for her that she couldn't touch until 40.  I would travel the world.  Pretty selfish, huh?

GaGambler410 reads

but you aren't the person who claims to hate all rich people.

Pimpathy451 reads

... so far no one on this thread, has agreed with your argument.

I need to hear a better argument, sell the issue.

...in taxes, then you should get a million votes.  Of course he was kidding and trying to be outrageous, but in all jokes there is a grain of truth.

JackDunphy535 reads

It does NOT guarantee everyone's megaphone is of the same size, power or influence.

-- Modified on 4/8/2014 4:45:10 PM

The very first words of the Constitution says, "We the People". Not "We the Rich". The Constitution guarantees 1 person, 1 vote. Everything in the Constitution demands equality when it comes to political influence. Anything less deprives others of that right.

I can't stand Dems complaining about money in politics.

In the last two elections Obama refuse public funding because he could make more than he would get otherwise and could raise more than his opponetns

Dennis Sayer (I think his name is) just promise 100 MILLION dollars to Dems in the last election cycle on global warming issues.  Sorros, bing, Katzenbach and a score of other Dem billionairs pump the Dem coffers.  

And the influence of Hollywood is greater than money since a movie with a political message can be worth millions of actual advertising.

And unions spend untold millions and provide even greater influence iwth activist.

The amount that the Koch brothers gives is chump change to proven Dem donations.  

Final hint, why is L.A.'s "golden triangle" - Bel Air, Brenwood, and Beverly Hills - Obama's second home away from home?

Apparently, you've never heard the phrase two wrongs don't make a right. Look, it doesn't matter what party we look at. Both parties are corrupted to their core. The Republican party just happens to be slightly more corrupted than the other. At least the Dems play lip service to representing the American People. The Republican party actively works to harm them.  

This is a systemic problem that goes beyond party lines. It means that the vast majority of the American People are denied the right of representation in Washington. That is an undeniable fact. The behavior of Republicans are in no way justified by "the Dems do it too".

If  all  money earned by  hardworking solo  entrepreneurs , business owners or money inherited by heirs was stolen , divided equally among everyone ,  you would  have different people  handling  their identical amount of money in numerous  ways , most would ultimately soon end up with the same final result , Nothing .  
 A few +  examples below .  

   Some would waste  their time,  home alone in a dark corner beyond any shadows , spending their new free stolen money on hard drugs ,  until their saving accounts were as empty as their *soul .  
   Then they would demand more free money .  

   Some wouldn't bother to balance their check book , now full of unearned riches . In no time their savings account would be as empty as  the day before their free stolen money arrived .  
  Then they would demand  more free money .

  Some would invest their stolen free money in the stock market , not bothering to pay attention to Daily stock reports , while partying day and night until the day their  "Tweeber"  portfolio goes down 99% .
  First they would ask for Congressional hearings ,  
 Then they would demand more free money .

 Some would take their new unearned riches , frivolously spend  , impressing  their  
 friends with lavish parties and expensive wines , while buying respect with the latest trendy Fendi  
 and caviar , until all their free stolen money was gone .  
  First  they would wonder where all their friends went , when they were once again  broke .  
Then they would demand more free money.

 Some would put all their money in a savings account and quit their job , they have enough money  
to last a year or two .  
 When they were hungry  and looking for work , only to find  the job they quit had now been filled by a previously rich person , they would complain it's not fair .
Then they would demand  more free money .

 Some would take the small percentage of their previous net worth and put it to work , perhaps quit their  job , start a small business , hire an employee.
 The new business owner  would help it grow with hard work , long hours , sleepless nights and due diligence , while earning  a nominal few  dollars per hour or more from their new employee .
 At the end of the year some business owners would  notice they made six thousand dollars profit on their  new employee , after they  gave the  employee matching retirement savings , two weeks paid vacation and health care as part of their pay package .  
  The second year they might hire a few  new employees and invest  profits in time saving machinery .
 The following year ten  new  employees  added to the payroll , the year after that twenty  more .  
  The tenth year the new business owner gets their first week end off .  
 By the twentieth year the business owner has one thousand employees .
  When the media discovers  Boss is  making six million a year , Channel 26  does a biased  expose claiming the employees are underpaid ,  the boss makes one hundred times his 60K a year employees  .  

  The business owner should tell the truth ,  every employee  has the freedom to excel in the job they have and gain promotion , or find another job with more lucrative  potential .
 If they are willing to work long hours with no guarantees , they are free to  hoard some of their own hard earned money , and  start their own new  business .

* soul = In this instance I  am referring to  voluntary or subconscious brain induced actions beneficial to the host body ,  self preservation , and pride .  
 My first stolen free money beneficiary example had no soul .

Sometimes I think of soul as music that gives me a good  feeling too lengthy  to describe with words , especially at this particular time when it's not applicable in  my reply to the lazy guy  .

Posted By: willywonka4u

 So how's this? If the Supreme Court is going to say that money equals free speech, then Congress should ensure that every person has equal free speech rights. To ensure that, Congress should tax the holy living hell out of the rich, and send that money directly to the poor, and keep doing this until every single person in the country has the same net worth.  

don't see it much anymore, and what an absolute joy it is for me to watch this soul sister. :)  


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