Politics and Religion

That's impossible, all fag hating religious pukes are members of the GOP
OSP 26 Reviews 501 reads
3 / 23

They've tampered with biblical books, written their own scripture and allowed women and homos into leadership. Post moderism at its utmost. Heretical idiots. Was that hateful enough?

mattradd 40 Reviews 504 reads
4 / 23

What books are you saying they tampered with and written. Is this a fight between Calvanism and Arminianism?

GaGambler 477 reads
5 / 23

Whether OSP is being serious or just fucking with us is no matter. There are so many people who actually feel that way in "real" life, it makes us "Non believers" roll our eyes in disgust watching all this hate come out when the purport to be preaching love. The irony is just too much to not burst into laughter at times.

mattradd 40 Reviews 434 reads
6 / 23
OSP 26 Reviews 585 reads
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Homework; the Methodists devised their own Biblical Text exempting 1 "Book" from the KJV.

mattradd 40 Reviews 500 reads
8 / 23

It's the Mormon's who have written their own scriptures, and tampered with biblical books.  ;)

GaGambler 582 reads
9 / 23

I've been saying for years that those people are dangerous, and all the religious "apologists" have been telling me how wrong I am

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 513 reads
11 / 23

There's a group of people who tell us that they're preaching love, but if you don't believe in the same bullshit they do, they believe that you will be sent some place where you will be TORTURED FOREVER. And not only that, but that you deserve to be TORTURED FOREVER.  

I've got to ask. Is it just to have an infinite punishment for a finite crime? Is THAT love?

Blowing Chunks 537 reads
13 / 23

ee how these religious people bring out the worst in people by constantly provoking us to ultimately dislike them

GaGambler 590 reads
14 / 23

I would be happy to respect their belief in a stupid fairy tale if they would only return that respect and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!!, but that seems to be too much to ask for from these fucktards. So nowadays when they push, I push back.

GaGambler 411 reads
15 / 23

Don't all religious pukes want to die so they can get to heaven? So why should we feel badly that he got his wish?

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 498 reads
16 / 23

we just don't know where his next beginning will be.  Christians would probably say that he is free from his demons now and can RIP.  

I tend to believe their is some kind of afterlife for the soul, and I bet he gets a choice for a do over to evolve his soul.  When he is face to face with the dead soldiers he picketed their graves.

AliquippaJones 12 Reviews 453 reads
17 / 23

It doesn't really matter. If he was a Republican the media would make sure you know.

Posted By: Madison_Ohare
what a tortured hateful soul he was..

GaGambler 452 reads
18 / 23

Everybody knows that,  just ask any liberal on this board, they'll tell you. lmao

OSP 26 Reviews 518 reads
19 / 23

I'm not a member of any party. Just my own

Dave76015 38 Reviews 560 reads
20 / 23

L. Ron Hubbard was living in Phoenix, making shit up as a half-assed sci-fi writer, he and a friend got on a "Hey let's make up our own bullshit religion for tax evasion purposes and see who buys into the shit", and rolled out to LA LA CA with it.  

Just when you think the weirdness is weird, they turn professionally weird.  

These ass clowns have space ships, volcanoes for the souls, space aliens. And John Travolta and Tom Cruise.    

Morons only have some dude making up his own shit so he can poke multiple women at the same time and get away with it.  Something about the Lizard King, (NOT Morrison) magic talking hats (NOT Harry Potter), and magic gold plates only he can read.   And Secret Undies.  There was a woman about 15 years ago that wrote a book about all the shit that went on in the Moron Temples, especially in the secret wedding ceremonies where a bunch of old fucks hid behind a sheet and groped her on stage.  She killed herself later.  Wow...

-- Modified on 3/21/2014 3:31:23 PM

willywonka4u 22 Reviews 412 reads
21 / 23

Thousands of years ago, people came up with the idea of "souls" to try to explain the mystery that was human consciousness. Today, we know better. We know, for a fact, that human consciousness is the product of our brains. We have no souls. No surgeon, conducting an autopsy, has ever found a soul. It's imaginary. Make believe. Like the Easter Bunny, or the Boogeyman.  

When our brains die, our consciousness ceases. It ends. Forever.  

Appreciate every moment of your life. Because that's all we ever get.

Blowing Chunks 471 reads
22 / 23

I'm a member of the dance party...  Can't remember if it's left wing or right wing.  Probably south wing.

Madison_Ohare See my TER Reviews 434 reads
23 / 23

from my point of view, life is right this moment and continuous.  Will I ever know the difference if I am unconscious, dreaming or wake up?

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