Politics and Religion

thanks TJ...
willywonka4u 22 Reviews 1490 reads

...but no, that's not my job. I'm in the higher education field of employment. (is that vague enough?)

It looks like another seat by GOP, He is leading by 7 percent. It seems like its a message that government will turn GOP by nextyear. Any thoughts, it started with corzine, things are changing fast. Tea Party, too much taxes , people are getting fed up.

Congatulations to the people of Massachuetts for standing up and speaking loudly!!!

I never would have believed that a Republican would be sitting in Teddy's seat, but it's good to see the voters not going to the polls like a bunch of lemmings.

I hope Obama, Nancy & Harry are listening?

You are so right, next is the health care. All democrats will lose there seat one by one. The population has spoken, every state will turn GOP even NEW YORK, just watch,

...it demonstrates that when this country elects a new political party into power during a national emergency, and the new party behaves half heartedly and purposes half measures that might bring marginal improvements years from now, then that is a party that needs a swift kick to the pants.

In the early 90's Bill Clinton formed the Democratic Leadership Council. His mission was to turn the party of the people into "choice B" for corporate America.

His actions lead directly to the GOP taking control of the House in 94. Throughout that period, it was the soft middle of the road Dems, led by DLC strategists like Bob Shrum and James Carville, who lost election after election. When Al Gore attempted this same move, it had angered the Democratic base so much that it produced a 3rd party candidate. This same weakness and cowardess led directly to the scam that happened in Florida.

It was only then when the country was so horribly mishandled by extremist reactionaries on the right, that the base of the left saw it necessary to stop this insanity.

The left put the Democrats back into control in the House and Senate in 2006 with two simple missions: End the war and Impeach George Bush. The reaction of Pelosi was that "impeachment was off the table", as she continued to fund the war. Democrats continued to allow ridiculous judicial nominees through. Democrats in Congress refused to investigate the crimes that had been committed by the President.

The left base was told that all you had to do is give us the House, a filibuster proof Senate, and the White House, and we'll deliver. They did that, and they did not deliver.

Time and time again the arrogant and self righteous members of the DLC continued to slap the faces of the people who put them in office.

When Obama was elected, he asked the American people to submit ideas of what they wanted from Washington. The number one request from them was the legalization of marijuana. When Obama was asked about this, he didn't even bother to call a press conference, he simply dismissed it out of hand to a reporter.  

That shows Class A major league contempt for the people who gave you your job.

The people demanded overwhelmingly for single payer health care. The Dems produced a fuck tarded frankenstein piece of shit bill that fucks parts of their base over, and they started this process by dismissing single payer right from the get go, and then ask the GOP to write the bill. That's some major league contempt right there.

The people demanded we get the holy fucking hell out of Iraq. Obama announced that we would be renaming our soldiers "advisors", and sending more people to Afghanistan. That's contempt.

This is what happens with DLC Dems. They are Republican-lite dipshits and morons who only know how to fuck things up and lose elections. Fuck them, I can't wait until they die off so I can piss on their graves.

Excuse me...I've had a bottle of wine and a few bowls tonight. Good thing netflix delivered so I have something to watch on TV tonight.

tjrevisted1198 reads

Thats ho9w he types so fast...

Anyways, looks like your back to being ''resonable'' for a liberal, WW..And I'm all for talkn to people..So welcome back, you lil space cadet you!!!!

...but no, that's not my job. I'm in the higher education field of employment. (is that vague enough?)

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