Politics and Religion

Thanks, Miss Manners, for your instructions in Board etiquette. Now you can get back to
mrhuck 15 Reviews 4339 reads
1 / 21

...without insult, both right & left sides on this debate forum have the" hatchet posters " that have nothing factual to add & only name calling & proof that they have no comprehension of what is being discussed. I understand how difficult these  discussions are for Trump supporters because almost all of the postings are more than critical of President Trump, but all the tit-for-tat name calling doe's nothing to advance your side of the argument. Try combating some of these leftwing posts with facts instead of insults & maybe you will actually get a valid point across.

JakeFromStateFarm 114 reads
2 / 21

When you ask for "facts instead of insults" you fail to understand that what is a "fact" to me is "fake news" to someone like swallowpee or nufool.  What we have in this country is dueling "facts" and it is very hard to, therefore, "get a valid point across."
Besides, in the Monkey House it's lots more fun to fling poo.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 150 reads
3 / 21

...convey a message that replies to posts should not resort to name-calling but should reply with facts.  This was obviously lost on YOU because you replied to his post calling for an end to name calling by...wait for it...NAME-CALLING!

You referred to followme and nuguy by the derogatory nicknames "swallowpee" and "nufool."  You also gleefully referred to this board as the "Monkey House" and proudly admitted that you have FUN flinging poo.

It's obvious that you love to stir up shit.  GaG and I used to fight like cats and dogs.  You're always trying to stir up shit between GaG and me so that we'll fight again.  You're like the alien entity from the Star Trek episode "Day of the Dove."  You stir up shit and feed off the anger.  Am I not right, Gonzo?

EuroModelsShown 100 reads
4 / 21

Don't assume that people have a side to the issue they wish to discuss.

JakeFromStateFarm 118 reads
5 / 21

bullying hookers and stabbing your fellow posters in the back.

-- Modified on 6/17/2017 9:07:40 AM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 87 reads
6 / 21
HappyChanges 161 reads
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The reasonable posters in this forum, who mostly support Trump, post clear and factual arguments. This a fuck board and we don't really have the numbers. The board is flooded with liberal snowflake nonsense.  Most of us don't even bother replying to their BS.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 143 reads
8 / 21

...By comparison the right wing posters provide far more name calling & far less factual information to their posts than the left leaning posters. Laffy & bigpapasan may do their share of name calling but they back up their posts with with news stories from conventional internet sources, you may call it "fake news" but you righties rarely are able to offer any better sources other than tweets from the "liar in chief. If you have any posters that offer a real factual argument to back up your claims tell them to chime in.

HappyChanges 188 reads
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Republicans now control the Presidency, Senate and the House of Representatives.  They control the majority of state governerships and state legislative branches. Neil Gorsuch was just confirmed to the supreme court by Trump and now the court now leans right.

This has all happened within the past eight years during Barack Obamas presidency. All the crying and whining on this fuck board cannot change that.  

balller 131 reads
10 / 21

reputable sources?  LOL  There ARE NO reputable sources these days.

The media has always made shit up and lied to benefit their lib brethren.  It is now MUCH worse.  No one trusts them anymore.  They are killing themselves.  Good.

As usual, your post is nonsense.

DoctorGonzo 106 Reviews 118 reads
11 / 21

... I tend to focus more on issues involving Jews and/or Israel when I feel slighted, or believe the topic to be relevant and of interest. As a protege of HST I've also frequently inserted myself into the discussion... that IS Gonzo journalism after all.

( *Authors note: I definitely piss in Laffy's cereal bowl when he's being particularly fetid. Still waiting for him to come up with something new though, its been two years since I commented approvingly about Trumps vow to move the Israeli embassy. I also approved of him shaving Vince McMahon's head at Wrestlemania 10 years ago when he was still just a celebrity billionaire buffoon.)  

BP, you've always been one to stir things up with anyone and and everyone, myself included. Never figured out what your motives or agenda really was except there seems to be a preference for a liberal progressive agenda. And you are without doubt THE Baron of the Boolean Search.    

Then my life went sideways and down the rabbit hole, so in order to survive, I've had to learn how not to give a fuck.  


PS - As for Jake, though we tend to disagree more than we agree, we manage to keep it civil while still denigrating the trolls. Does this mean Laffy will proclaim me n' Jake to be BFF's now? Hope Gag doesn't get too jealous.

PPS - See what you get when you ask my opinion?

JakeFromStateFarm 137 reads
12 / 21

No wonder the backstabber won't EVER rip Taffy, considering the outstanding service it provides.

mrhuck 15 Reviews 88 reads
13 / 21

...argue with the facts in your post, however I believe a good number of the reasons those facts became true were the unsavory politics & lies from Donald Trump & the republican party & to no small effort of Russian hacking. Trump's lies & name calling attacks during the republican primary debates were successful in stirring up the worst characteristics possible in the electorate including racism, sexism & Americans penchant for violence, I believe this combination of  unholy reasoning & an American electorate left vulnerable by a long & arduous recovery from one of the worst financial down falls this country has ever seen created the "perfect storm" that allowed your facts to sadly come true.

balller 135 reads
15 / 21

folks were tired of Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Reed, etc. were fucking arrogant, stupid and tone deaf.  And you STILL haven't learned.  Libs don't do self-reflection and humility even after the had a HISTORIC can of whoop-ass dropped on their asses and have been hemorrhaging voters and losing elections in throughout the Obama era .  Never mind that you shouldn't have made a felon (Filthy Hillary) your nominee.

How can you lose to a clown like Trump and blame anything else?

The American people had such a snootful of lib nonsense they saw Trump as the ONLY way out.

BLM, cop hunting, stagnant economy, governing by executive order, transgender bathrooms, insulting and threatening ALL those who disagree with you  . . . I could go on.  All the violence these days comes from libs - it's their go-to tactic.

Keep believing the excuses and that racism, sexism and Russia drove this and he will beat your ass again, no matter how much you pussies and your MSM sycophants wail.  Let's see how you do calling half of America racist helps you in the next election - particularly in the midwest.  The good news is that you will NEVER learn.

The only folks dumber than Republicans are Democrats.

You post was the predictable nonsense that we have come to expect of you.  Also, I love it when you plead for civility right AFTER you insult someone - libs like to hit, and wonder why they get hit back!

mrhuck 15 Reviews 86 reads
16 / 21

...will continue on posting his hateful KKK bullshit because that is all he's got, when it comes to facts & issues he is in the toilet. I am sure we will hear more from baller he needs to continue to make an ass of himself.

GaGambler 125 reads
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It was the FACTS that came out about her that did the most damage. and even if you don't like the manner of how the facts were revealed, even the Hillary camp didn't try to deny the most damaging facts that were revealed about her.

balller 111 reads
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Classic case of a lib under pressure, an irrational emotion-laced reply! LOL  BTW where does the KKK shit come from?

Civility to this lib means words like "KKK bullshit", "hateful" "toilet", "ass" . . . .  

Libs insult and call names when confronted with what are, to them, inconvenient truths.  They HATE is when someone points out their hysterical, factless nonsense.  When ALL is lost they call you a "racist".  Damn shame that they have, by gross overuse and the "chicken-little" approach, made the word meaningless.

With every child-like outburst, you make my point - you fucking child.


Meant for Huckleberry, sorry

-- Modified on 6/19/2017 2:42:34 PM

mrhuck 15 Reviews 90 reads
19 / 21

...a new alias troll with only foolish & negative posts in his short posting history I guess I can afford to be a bit less civil & doe's anyone ells know who baller  used to be ? We haven't heard from our old pal fm for a while.

mattradd 40 Reviews 123 reads
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in the same manner regarding Trump, he wouldn't be president today! ;)

balller 125 reads
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pretending to have principles - disagree with their nonsense.

This dude is REALLY unhinged, so he is on the right team (Jake-off, LTFM, Huck (?) . . .  

Somebody wake me up when any of them say something coherent.

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