Politics and Religion

Mister Red Baron 19 Reviews 1384 reads

That was very helpful

That is a quote from one of the other posters on this board.  It does not represent my thoughts.  

From what I have read on this board, it appears to me that several posters feel this way.

Would you please describe what specifically you fear would happen if the Democrats had complete control.

I see Democratic controlled branches of government losing the War on Terror. Noticed, I said war. The rules of engagement in war is different than in law enforcement. Only using law enforcement to fight terror will be a losing battle.

In war there is no time to read your Miranda rights and provide other constitutional guarantees such as the Writ of Habeaus Corpus. HIstory will demonstrate President Bush for all his foibles has executed the War on Terror, correctly. Remember, 3,000 of our fellow Americans died on 9-11, and Bush is not given credit for protecting us from harm. The Democrats do not know how to win a war and yes I do fear the military becoming a paper tiger, like the days before Ronald Reagan.

The most important cabinet position is the Secretary of Defense and I do not want to lose Robert Gates.

(2) The Fairness Doctrine and the Telecommunications Act of 1996. I see Democrats passing legislation that will further consolidate media control in the hands of a few. Pelosi, Biden, Obama receive an inordiante amount of support from Goggle, Disney and othe media sources. I will not expect the internet to remain free for long. The Fairness Doctrine will be one more step to limit speech and voices of dissent will be stamped.

(3) Guns. I can see the Democrats putting on more gun restrictions to limit the freedoms provided by the Second Amendment. Remember Waco. Well I see more of them under a Democratic administration.

(4) God. Yep, that's right I said it. I can see people being jailed for hate speech because they use the Bible to say Homosexuality is a sin. You see my friend in my world, Liberalism's goal is to replace God with government. Government has no heart, they don't follow a moral code they follow policy.

(5) Socialism. Following point number 4 above, in Obama's world he wants to take the role of God and spread the wealth himself. Those who work hard through Industry and thrift will be taxed. This is not conjecture, this is happening right now with this $700 billion bailout.

(6) The role of government. For me the role of government is very simply to provide for the common defense and general welfare. General welfare means I see government providing for the safety of it's citizens so that we don't ingest mercury because some dairy farm is feeding it to their cows etc. Reasonable regulation such as air safety laws is fine and good to protect the general welfare of society. What I do not like is the government running banks, the automobile industry, health care etc.

(7) Robert Rubin. We have seen happened and we will see it again. We will see the Secretary of Treasury bailing out more of his/her friends on Wall Street. Hank Paulson, Franlin Raines, Frank, are all part of the same click. Robert Rubin was the king bailouts. I am tired of this corruption.

(8) Judges. Here come the judges for the Supreme Court and who will they be. Yup! I am crossing my fingers.

(9) I really can't stand to listen to Pelosi, Frank, Reid the dwebe, Dodd, Biden and Obama on a continous news cycle. The Horror.

-- Modified on 10/21/2008 12:45:00 AM

kerrakles2944 reads

47 year old inexperienced POTUS

Over the hill left wing, liberal and partisan  Pelosi

Liberal, left wing I don't know why I am here Harry Reid.

How does that picture look to you?

Tax, tax, tax.........spend, spend, and spend.

We can fix everyones problem and that is what the Federal Government is meant to do.

Let us not bring up Democrats balancing the budget. That is Bill Clinton going against his own party and the Republicans and shutting down Government and getting Newt to back down. Let us not forget Bill also reformed Welfare. That Democrat, I like. The current cast of Pelosi, Reid and Obama scare the heck out of me.

No way O'Bomb has the guts to do that.

The closest thing to a specific I saw in there is you don't like tax and spend.  I ask you, isn't that better than the spend and no tax that we have experienced under Bush's fiscal policies?

kerrakles1822 reads

If you are not sacred of Pelosi and Reid legislating and O signing it, you don't know what is going on.

Pragmatic realistic rationalism is what is needed. Not some hyperbole unrealistic crap spun out as policy.

Really neither one will deliver on anything. The only difference is one is determined to hold the line and the other has grandiose ideas for spending over a Trillion in four years. If you want to see an economy worse than Nixon and Carter era go right ahead. I was a kid then but studied it in college.

I have a fear of horizontal strips and Micky Rourke's face, but I can't imagine anyone having a fear of Democrats.  Except for Democrats themselves.  You have nothing to fear but Democrats themselves.  I'm pretty sure a Democrat said that once.

GaGambler1637 reads

Is that BHO will consider a victory a mandate to actually force through his massive entitlement programs. With a Democratic Congress he may very well make good on his campaign promises at the worst possible time.

Removing the cap on SS alone will cost me hundreds of thousands and force me to make cuts on either capital investment or cutbacks in hiring. Neither is good for the economy in general or myself in specific.

I have said before, and I will repeat here. I am no big fan of McCain, but McCain will either have to reach across the aisle or encounter gridlock.  I would prefer either scenario over a country led by an emboldened Reid, Pelosi, and Obama.

There are other issues that come to mind, but in the interest of brevity we can talk about them at another time.

Statehood for DC (and all that brings including 2 idiot Democrat Senators and a congressman for perpetuity). Reparations for slavery. Affirmative action. "Hate Crimes" legislation. Government paid preschools for all. Someone please add any I haven't thought of.

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