Politics and Religion

TER members need to help Decriminalize Prostitution
Considerthis 5210 reads

Simply put, the members of TER need to advance the cause of decriminalization. What are you doing to help???

aside from flapping your fucking lips on a fuck board, what are you doing about it?

and BTW Go fuck yourself!!!

of prostitution laws. There are many good reasons why prostitution is illegal. I don't want my next door neighbor doing incall and you don't either.

   Whenever a third party is involved in prostitution, the likelihood of abuse, nuisance, and other crimes being committed is just too great to change the laws here. A complete decriminalization is not going to happen in our lifetimes. The groups who advocate this are clueless for not understanding the broad picture.

     What needs to be done is a very limited kind of decriminalization-  sex for pay in private in non-residential areas between consenting adults where no third party -i.e.,-pimp, agency - is involved. Here the social nuisance risks are very low and there is no reason why this should be illegal.

But complete decriminalization - no.

let the gov't act as pimp. That way providers can go to the cops if need be, they can get licensed to do what they do, along with medical checkups. I suspect that with complete legalization agencies and pimps would mostly go out of business anyway, but once it was legal, a provider could hire legitimate security guards just like you'd find at any other legal place of business.

zorrf2433 reads

Not wanting an establishment next door isn't a compelling reason for criminalization of prostitution.  If we outlawed an activity simply because it *may possibly* create a little disturbance or run afoul of another individual's personal preference, prisons would be full of innocent people; errr, *more* innocent people.  There are a litany of regulations and laws that would address any nuisances that result from your neighbor having an incall next door anyway:  Noise ordinances, HOA regulations, zoning laws etc.  It needn't be illegal to prevent quality of life concerns.  

And the criminality of prostitution is one of the main contributors to exploitation by third parities.  Think prohibition and organized crime…illegal gambling and organized crime…marijuana and organized crime.  If you create an environment where the average jane or joe has to go underground to participate in a harmless activity, there will always be some enterprising criminal there to exploit the fear of arrest and prosecution.  

Prostitution should be completely decriminalized without exception.  We can still address the parts of it that are wrong (child exploitation, abuse, kidnapping, etc) without prohibiting an adult woman from fucking for money in her apartment, or taking away her choice to work for a legitimate organization that markets and manages her.  This country is often far too punitive with no justification, and we pay for that with an inefficient criminal justice system -- which has its own web of consequences.

-- Modified on 9/19/2011 11:42:06 PM

criminalization actually increases exploitation by third parties. This is even more true in the drug area where our criminalization has driven the price of drugs so high that drug cartels existence is arguably predicated on the high price.

      I think using the next door neighbor example in my post was a mistake bc it led you and the other poster to conclude that this was my compelling reason for criminalization, rather than simply one of many reasons. I tried to explain it better in my response to Halfhour and tied it to the state of the law -i.e., complete decriminalization is never going to happen in our lifetimes but partial legalization under the Williams case is reasonably possible.

     That said, if I was going to argue complete decriminalization, I would make arguments very similar to the ones you made.

zorrf1244 reads

I'm usually pretty cynical about the capacity of Americans to do what's sensible, but I think it's possible to see complete decriminalization before we croak.  There are barriers, but I'm encouraged by how mainstream prostitution has become.  Sort of like porn, which itself used to be the target of law enforcement and grandstanding prosecutors.  

I also have to say, I can't see being too opposed to having an incall within walking distance either.  Sounds more like an amenity than a nuisance to me (unless the staff resembles livestock).  If a quality service sets up shop next door to you, perhaps you and I can do a house swap or some sort of time sharing arrangement.  Getting drunk and stumbling over to a house of ill repute for some neighborly interaction is fucking priceless.

HalfHour1491 reads

The laws are getting more stringent which means greater danger for you.

"There are many good reasons why prostitution is illegal. I don't want my next door neighbor doing incall and you don't either."

I can't even comment on the complete lack of logic and rationale you use here. I'm not intending to ridicule you on this. You need to REALLY seriously carry out your thoughts to the next natural progression so you don't ends up spouting nonsensical shit.

Here's an example to compare and contrast an idea to give a sort of litmus test.

All of these thoughts have a legitimacy to some, many or most people:

"I don't want my next door neighbor having an orgy and you don't either."

"I don't want my next door neighbor having automatic weapons in his home and you don't either."

"I don't want my next door neighbor to be raising sheep in his home and you don't either."

"I don't want my next door neighbor bringing homeless people to his house to feed and you don't either."

... and so,,,
"That is good reasons to make orgies illegal, owning automatic weapons illegal, raising sheep illegal, feeding homeless people illegal."

**Prostitution is fucking between consenting adults.

**Prostitution is the giving of money between adults.

You're close friend calls and says she needs $200 fast. You tell her to come on over and get it. She does, and tells you, she doesn't know when or if she can pay you back. You tell her 'forget it!' You are glad to help and someday she can do something nice for you. She give you a kiss and while close says, with a smile as she bites her lip and rubs your chest, she can so something nice right now. She procedes to fuck your brains out in gratitude.

That shit happens. It happens next door to you.

Technically to many people, although difficult to prosecute, she has prostituted herself and you are a john.

Now before you miss the forst for the trees and start picking apart my example, let me say 2 things.

First, the ridiculousness of that scenario being considered prostitution is exactly what makes laws against prostitution ridiculous. We could spend a day going through all the sex-exchanged-for-something-else that goes on everywhere, every day, including some marriages.

Secondly, if you are a hobbyist or monger of whatever you want to call it, and you believe the things you say about keeping it illegal, then you are the biggest hypocritical fucked-up piece of shit that I can imagine. Fuck you.


   Dude – we did decide you a dude and not Anna didn’t we? – you are placing undue emphasis on the one example I gave. If I have not thought this out properly as you contend (which is always possible), then you have to address my actual reasoning.

     I don’t support complete decriminalization for two reasons:

      1. There are sound policy reasons for making many forms of prostitution illegal.

     2. The political climate is so against prostitution that a complete decriminalization will not happen in our lifetimes.

      Let’s start with Number 1 - Prostitution has a staggering history of trafficking of underaged as well as adult women; of permitting the spread of sexually transmitted diseases; of placing women at risk of abuse and danger to their health; of fostering the commission of other crimes (just read the Miami Companion and Desert Divas indictments) and as operating as a nuisance that reduces property values and community pride. These and other policy concerns are why prostitution is illegal in this country.

     I cannot in good conscience say “let’s make it all legal” just bc I can call up a top rated independent TER lady and none of these bad things will happen. So clearly the law should be drafted to keep prostitution illegal wherever these legitimate policy concerns are present.

    As I see it, the problem is the laws are overbroad- they prohibit me and the TER lady from contracting even though we would cause no harm in a misguided effort to prevent the parade of horribles above.

     Number 2- complete decriminalization is not going to happen in our lifetime so why waste time on such a quixotic effort?

     But the Supreme Court recently ruled that a Texas law prohibiting sodomy between consenting adults in the privacy of their home is unconstitutional bc there is no state interest here and more importantly said these kind of laws cannot be justified by advancement of a moral code. So this opens the door to a slight decriminalization of prostitution that tracks this case. I added make it non-residential in my post to avoid the nuisance problem of my next door neighbor doing incall, the example on which you jumped.

    If the pro advocacy groups would get behind this kind of limited decriminalization, there is a real chance we could get the laws changed.

     So you are certainly free to say this is hypocritical and not properly reasoned but, if this is your belief, explain why. But do not focus solely on the example without addressing the underlying reasoning.

and with very few of the undue effects to what you refer to. If Church dominated countries like Colombia and Brazil can manage to deal with legalized prostitution, why can't we?

As you know I spend quite a bit of time in these various countries enjoying the benefits of their less puritanical laws and lovely women, and I can tell you first hand that the problems you are concerned about are quite manageable.

movement in that direction at all and I do not see it happening in the foreseeable future.

   Outside of Nevada and maybe San Francisco, I doubt there are any state legislators that support a complete decriminalization. I Illinois they are going the other way with ever more stricter laws that some believe make basic prostitution a felony in some circumstances. In Arizona, there is mandatory jail time for first time offenses and LE is aggressively busting em left and right. The feds have shown they are active as the Miami Companions bust indicates.

      The state AG placed heavy pressure on Craigslist to remove its adult ads and don't think for a moment that TER is
immune from this if it gets big enough, or if some high profile crime is committed by a TER member.

    Just don't see it happening.

HalfHour1522 reads

...can't discuss shit with dichotomous thinking...

PS: If you're not sure I'm a dude, you can suck on my cock until you are convinced, you pseudo-intellectual pipsqueek. ;)



Decriminalization is possible, but you do have to work for it.

A few tips from a life long activist:

1)find an organization that is working on decriminalization and join it.

2)if you can't find one locally, form an organization.

3) Use meetup.com and other social websites to encourage others to join.

4) Ask your local representative to meet with your group, and tell him what you want and why.

5) Pay your representative money. The ever important bribe...ahem....campaign donation makes a difference.

6) Rinse, wash, repeat. Write a few letters to the editor while you're at it.

7) Don't stop until you've accomplished your goals.

lastly, if meeting with your representative is out of the question, a phone call to his/her office and a letter campaign works well too.

DO NOT BOTHER WITH EMAILS. It is a complete waste of time.

GanjaKing1299 reads

If it becomes legal profits will fall drastically.

...you know what else will fall? Costs.

A while back I looked into the going prices in Europe where it is legal. From what I can figure, it would take $100 off established prices.

So would a provider prefer to take $100 off her price in exchange for not having to deal with the stress and headache of doing things covertly, without any risk of dealing with the law, and be able to call the police if need be without repercussion?

I dunno. But it sounds like a pretty damn good deal to me. Especially once you factor in that if it's legal, a lot more guys would feel more free to participate in this hobby.

I'm more concerned that if prostitution was legalized that it would be so heavily regulated that normal free market principals wouldn't apply. The reason why the underground economy exists is to address inefficiencies in the economy that are brought about by undue regulation.

Considerthis1308 reads

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