Politics and Religion

Ted Nugent said he would kill himself in 2012 if Obama was
Badboy1234 10 Reviews 92 reads

Re-elected.  Shows what liars the right wingers are, but what do you expect.

The Left has called every republican president since WW2 a nazi fascist dictator.  Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2.  On the way to W’s first inauguration on the mall, I walked passed a guy shouting “Heil Bush-ler!” over and over while giving the nazi salute.  
Yet, so far no concentration camps.
The boy who cried wolf eventually doesn’t get listened to.

Interesting that Nazi is an acronym for National Socialist Worker’s Party.  
All 20th century mass murdering dictators were Leftists: Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Hitler.
Interesting that FDR was the closest to an actual fascist dictator the USA ever had
- Broke the Washingtonian tradition of 2 terms, became President for Life ala banana republics
- Attempted to pack the supreme court to get around constitutional checks and balances
- Massively consolidated centralized control in the Federal Government
- Oversaw actual concentration camps (Japanese relocation

...The 22nd Amendment, passed after FDR's death, set the limit at two terms.  And how the hell was he "President for Life?"  He won free and fair elections, not something you find in a banana republic.

The legality of the Japanese relocation camps was decided by the Supreme Court in three famous cases - Korematsu, Yasui and Hirabayashi.  This was the law of the land (rightly or wrongly), the same way it would be today if the Republican Congress would pass some outrageous law, e.g., all Muslims be forced into relocation camps, and that law would be rubber stamped by a Supreme Court packed with conservative Republican appointees.  Don't think it can happen?  Think again.  GaG may soon be wishing he had his precious gridlock back, but he threw that out the window because of his visceral hatred (just like followme) of Hillary Clinton.

-- Modified on 11/10/2016 2:21:40 PM

GaGambler181 reads

Trump is going to face just as much opposition for most of his plans from the far right, "real" conservatives who failed to back him in the election, as he will from the Dems who appear to be preparing to give the GOP a "taste of their own medicine" by trying to block EVERYTHING he proposes, not to mention the power elite of the establishment who will NEVER accept Trump as the leader of the country because of him being a political outsider.  

Lets see just how much POTUS Trump can get done compared to how much Candidate Trump promised to do. My first prediction is that the wall is going to take even longer to start than it has taken Obama to close Gitmo. Remember his promise to shut down Gitmo, even going so far as to sign an executive order the day after taking office to have it shut down within one year. How did that work out for him? and remember Obama had a super majority in Congress when he was first elected.

Your points about FDR and the internment camps I agree with, except of course that Trump does NOT have a court packed with conservative Republican appointees.

I think you hit the nail on the head.  Trump is not a real conservative. Hell, he was a Democrat or an independent for longer than he's been a Republican.  Does anybody actually think that international corporations like Bechtel, Koch Industries or Halliburton are going to let him touch any of the trade agreements that benefit them so well?  Do you think the automobile industry is going to allow him to build a border wall?  Is any millionaire going to be able to find some fat lazy redneck on welfare or SSDI to mow his lawn or bus the tables down at the club?

No, it's obvious that the more things change, the more they will stay the same. It's just a matter of keeping Trump distracted by PYT on the the White House staff.  Watch it happen.  


Posted By: GaGambler
Trump is going to face just as much opposition for most of his plans from the far right, "real" conservatives who failed to back him in the election, as he will from the Dems who appear to be preparing to give the GOP a "taste of their own medicine" by trying to block EVERYTHING he proposes, not to mention the power elite of the establishment who will NEVER accept Trump as the leader of the country because of him being a political outsider.  
 Lets see just how much POTUS Trump can get done compared to how much Candidate Trump promised to do. My first prediction is that the wall is going to take even longer to start than it has taken Obama to close Gitmo. Remember his promise to shut down Gitmo, even going so far as to sign an executive order the day after taking office to have it shut down within one year. How did that work out for him? and remember Obama had a super majority in Congress when he was first elected.  
 Your points about FDR and the internment camps I agree with, except of course that Trump does NOT have a court packed with conservative Republican appointees.

JakeFromStateFarm144 reads

1) No one ever called all those Republicans names like that.  Except Nixon and Bush 2.
2) While I don't expect any Trump concentration camps, "so far" is only two days so any conclusion is a tad premature.  And, by the way, whatever happened for that whole "Obama's coming for our guns!" shriek?
3) Hitler was a "Leftist?"  What school of political science did you go to?  Ed's?
4) I'll give you your points on FDR.  That means you're batting .250.

He was a Socialist.  Of the Socialist Worker's Party

the fact you are too dumb to get that is because you have been duped by the successful smear campaign of the Left, which realized Hitler was toxic to their brand, and so tried to pin him on the right.

Nobody ever called Reagan a Nazi?  or Bush 1?  OK, I'm politically naïve and confused, YOU are well informed ....not

JakeFromStateFarm123 reads

Just because the Nazis used the word "Socialist" in their full name does NOT mean they were actually Socialists.  If you really think Socialist and Fascist are synonyms there is really no hope for you

To an extent. Especially in his earlier years. The NSDAP was actually a combination of both ideologies with fascism winning out after power was attained and the economy improved and the diplomatic and military victories began to pile up.

-- Modified on 11/11/2016 9:30:17 PM

And Reagan has been called a lot of well-deserved bad names, but "Nazi" wasn't one of them. The Iran-Contra Affair was rather deplorable, to use trendy vernacular, and he was the first to prove the failure of trickle down, but I could've told him that wouldn't work without the pain of empirical evidence.

No, I'm afraid Trump is the first to break with the Neo-Fascist Corporate Oligarchy ideology of the recent arrivals and return to old-fashioned straight up Fascisism in the classical sense. The sad point is that a lot of the votes he got (if indeed he actually got those votes instead of election officials fiddling with the numbers--just saying) were cast by people who a couple of short decades ago would've been staunch Democrats. Go figure.

I hope you like your blue-eyed boy as much as Putin does. We'll see what happens, won't we.

He manipulated the uneducated and the stupid and reaffirmed their bigotry and xenophobia. In that respect, he followed Hitler.

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