Politics and Religion

A test to see if you still have a sense of humor. Delicate Donny vs. SNL
JakeFromStateFarm 4622 reads

Alec Baldwin as The Donald on SNL has been, in my personal opinion, quite uneven.  Sometimes funny, sometimes not, but never outright hilarious.  Last night, however, was a home run of hilarity.  But, so far, no tweets from Delicate Donny.  See what you think of this one....

GaGambler351 reads

This clip was a bit funnier than most, but I think it was funny "in spite" of Alec Baldwin, not because of him. I don't remember the cast member's name as I rarely if ever watch the show, but the Putin character did a GREAT Putin. Balwin was kind of meh, in comparison.  

I will agree, Trump tweeting about them is like engaging LTM in "debate" all it does is give them a semblance of credibility and is EXACTLY what SNL is hoping for. Quite frankly SNL has been on a downward slide since the 80's and I doubt that I have watched more than a half dozen complete shows in the last 20+ years.

BTW, I didn't watch the show so the only skit I have seen was the opening you linked. I have no idea if the rest of the show was funny, somehow I kind of doubt it.


-- Modified on 12/18/2016 11:02:25 AM

But in general, I was NEVER been big on SNL,even when it premiered in the 70's...just wasn't my thing.

...I thought it was funny. John Goodman's appearance was welcomed surprise and his interaction with "Putin" was right on the money. I still think that Alec Baldwin is overdoing it though.  

A side note: tomorrow after electors' vote we'd find out how serious democrats were about that whole Russian hacking thing. My guess is that on Tuesday they'd start seriously toning things down

GaGambler350 reads

I agree that all but the most rabid Dems will start toning it down and that Trump once he is secure in office will start to concede the intelligence agencies weren't all wrong.

I think it was unrealistic for Trump to be expected to call for inquiries that would be completely contrary to his own interests of becoming POTUS until AFTER the electoral college confirms the election results and makes it official. Any one who thinks Hillary, or any other politician would have called a "foul" on themselves is an idiot. This is not the PGA, where honor rules, this is politics.

Trump OTOH is not an idiot, he knows he has to work with these various intelligence agencies and I am sure he is going to take steps in that direction, but only AFTER he is secure in the fact that no one is going to try to steal the election from him.

...the results of what happens tomorrow until about January 6. Imagine if on that date we all find out that Trump didn't make it to 270? True, a highly unlikely scenario but think of what you would've thought if year-n-half ago I'd have told you that your next president would be Donald Trump?  

I think that taking all this into account the Congress is going to move the counting ballots day up, maybe even to before the New Years. Crazier things have happened and with all that Russian connection and with Cold War sentiments are still very much alive, if not dominant in America, the Congress would do the right thing if it counts electoral ballots sooner rather then later. It would be better for the country if not for the world and it would certainly be better for Trump.  

In any case, even in such a far fetched scenario there is absolutely zero chance that if it's not Trump it would be HRC.  
Imagine, Laffy, if it's not Trump and they all end up voting for... Ted Cruz! A-ha-ha-ha-ha! A-ha-ha-ha-ha!

-- Modified on 12/18/2016 4:19:25 PM

86H13LTP244 reads

meltdowns .  Just once I wish I could see him in a bar or restaurant with a chick so I could walk by their table scratching my balls .

As previously mentioned, Baldwin overplays and misdirects his caricature of DJT.

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