Politics and Religion

Superman to renounce his US citizenship? part II
XiaomingLover1 67 Reviews 2468 reads

Yeah, when Superman is an Israeli citizen, what motley collection of Arab/Moslem Islamofasistic Jihadists will be able to stand against The Light Unto The Nations?  All the long-standing baddies of the Tel Aviv/AIPAC/Washington Axis of Absurdity – Iran, Syria, Libya, the Sudan, the Shiites and the Sunnis and the Wahabists, Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, Al-Queda,  madrassas school alumni, Peace Now, the Al Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Amnesty International, PETA, grubby halal food truck vendors, whoever and whatever, will be reduced to a piddling insignificance compared to the incredible powers wielded by  the Israeli Man of Steel.

While the Arab world will have to suffer being on the wrong end of Israeli Superman with no chance of redress, this turn of events would be an incredible boon to the USA.  After nearly a half-century, finally free of the self-imposed burden of arming, financing and all-around supporting the world’s most cosmically over-hyped and ridiculously insignificant country [though not historically insignificant when you consider the great legacies of monotheism and circumcision] the USA would probably be able, at a start, to reduce its defense spending by half a trillion dollars a year.  Gone will be the requirement to support a world-bestriding defense establishment whose primary mission is to project power in the Middle East and Persian Gulf area on behalf of Israel’s exigency du jour, though most Americans are such clucks that they’ve allowed themselves to believe that those forces are intended to protect access to oil, if not indeed to misappropriate it for the iniquitous benefit and unjust enrichment of ExxonMobil, Dick Cheney and Haliburton.  Gone will be the need to maintain multiple, ever-changing standards to benefit Israel and a different standard to which all others are held.  No more having to veto half a dozen UN Security Council resolutions each and every year.  No more having to suffer undisguised Israeli interference in the working-out of purely domestic US political processes.

Just think what the USA can do with that half a trillion dollars.  Domestic infrastructure repair.  Universal medical coverage via single payer.  Lots more money for foreign aid and economic development in impoverished third world countries [OK, that’s really a stretch].  Research and development into renewable, non-polluting sources of energy not based on hydrocarbons.  Effective mass transit systems.  Name any boondoggle you favor, we’ll be able to finance it.  Truth be told, that half a trillion dollars will be chewed up pretty quickly, but at least it’s going to projects of more immediate benefit to the American masses than the ongoing promotion and defense of Israeli aggression, war crimes and ethnic cleansing in the Middle East.

It will also be interesting to see how much improved our domestic political scene will become.  Human ebola viruses like Alan Dershowitz, Abe Foxman, David Harris and other of that ilk too numerous and too loathsome and projectile-vomit inducing to list will no longer have to engage in their McCarthyite fear-mongering, hate-mongering and reputation-blackening on behalf of their favorite country. The unspeakably reprehensible Pamela Geller can stop worrying about Cordoba 51 and return to worrying about her next round of very badly needed cosmetic surgery. Creepy pandering politicos like Peter King will no longer have to dance to the Likudist music at the drop of a hat, or suffer the threat of being reamed out sans lube [figuratively speaking of course] at the hands of  cruel, capricious, demanding and never- satisfied political masters in Tel Aviv. The terminally ridiculous and obviously brain-addled Sarah Palin can toss her curtains and drapes, of which she’s so proud, with their Israeli flag designs.  POTUS Obama and other can finally trash their lapel pins with the linked US and Israeli flags. Mike Huckabee will accumulate a lot less frequent flyer miles, as he’s no longer going to have to make so many trips to Israel to breathe life into DOA presidential ambitions which exist in his mind and absolutely nowhere else. He can go back to doing something more productive and honest, like being a paid spokesperson for Weight Watchers or Slim Fast or Nutri-System. The loathsome Rev  Hagee and his cosmically deluded apocalyptically-minded flock will be dumped by our Israeli Likudist buddies like they were a 100 pound chunk of plutonium, and they’ll have to go back to being contend with faith healing, snake handling, speaking in tongues as they thrash around on the ground and foam at the mouth, an occasional exorcism and just being general all around geeks providing guilty pleasures to the rest of us.

So, much will turn on Superman’s willingness to make himself a handmaiden of Israeli national interests.  Having renounced his US citizenship because he fears being seen as an instrument of US foreign policy, will the Man of Steel do an immediate 180 and become the plaything of the Zionist ambitions of Bibi, Tzipi, Avigndor Lieberman, Natan Sharansky, Michael Oren and Joe Lieberman?  It seems unlikely, truth be told, but no one should ever doubt the unrivaled Israeli ability to get others, be they individuals or entire nations, to act in the interests of Israel, even when those actions are manifestly contrary to the individual and national self-interest of the non-Israeli actor [please see – US foreign policy in the Middle East for the last half-century]. So, first stop:  Iranian nuclear facilities? And the second stop will be the destruction of the UN in NYC?  And then….?

So, will Superman cease being a defender of “truth, justice and the American way” and now become the living embodiment of “propagandistic falsehoods, transparently  obvious injustices, and the Likudist way”?  Will his superhero peers in the Justice League of America be forced to expel him from that august body?  Stay tuned, amigos mios.

What will be the effect on international politics if Superman becomes Israel’s ultimate weapon?  There are two classic options, and if you’ve wasted enough time of your life and read through the historical and political science literature, you are aware of each.  States can either “bandwagon” and line up on the side of  Superman-powered Israel [historically, bandwagoning rarely occcurs], or they can “balance” [thank you, Quincy Wright, Kenneth Waltz and Stephen Walt] and ally themselves against the Superman-powered Zionist Entity [the much more likely alternative].  So, do not at all be surprised to witness some long standing hatchets being buried, and do not at all be surprised to start reading alarmist stories about Iran’s/Libya’s/Syria’s/Iraq’s/North Korea’s/fill in the name of your favorite nation-state malefactor’s frenzied efforts to weaponize kryptonite.

As out Gallic friends are wont to say  : “ Plus ça change, plus c'est  la même chose.” [In translation] “the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

Be seeing you in the comic book [er, excuse me, the graphic novels] aisle of Barnes & Noble.

I think that this is #3011, i've been on hiatus so long i've lost count.  aAparetly marikod seems to have taken his leave of this fine forum? He was the unofficial "offficial" scorekeeper.

given that we now see he was right about the Goldstone Report in part. He is also very much against torture, a refreshing position, given the current debate about torture is whether it works or not rather than whether it should be prohibited.

     Plus the guy is defending Julian Assange - the current villain de jour in this country - and believes Amanda Knox - the current victim de jour - is innocent. You've got to love that.

    If we could just convince him to evaluate the de minimus threat posed directly by Iran a little more reasonably, he wouldn't be so bad a guy, so I think "human ebola virus" is a little strong.

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